Jesse Bateau said on facebook in reply to: Sikhism section on Amazon Books is for books about Sikhs NOT Yogi Bhajan Kundalini Yoga books!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Sunday, July 21, 2013, 12:46 (4162 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

Jesse Bateau said on facebook in reply to “Sikhism section on Amazon Books is for books about Sikhs NOT Yogi Bhajan Kundalini Yoga books!,

“I sent Amazon an email, and I do hope that if they receive enough of them, that they will change the way that the organize their books. I would not want my children to look up the words "Sikh" or "Sikhism" and come up with a book on Tantric Sex yoga, which is exactly what i came up with when i looked it up. I got Tantric Sex yoga and a book by the so-called "yogi" Bhajan right next to a translation in English of our beloved Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. I let them know that this is highly upsetting, it is outrageous, and causes much anger and resentment. I also gave them some statistics about how many Sikhs there are worldwide who are potential customers of theirs, so it would be advantageous for them to change their practices so as not to upset their potentially millions of customers. And there are millions of Sikhs, not just in India but throughout the world, who can use the computer any day and order books from them, in India as well as in Great Britain, the US, Canada, all over. I am hoping that it will do some good. Thank you, Gursant, for bringing this to our attention."

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