Yogi Bhajan's Seven Years in America and His Tinkling Titles

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Tuesday, December 27, 2011, 11:58 (4797 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

Reply to a comment by a Yogi Bhajan 3HOer by an ex YBer at this forum: http://forums.delphiforums.com/Kamallarose/messages?msg=1203.522 "after the Siri Singh Sahib received the title in 1972"

Sorry, old chap. YB never went to India in 1972.

A Bhajanista friend of yours - Guru Gian Singh - recently posted:

"He given the title (sic) Siri Singh Sahib by he president of the SGPC (governing body of Sikh Temples in India) "

and in the same post:

"Sant Charan Singh called him the Siri Singh Sahib, Chief Religious and Administrative Authority for the Western Hemisphere,"

First of all, the SGPC president being referenced was Sant Fateh Singh. He died at the start of 1972 by which time he was no longer SGPC president.

Second of all, in YB's own words: "Sant Fateh Singh suggested that I should be a kind of Siri Singh Sahib". He was talking about his visit to India in 1971.

Well, Sant Fateh Singh can suggest all that he wants but that does not create a title as he was not authorized to confer titles without the approval of the SGPC which is like a kind of parliament. Present day SGPC presidents are under the same restriction.

How many times does it have to be stated: there was NEVER any official title of Siri Singh Sahib given to YB by the SGPC or the Akaal Takhat. He WAS, however, given the title of Singh Sahib, no small honor indeed, but a far cry from the bloated, ego inflating and historically unprecedented title of Siri Singh Sahib.

Gurcharan Singh Tohra, who became the president of SGPC after Sant Fateh Singh, very clearly stated in an article in Time magazine that such a title had never been given and that such a title did not even exist in Sikhi. I cannot think of anyone with more authority to state the truth about what the SGPC does or has done than the sitting president of same.

Here's exactly what was written: High Priest Guruchuran Singh Tohra, president of the management committee for northern India's Sikh temples, confirms that his council has given "full approval" to 3HO and recognizes the yogi as a preacher. Tohra, however, says that this does not mean that Bhajan is the Sikh leader of the Western Hemisphere, as he claims. The Sikhs do not create such offices. Nor, Tohra adds, has the committee given Bhajan the rarely bestowed title, Siri Singh Sahib (the equivalent of saying "Sir" three times), which he uses.

(The reporter made a couple of mistakes: The SSS title is not RARELY bestowed; it is NEVER (before, since, or ever) bestowed. It is also not really the equivalent of saying "Sir" three times but let's let that go).

The simple truth of the matter is that SSS title was conferred upon YB by YB. Not only that, but he didn't even start using it until 73 or 74. If the title was formally given to him in 1971, why did he not immediately start to use it?

In Sikhi there are, officially, only five Singh Sahibs. They are the jathedars of the five takhats. YB, by the way, refused to recognize the fifth takhat.

And please note that they are jathedars, NOT priests.

Oh, and by the way, it is JATHEdar, not jethadar. You probably put that in just to piss me off.

While we are on the subject, there are NO ministers in Sikhi. YB's titles of SSS. MSS and SS may exist but they are against SRM and they have no meaning to mainstream Sikhs. According to SRM, any Sikh may recite from SGGS, any Sikh may lead any SRM approved ceremony or do ardas for the whole sangat.

Similarly the Khalsa Council is in no way sanctioned by SRM. In historical traditions, decisions were made by Sarbat Khalsa. an assembly of the entire panth. In Gurdwaras, committees are generally elected by democratic vote. The idea of a council by appointment - not that it ever had any power - is anathema to Sikhi.

I need to do a little research on the fifth takhat to get the historical perspective but I want to post this, particularly after my previous post. It seems that the "Jathedar of th Akaal Takhat is not really an historical post. Read on:

Akal Takht Sahib is the senior-most seat of Sikh authority. The Hukamnamas issued from Akal Takht Sahib are obligatory for each and every Sikh. A Sikh daring to defy the Hukamnama of Akal Takht Sahib ceases to be a member of the Sikh Panth.

On October 12, 1920, the priests performing the routine duties at Akal Takht Sahib left the throne unattended. At this the Sikhs present there selected a Jatha (band) of 25 Sikhs to take care of Akal Takht Sahib. Jathedar Teja Singh Bhucher was appointed the Jathedar (leader) of this Jatha. Since then, by mistake or due to ignorance, the term Jathedar has come to be used for Akal Takht Sahib.

The destination of "Jathedar" of Akal Takht Sahib has become so popular among a large number of Sikhs that this is being considered a dictatorship or kingship. In the Sikh philosophy and throughout the history of the Sikh nation, there is no mention of a designation such as "Jathedar of Akal Takht Sahib". As evidenced by the Sikh history, the decisions with regard to the Sikh nation issues, had been taken by the Sarbat Khalsa (the Sikh Commonwealth) and the Gurmatas (resolutions) of the Sarbat Khalsa were released as Hukamnamas by the caretaker of Akal Takhat Sahib. The caretaker of Akal Takht Sahib can not issue any orders by himself according to his whim. (it is strange that the Sikh intelligentsia has exhibited impotency by acquiescing the mutilation of the institution of Akal Takht Sahib. On the other hand, the anti - Sikh forces, under the command of the Anti-Sikhism School, too, have collaborated to make attempts at degrading the status of Akal Takht Sahib).

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