SikhNet's Yogi Bhajan "Bowing Jaap Sahib" is anti- Sikh & promotes Shiva / Shakti tantric yoga practices!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Wednesday, October 09, 2013, 03:07 (4145 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

SikhNet's Yogi Bhajan "Bowing Jaap Sahib" is anti- Sikh & promotes Shiva / Shakti tantric yoga practices!


Sikhs shouldn't be fooled by Yogi Bhajan's false anti- Sikh kundalini yoga teachings! These tantric yogas of frantically bowing while reciting Jaap Sahib were designed by Yogi Bhajan only to give the practitioner man-made "power" & sexual energy".

If Guru Gobind Singh Ji had wanted his Sikhs to practice this yoga bowing manmat rubbish, he would have told us so. After participating in this kind of man-made tantric yoga for 30 years that Yogi Bhajan preached , Guru Sahib showed me that Yogi Bhajan only wanted power & money.

Dr. Trilochan Singh wrote a great book about Yogi Bhajan and his corrupt practices which was a real eye-opener for me & I encourage all to read it very carefully. You may view this video where I read the entire book from cover to cover or you may download the book for free at my website:

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book as a pdf):

Also please read my book which gives a lot of info about Bhajan and his false teachings too: Gursant Singh's " Confessions of an American Sikh " provides an inside look into the life of one American Sikh. Born into a white Christian family, Singh converted to Sikhism in his twenties and devoted nearly three decades to a cult lead by Yogi Bhajan. Then, while traveling in India, he learned the true practice of Eastern Sikhism. only 0.99 cents on Amazon Kindle Books

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