Ask SikhNet why the Secretary General of Yogi Bhajan 's Sikh Dharma Worldwide promotes Hindu god Hanuman!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Friday, July 27, 2012, 15:59 (4510 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

Gurujot Kaur's "Spirit Voyage" website says, "Praise to Hanuman! Let the expansion (dissolution of evil) be firm and final. Praises to the Great One (great teacher) who carries compassion (kripa)." Note that Gurujot Kaur is the marketing director at Yogi Bhajan's "Spirit Voyage" website along with Hargobind Khalsa – CEO Gurunam Singh – Retail Sales Manager, not to mention Guru Ganesha Singh Khalsa who is the owner of Spirit Voyage, where the article promoting Hanuman was published. My point is that Yogi Bhajan followers have left Sikhism & it is our job to make them and our Sikh brothers and sisters aware of this so we can bring 3HOers back into the Khalsa Panth. Be sure to view this link where the article promoting Hanuman was published.


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