SikhNet's hidden directors file for Bankcruptcy. Documents detail lavish lifestyle of CEO Kartar Khalsa!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Friday, February 24, 2012, 17:56 (4707 days ago)
edited by Gursant Singh, Saturday, March 03, 2012, 21:07

Golden Temple execs who make Yogi Tea file for bankruptcy!
Golden Temple CEO Kartar Khalsa and management group which controls all Yogi Bhajan businesses including the Kundalini Research Institute(KRI), SikhNet and used to make Peace Cereal before selling it to Hearthside Foods for a cool 70 million dollars, lived a "lavish lifestyle"!
Kartar Khalsa, head of Yogi Bhajan's empire and CEO of the Unto Infinity Board which controls SikhNet, the Kundalini Research Institute(KRI) and makes Yogi Tea.

Documents detail lavish lifestyle of company CEO
By Sherri Buri McDonald

The Register-Guard

Published: (Friday, Feb 24, 2012 05:01AM) Midnight, Feb. 24

Documents detail lavish lifestyle of company CEO
Kartar Khalsa lists a current monthly income of $64,070..... Khalsa’s ex-wife, Sat Mander Kaur Khalsa, is listed as an unsecured creditor with a priority claim for $910,000 in alimony......

You may think Gurumustuk Singh or Guruka Singh contols SikhNet but this is not the case. In a recent court battle in Oregon, stimulated by the infighting over Yogi Bhajan's business empire, evidence has surfaced showing the true corporate structure of SikhNet. SikhNet is controlled by the Sikh Dharma Unto Infinity Board which also controls all other Yogi Bhajan businesses. Kartar Khalsa is the board's chairman and he is not even a Sikh! Now these executives have filed for bankruptcy!
Kartar Khalsa, head of Yogi Bhajan's empire, testifying in an Oregon court.

When asked if he felt remorse for selling the brand name Golden Temple to a non-Sikh company, he said, “No. It was just part of the deal.” If Kartar is willing to readily sell off the Golden Temple brand name for several million dollars, I don't think you'd want donations going to SikhNet, another 3HO business controlled by Yogi Bhajan profiteers.
Attachment #3 pg 14 for exhibits showing "Current Corporate Structure" in the recent court battle in Oregon over Yogi Bhajan's empire. You can clearly see SikhNet Oregon and (KRI)the Kundalini Research Institute under the UI Board who's members declared bankruptcy. SikhNet is officially a registered non-profit organization in the State of Oregon.

SikhNet makes the false claim they are not funded by Golden Temple Foods who's executives filed for bankruptcy and lived lavish lifestyles. "We(SikhNet) rely on two funding sources (1) Donations from users and "sponsors" and (2) membership fees." Golden Temple Foods which makes millions from using the sacred Sikh symbols for commercial profit, donated at least $25,0000 to SikhNet last year according to a 3HOer in a comment for a SikhNN article covering The Fight For Yogi Bhajan’s business Empire

Golden Temple execs file for bankruptcy
The company’s CEO and management group seek protection against claims that may follow a lawsuit
By Sherri Buri McDonald

The Register-Guard

Published: (Friday, Feb 24, 2012 05:01AM) Today



Golden Temple CEO Kartar Singh Khalsa and the company’s management group, which includes Khalsa and five other top company executives, have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy .

Khalsa and the other executives sought the protection of the bankruptcy court in anticipation of large claims being filed against them after they lost a lawsuit in December.

Multnomah County Circuit Judge Leslie Roberts ruled that Khalsa breached his fiduciary duties to the Sikh religious community founded by the late Yogi Bhajan and that he and other Golden Temple Management members were unjustly enriched, when they gained ownership of 90 percent of the prosperous company in 2007.

The company grew out of a bakery founded by members of the local Sikh community in the 1970s, for the community’s benefit. It evolved into Golden Temple, producer of Peace cereal and Yogi Tea, among other products, which were long a cornerstone of Lane County’s natural foods industry.

Golden Temple sold its cereal division in May 2010 for $71 million to Hearthside Food Solutions. The Illinois-based baker continues to make Peace Cereal, Sweet Home Farms granola and other cereal products at its plant in Eugene.

Khalsa and Golden Temple Management were in court-ordered mediation on Thursday with U.S. District Judge Michael Hogan in an attempt to craft a reorganization plan that most of the creditors would support and that would provide a dividend to unsecured creditors, according to court orders filed Tuesday.

A meeting of creditors is scheduled in Eugene on March 19.

The bankruptcy filings are the latest twist in the legal troubles that for more than two years have wracked the local Sikh community, Golden Temple and Khalsa, a former Eugene resident and prominent business leader who chaired the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce.

In both bankruptcy filings, the assets listed greatly exceed the liabilities listed. Khalsa listed assets of $30.95 million and liabilities of $1.27 million, and Golden Temple Management listed assets of $49 million and liabilities of $10.4 million. What drove the company managers to take this step were the many claims of “unknown” amounts from creditors, such as the Sikh religious leaders and Oregon Attorney General John Kroger, who sued Golden Temple Management in Multnomah County Circuit Court.

Who really controls SikhNet? Are SikhNet's real "sponsors" Yogi Bhajan's tantric profiteers who use the sacred images and Shabads of the Sikh Grurus for profit? Know before you donate!

What an outright Fraud SikhNet is committing! SikhNet does not want Sikhs to know the true identity of Kartar Khalsa who is a fake! Kartar has cut hair,is no longer a Sikh but still controls all Yogi bhajan businesses, Sikh Dharma nonprofits, including SikhNet itself.
Kartar Khalsa, head of Yogi Bhajan's empire, testifying in an Oregon court.

The thread below shows the fraudulent way SikhNet is handling the real "Kartar Khalsa" issue of Kartar not being a Sikh. SikhNet refers Sikh forum participants,to another Kartar Singh in Espanola. SikhNet implies that the turbaned Kartar Singh from Espanola is the leader of Yogi Tea and the Sikh Dharma nonprofits.

(SikhNet)Moderator Note: Now you are diverting your topic. Discussion of any sects invariably leads to slander and negativity. We found two web sites below. If you are talking about the same person then the pictures show that he is not “a hair cut man” as you say. We do not have the time to verify everything. We do not allow slander. If you continue this we will have to ban you. This topic is locked now. We are deleting another similar topic that you started.​profile.php?id=12904

Singh posted to Gursant Singh

Follow me on my discussion with sikhnet​ion/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5245&s​id=86913aa1fe728d032a9d1d6541c​a1bd1

Gursant Singh You should post this pic of Yogi Tea box which shows the Darbar Sahib in Amritsar and Sikhs sitting around the parkarma disrespectfully drinking Yogi Tea.​oto.php?pid=2828625&l=fd81​1df60e&id=1214270541

Wall Photos
Singh: You should post this pic on SikhNet discussion of Yogi Tea box which shows the Darbar Sahib in Amritsar and Sikhs sitting around the parkarma disrespectfully drinking Yogi Tea.
By: Gursant Singh
Yesterday at 8:32am · ·

Gursant Singh: I hope SikhNet allows this thread to continue but I doubt it. Once their office opens in New Mexico Monday morning it will be deleted because its critical of the "hand which feeds it
Yesterday at 8:43am ·

Gursant Singh
Singh Now you see how corrupt and stuck these 3HOers are. All we can do is keep exposing them to our Sikh brothers and sisters here on facebook and twitter. I think more and more Sikhs are becoming aware of the way SikhNet really is and eventually they'll lose all donations and support from the larger Sikh sangat. Did you read this article "Who really controls SikhNet?"​um/index.php?id=333
19 hours ago ·

Yes i read that article and i evem posted about kartar. This is what they replied to me when i wrote : "Yogi tea is an invention of yogi bhajan. The company that runs this business is called Golden temple run by a 3ho sikh called kartar khalsa who is hair cut man. Golden temple brand is also used in the sale of oil and sex massage, food and wine.

Moderator Note: Now you are diverting your topic. Discussion of any sects invariably leads to slander and negativity. We found two web sites below. If you are talking about the same person then the pictures show that he is not “a hair cut man” as you say. We do not have the time to verify everything. We do not allow slander. If you continue this we will have to ban you. This topic is locked now. We are deleting another similar topic that you started.​profile.php?id=12904

about an hour ago ·

Singh: If you click the link they refer to a turbanned man as kartar

Gursant Singh:
Singh "the pictures show that he is not “a hair cut man” as you say." The moderator at SikhNet is a bare faced liar! Everyone in 3HO knows that Kartar Khalsa is no longer a Sikh and has cut his hair See these independent articles showing a picture of Kartar Khalsa. There are many articles in the Eugene Register Guard also which you can just google:​and/article-17701-death_of​_a_yogi.html​lines/1395/4-million-dolla​r-man

Sikhnet gave me final warning, when i tried to expose tantra
Hello Babbar_Sher,

(SikhNet)Moderator Note:You are receiving this notification because your topic "Value of Tantra in
Sikhi" at "SikhNet Discussion Forum" was disapproved by a moderator or

The following reason was given for the disapproval:

The reported message does not fit into any other category, please use the
further information field.

We have warned you before. If you continue to post about sects, 3HO etc. we
will have to ban you. This is our last warning to you

Death of a Yogi
In downtown Portland, across Southwest 5th Avenue from City Hall, stands a tall glass and aluminum tower. Inside this building, the Pacwest Center, is a safe. This safe keeps many secrets, but thi,News
34 minutes ago · ·

Gursant Singh: SikhNet is so cunning, the links they give are to a Kartar Singh in Espanola NM and SikhNet knows he has nothing to do with Yogi Tea in Oregon. This is total fraud on SikhNet's part and shows their true colors.

What an outright Fraud SikhNet is committing!
SikhNet’s hypocrisy is unparalleled! In one breath they condemn “slander and negativity” but then allow this clearly slanderous post accusing me of “Blasphemy”, to stand for almost a year now. SikhNet blocks my comments and any opportunity to defend against these personal attacks. It’s clear SikhNet censors and then attacks anyone who disagrees with Yogi Bhajan and their Kundalini/tantric Yoga secret agenda.

SikhNet post: Summary of Question:

Blasphemy By Gursant Singh On The Internet
Category: General Sikhism
Date Posted: Monday, 9/27/2010 3:15 PM MDT

Dear Moderators,

Lately i've been reading the trash being posted by Gursant Singh on his blog and now on facebook.. I'm very disturbed. This man talks without evidence and is sly like a fox. Please do something to stop this man right away. Innocent readers get easily influenced.. Please do something now.....

Simranjit Harbans Singh

In this Yogi Bhajan lecture link at SikhNet, Yogi Bhajan states, "Guru Gobind Singh forgot somewhere to write that the Khalsa shall do Pooran praan tapaa. That’s the only way I can figure it out." How dare Yogi Bhajan utter such rubbish that our father Guru Gobind Singh Ji "forgot" something! This is an outrageously false and ego maniac statement by Yogi Bhajan and SikhNet is promoting this sacrilege on their website!!

You'll find the promotion of many anti Sikh practices on SikhNet like this article which falsely states: "In Sikh tradition, Sukh grew a beard and wore a turban for the marriage ceremony. Later, at the celebrations in a Shagun Marriage Palace in Moga, he shaved and dressed in a suit and white shirt."

More ego maniac utterances by Yogi Bhajan recorded by Dr. Trilochan Singh in his book "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" 1977

Guru Gobind Singh Could not do What
We have done, claims Yogi Bhajan
In my personal experience as gross human body, it is the first time in the world the real perfect shape of the Khalsa came into existence. It didn't happen in the time of Guru Gobind Singh. I see and now look back at the Sikh history. We have done—a handful of us—a more tremendous sacrifice for the sake of humanity on this planet than anybody can even relate to. But I should say, as an honest historian, that when I look back accurately at Sikh history, the Sikh woman was a great woman and she was a Sikh. But, in the West, I see the woman, in a very elaborate and equal state of consciousness, to be a Khalsa.
One question is, "Why are the Sikhs who have the prosperity losing their prospect?" I have the answer to that. Because they have forgotten the great secret practices that were given to them. "Why are we [American Sikhs] out of the total insanity, becoming totally creative?" Because we are practicing those practices and that is all.
Sikh Dharma Brotherhood: 1976
Yogi Bhajan's Lecture: page 9
The title page of this Journal carries
a picture of Gurcharan Singh Tohra:
President S.G.P.C.
Guru Gobind Singh Forgot
To Write Pooran Praan Tapaa
But what is that meditation? The meditation is not just coming to the Guru. The meditation is like this. Suppose on Sunday we are to come and present ourselves to the Guru. On Saturday we start preparing for it. That is how it works. Twenty-four hours earlier than the action of infinity, if a person starts thinking cosmically that he has to go and present himself to the Guru, and starts purifying and preparing himself, they call it meditation. Pooran Praan Tapaa— remember this technique of words. Pooran means complete. Praan means prana, the life force. Tapaa means the action of purification. It is known as Pooran Praan Tapaa. It is a kind of meditation.
Of all the meditations written and known for the human, this is the highest. And that is why the mantra Guru Gobind Singh gave us was the Guru Mantra, Wah Guru. Guru Gobind Singh forgot somewhere to write that the Khalsa shall do Pooran Praan Tapaa. That is the only way I can figure it out. Otherwise the factual effect of giving a human the Guru mantra Wha Guru is only that it states, a positive intuition? Wha, the Grace, Wonderful is the Lord.
Sikh Dharma, Vol III, no 1 Spring 1977
Guru Gobind Singh Sowed the Seed
Of the Khalsa Wrongly, says Yogi Bhajan
The eminent Scientist Dr Manohar Singh Grewal of Boston is popular both among American Sikhs and Indian Sikhs. Like his grandfather Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh, who was leader of the Jaito Morcha (Agitation) he is a conscientious and devoted Sikh. When he went to Los Angeles he visited 3HO Headquarters of Yogi Bhajan, who was there.
It appears that Dr Grewal's humility and gentle nature provoked his vanity under the uncontrolled impulse of which Yogi Bhajan said in the course of talks, "Guru Gobind Singh has sowed the seed of the Khalsa wrongly.'7 (Guru Gobind Singh ne Khalse da bij hi ghalat lay a) Controlling his emotions at these outrageous utterances, Dr Grewal retorted, "How can you say such a thing?" And Yogi Bhajan as usual started rationalizing his statement.
In the first week of June 1977 Gurbanda Singh of Washington, whose arrogance is well known, addressed a Sikh Congregation in which 3HO people were also present at Vermont. In his speech, which is always snobbish in tone and material, he tried to prove that the American Sikhs were very pious and holy while the Indian Sikhs were irreligious, profane (patits) and so on. Even in his writings (the few articles on Yogi Bhajan cult he has written) his tone is the same. Sardar Kehar Singh, an eminent Engineer, immediately stood up and took him to task. He told him and all those 3HO men and women who think and act like him, "We are fed up with your attempts to make us feel guilty of not being Sikhs. We are Sikhs and in many many ways far better than you people." His angry attack on the typical snobbery of the 3HO leaders was disarming. It is at this moment Dr Grewal brought out in the open Yogi Bhajan's attempt to insult and underestimate even Guru Gobind Singh. He mentioned the Los Angeles incident and told the congregation that Yogi Bhajan goes to the extent of saying that Guru Gobind Singh sowed the seed of the Khalsa wrongly and implying that he was correcting it. While the underlings among the 3HO devotees are quiet, unassuming, and very devout and sincere, the leaders act exactly as their Master has trained them. I do not blame them entirely for it. It is because of their haughtiness, overbearing and insulting attitude towards the Indian Sikhs, that they neither learn anything beyond what Yogiji says, nor do they seem to know the long term consequences of rejecting truth from every quarter and blindly accepting mumbo-jumbo cult ideas from Yogi Bhajan. They perhaps seriously believed that Guru Tegh Bahadur prophesied that a Great Master Yogi Bhajan would create the new Khalsa in the West and invade India to bring the Aquarian Age. The British invented this story for themselves.
Author's Comments
Wherever I went in the U.S.A. even people very friendly to Yogi Bhajan informed me that he pretended to have done more than Guru Gobind Singh did, and his vanity and ego maniac haughtiness had gone to the extent of saying in a gathering that he can even shake the gaddi (throne) of Guru Nanak. I did not take these stories seriously and refused to believe them. But I was shocked to read the afore-mentioned statements published within the last 12 months or so. But when I saw these insulting remarks heaped on Guru Gobind Singh in print, the shock became unbearable.
A devout Sikh goes to the Guru every morning and not only on Sundays, and Sunday was never observed as a day of congregational worship throughout history. Bhai Nand Lai tells us in Zandgi Nam ah that though the Sikhs go to the temple, or the Guru, for formal worship every morning but for congregational worship the Sikhs gathered together twice a month, on Sankranti and Massia (the first day of the Indian lunar calendar and the middle of the month according to lunar days). In the code of the Conduct given to the Khalsa (Rehatnamas) the Gurus have clearly stated that a Sikh should not perform yoga asanas, nor believe in mantras, yantras and other absurdities quoted in this chapter and practiced and preached by Yogi Bhajan.
There is no such word as Puran Pran Tapan mantra in any dictionary in any Indian language. It is perhaps the silliest of all Yogi Bhajan's absurd brain waves which shows more of his ignorance than wisdom of Sikh history and scriptures. Sometimes I doubt if he has once gone through the Sikh scriptures, even without understanding them. He possibly could not. Up till recently, he did not know the language of the scriptures, and I am more than certain that he cannot interpret even ten pages of it correctly. Yet he sincerely believes that he can fool the ignorant American Sikhs to believe that he is the Super-Messiah of the Age, and they at least must believe that he is greater than the Sikh Gurus, and he has done what the Gurus were unable to do. We will study in detail how he has built himself as the Western Pope of the Sikhs, the only Mahan Tantric in the World, and perhaps the only person who could tell so many lies about himself and make every American followers of his believe it. If the Americans want to understand and practice the true meditations of Sikhs Faith and move on the path with humility and wisdom as Sikh saints all over the world have done, they will have to throw all this rubbish that Yogi Bhajan is stuffing into their minds into the dust-bin and take it for granted that his knowledge of Sikh mysticism and the Khalsa Holy Order is pedestrian and less than elementary. With such absurdities in their heads, and sacrilegious notions and practices of the Sikh mantras they will be in mind, soul and spirit as far away from Sikhism as any ignorant non-Sikh, even though they may put on Sikh appearance and dress, which no doubt is very important.

"The Master(Yogi bhajan)later explained to me that was the way it was supposed to be as it was the beginning of the switch in Sikh leadership from the Indian community to the American Sikh yogis – recognized or not." ~ MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa in a letter to the American Sikh community dated 06/24/2011
Is this a smoking gun or what? I have always suspected that Yogi Bhajan wanted to hijack the Sikh religion, here's the proof from the mouth of Yogi Bhajan's closest aid! See more photos and discussion on facebook:

Yogi Bhajan and Hari Jiwan buying and selling gem stones and jewellry at Jerry's on Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills California, a favorite spot for their business activities. In June 1997,one year after this photo was taken, the Federal Trade Commission filed charges against Hari Jiwan. (Taken from an FTC press release) Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa, also known as Stephen Jon Oxenhandler, a/k/a Bob Thomas; as part of "Project Field of Schemes." This law enforcement effort comprised of approximately 61 law-enforcement actions. In its complaint detailing the charges, the FTC alleged that the defendants routinely misrepresented the risk, value, appreciation and liquidity of the gemstones they sold and falsely claimed that consumers would realize tremendous profits. In addition, the defendants falsely pledged that they could and would easily liquidate consumers' gemstone portfolios after an 18-month holding period. In fact, according to the FTC, the defendants typically ceased all contact with consumers and refused to liquidate their gemstones after the 18-month period. Shortly after the complaint was filed, the court issued a temporary restraining order, froze the defendants' assets and appointed a temporary receiver over the corporate defendants.
I went to Jerry's shop in Beverly Hills with YB and HJ almost every day as I was on YB's security. I also took Shakti Parwha Kaur to Wells Fargo bank on Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills about three times a week to get gems and a new set of YB's jewellery that he would adorn himself with for that particular day depending on what the astrological stars said he should wear. Shakti would say, "Let's go get the crown jewels." When Shakti and I entered the room at the bank to open the numerous safe deposit boxes full of the precious stones, I was shocked the first time I saw the outrageous amount of trays displaying these huge gemstones.
Around the year 2000, Yogi Bhajan tried to personally sell me a yogic ring for several thousand dollars. We were at Hari Jiwan's house in Espanola where HJ keeps a vast collection of gems worth millions of dollars. Yogi Bhajan told me. "You're naked." And he stated I needed a ring with a particular stone to protect me.

Yogi Bhajan and Hari Jiwan at Jerry's in Beverly Hills California

"Jerry’s shop was much bigger than it appeared. Behind the showroom was a private negotiation room with a couch, table and a chair or two. Behind this room was a large fully equipped kitchen where we enjoyed many delicious Armenian meals.
On a gorgeous spring afternoon in 1989 the Siri Singh Sahib was viewing a special Cartier broach and chain when he received a call from one of his secretaries......."

In a recent letter from Hari Jiwan, HJ says, "As he (Yogi Bhajan) often said, “I’m an easy target if all you want to see are my faults.”"

"He (Yogi Bhajan) was a living example of the greatness of our Guru in spite of any faults – which were few and insignificant. He was my hero and he was a true hero."

"There are very few Buddhas, Christs, Guru Nanaks that make it to this earth."~Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa.
Is Hari Jiwan implying that Yogi Bhajan is on an equal level to Guru Nanak?

Here I think is the crux of the problem with YBers. YBers refuse to admit any significant fault with Yogi Bhajan, eventhough YB himself admitted he had many faults. While I'll admit YB did some good, his faults were clearly many and YB should never be referred to or treated as a Satguru! YB was miles behind true Satgurus like Guru Nanak Dev Ji or Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Sikhnet Sikh & Yogi Bhajan's "right hand man," Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa declares in the newspaper article "IDOL TALK";

“If the idol stands for a virtue... I have no problem putting that anywhere.”

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" Please find the entire text for the Book under comments for this photograph's link or as a pdf file at:

Join the cause "Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism" with 6,000 other Sikhs

Join a discussion group on Hari Jiwan with ex YBers at:

"Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa and Gurujot Singh Khalsa were YB's closest and dearest, his right and left arms, both crooks."

It was always my understanding that while everyone always fought and jockeyed to be close to YB, it was usually the craziest, most corrupt, sycophantic and sketchiest that were always by his side. Hardly sounds like a distinction. I also remember people telling me, "The closer you get to Espanola, the crazier it is."

Not to be completely cynical, but I have to wonder what the reasoning is behind this gush of sentimentality from the Chief of Protocol. In the wake of YB's death it seemed like many of the high muckity-mucks were subtly trying to play up angles that would give them legitimacy or authority, or at least some type of it: everything from flaunting their weird titles or starting to call themselves a "master" or "expert", to false-modest claims of siddhis, to personal stories that would range from personal reminiscences like this to more ooga-booga ones of "The SSS once gave me a SPECIAL meditation to do..." From what I've heard the banter from the Secretaries/White Tantric moderators during that time sounded like auditions for American Idol.

I guess with the Chief of Protocol's story, like all things, time will shake it out, and it will at the very least, be interesting.

Parady from the Wacko World of Yogi Bhajan:(Message Truncated)...from the Memoirs of MSS Hari Jiwan (con't):

"Remember, Chief of Protocolji, that P-A-I-N is a four- letter word for opportunity. Never forget that," he said pushing a ruby-encrusted finger painfully into my breastbone. "Those souls down there are lost sheep. Sheep with wallets."
He clasped my wrist just below the Rolex. "Other leaders have found this City of Angels and assembled followers among your generation. None of them as great as I, my son."
"That goes without saying, Sir."
He nodded in the direction of Sunset Blvd. "Jim Morrison? He had passion and sex appeal, too. He became fat. He collected fans and LA women. He made a fortune."
After a moment of silence my teacher dropped my hand and waved his glittering bracelets toward The Matterhorn. "And down there? Walt Disney! A visionary with his own kingdom. A magician, Hari Jiwan. A magician and a businessman."
The waitress brought another round of virgin pina coladas. "Tip her well, my son."
More lights twinkled beneath us as night descended on the basin.. How long had we been here? I recall mentioning it was an August afternoon when we left the movie. We had watched the summer sun go down. We had been here a long time. But with my teacher time stood still. Hours became years...
Always unpredictable, my teacher drew me up short when he waved his drink toward Benedict Canyon. "Manson got it. He faked it til he made it, Hari Jiwan."
"Manson saw the reality of this place, the truth of your generation, you spoiled, stupid American poodles. Charisma and mystical ooga-booga only carries you so far. You need a plan... There's an Apocalypse coming and Manson saw it, too..."
I could see by the illuminated dial on my teacher's Patek Phillipe chronograph that it was time for the valet to bring the Bentley. I knew of my teacher's wrath when he missed the "Hill Street Blues" theme music.
How did I get to be so lucky?

Hilarious and also sickening. Beautiful parody artfully exposing truth.

So did Yogi Bhajan advise MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa on how to scam people? Yes, I believe he did.

An X-YBer busnessman once told me that while in YBism, Yogi Bhajan took him and a couple other YBer Bros into a jewelry store in Chinatown in San Francisco. There YB messed with a Chinese woman's head until she sold him the gem he wanted for far far less than she bought it for. Had she been more sensitive, she would have given Saint YB the pretty rock as a gift.

"There are very few Buddhas, Christs, Guru Nanaks that make it to this earth."~Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa. Is Hari Jiwan implying that Yogi Bhajan is on an equal level to Guru Nanak?

There's something both pathetic and creepy in the fact that Hari Jiwan's Facebook photo album titled "Me" is half-filled of photos of YB and him. You are me and I am you and we are we and...

Although we are we to deny YB's lasting impact on the one and only Chief of Protocol? He's still schleping them gems:

(As an aside, I find it incredibly crass to name a gem company after the Nau-Nidh/Nine Treasures spoken of in the SGGS. Anyone with half a mind would not take this literally when there are so many shabads that mention the Naam as containing all nine treasures and finding the nine treasures within one's Self. It's like a Christian expecting "the gifts of the Holy Spirit" to arrive via UPS and be wrapped in a bow and ribbon.)

Whenever HJS Jr's jail time is mentioned, 3HOers seem quick to say that he did time mostly because he wouldn't snitch on others.

This means that:
1) 3HOers on one level are able to digest the fact that there was a bigger crime being committed within the castle walls, and are not only OK with that, but...
2) Believe in some kind of nobility in covering up for other people who blatantly stole money, because they were "dharmic."

The mind wobbles.

P.S. Any FCC or other documentation out there on HJS Jr.?

Siri Ram Singh Khalsa:

These guys, along with the master of lies and deception had their own paths...the socio-paths. They were men of no conscience who believed that the neds always justified the means. I'm sure there is a special place in hell reserved for yogi bludgeon.

Yeah, its called Roach Motel.

See more photos and discussion on facebook at:

“Amid the legal infighting following Yogi Bhajan’s death, critics are offering another portrait of the Sikh leader.”
3HO Sikhs are now fighting amongst themselves in a lawsuit over the millions of dollars in profits made from using the sacred Sikh religious symbols and scriptures for their own personal gain.3HO Sikhs, who follow Yogi Bhajan, funnel the money to support Yogi Bhajan's tantric cult church which 3HO Sikhs have deceptively camouflaged using names like "Sikh Dharma International", "3HO foundation", "Sikh Dharma Stewardship","","Sikh Dharma Worldwide", "Unto Infinity Board","Khalsa Council" and "KRI(Kundalini Research Institute)". See "Sikhnet's" and "Sikh Dharma International's" slick new websites which were produced with the millions in ill-gained profits using the name of the Golden Temple, names and images of the Sikh Gurus, and sacred Sikh shabads for profit in commercial enterprises.

Read the full front page article about Yogi Bhajan's lust for power and greed of his 3HO Sikhs in Today's Eugene Register-Guard:

""Yogi's Legacy in Question"".[/link]

"New lawsuit hits Golden Temple with fraud!"

Read about the infighting in 3HO and Sikh Dharma--
Today's Eugene Register-Guard:

""Rift in 3HO Sikh community threatens business empire""

Appeared in print: Friday, May 28, 2010

"Bhajan was a leader ‘by fluke’

Recently, a friend sent me articles from The Register-Guard on litigation involving Yogi Bhajan’s organizations in Oregon. The letters to the editor that followed, critical of the reporter, prompt me to throw some light on the subject. Bhajan was extremely good at what he did, but propagation of Sikhism he was not. Criticism of Bhajan’s cult cannot be construed as criticism of Sikhism.

Trilochan Singh, a distinguished Sikh scholar, in his 1977 book “Sikhism and Tantric Yoga,” describes Bhajan devastatingly: “Yogi Bhajan is a Sikh by birth, a Maha Tantric by choice but without training, and a ‘Sri Singh Sahib’ and self-styled leader of the Sikhs of the Western Hemisphere by fluke and mysterious strategy.” There was no mystery to his strategy. He ingratiated himself with the Sikh religious leadership in Punjab, which was more corrupt than the Vatican during the time of Martin Luther.

According to the Tantrics, the best form of worship is the fullest satisfaction of the sexual desires of man, therefore sexual intercourse is prescribed as a part of Tantric worship. In the annals of abuse of women, some had harems, others had concubines and Bhajan had secretaries. The Sikh gurus condemned the Tantrics and their practices. All the cases mentioned in The Register-Guard had merit.

Humility is the hallmark of a Sikh, and Bhajan had none of it. Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, describes people such as Bhajan succinctly: “Those ... who have no virtues but are filled with egotistical pride.”

Hardev Singh Shergill President, Khalsa Tricentennial Foundation of North America Editor-in-chief, The Sikh Bulletin El Dorado Hills, Calif.

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

"The book Sikhism And Tantric Yoga is available at: website which is operated by a genuine White Sikh is highly recommended. Gursant Singh was a member of the Yogi Bhajan Cult (3HO and the Sikhnet Gora Sikhs or White Sikhs) for over 30 years and has intimate knowledge about the inner workings of this cult which attempts to miscegnate Sikhism with Hindu idolatry. I downloaded the book from Gursant’s website and found it to be absolutely compelling. I read it in one compulsive and sustained draught. It is a study not only about cults in Sikhism but about the miscegenation of the Sikh Religion by Hinduism. It is a classic work rendered in beautiful English prose and it is patently the work of a profound intellectual scholar with a deep knowledge of Sikhism."
Quotation taken from:

You may also view individual chapters to "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" at these links:

Sikhism & Tantric Yoga A Critical Evaluation of Yogi Bhajan

Sikh Doctrines and Yogi Bhajan's Secret Science

Yogi Bhajan's Adi Shakti Shaktimans and Shaktis

Yogi Bhajan's Clap Trap Theories of Kundalini Yoga

Yogi Bhajan's Ego Maniac Utterances

Yogi Bhajan's Seven Years in America and His Tinkling Titles

Yogi Bhajan's Arrest and Release on Bail

Yogi Bhajan Becomes the Only Maha Tantric in the World

Sikh Leaders without Conscience

Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism

Please read an Excerpt below taken from "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"

The Name of Golden Temple and its Murals

"In England last year a firm advertised some blue jeans as Jesus Jeans. The whole religious world of England rose in one protest and stopped the manufacture of these jeans. The word Golden Temple has become an instrument of commercial affairs of Yogi Bhajan He has now even named shoe stores as Golden Temple. I was given a "Wha Guru Chew.""

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

Read about the "war between 3HO Sikh's Unto Infinity Board and Yogi Bhajan's Sikh Dharma". Yogi Bhajan set up all these organizations and installed their leaders. Decide for yourself if the Tantric Sex Yoga which Yogi Bhajan taught inevitably leads to mental and physical debauchery.

Many of these 3HO profiteers have cut their hair and renounced Sikhi! See these pictures below of Kartar Khalsa CEO of Golden Temple Foods and chairman of Yogi Bhajan's "Unto Infinity Board" who has cut his hair and is no longer a Sikh.
(Is it any wonder that Kartar and Peraim, Controlling members of Yogi Bhajan's "Unto Infinity Board",are wearing circus masks in the above photo?)

See these articles in today's Eugene Register Guard which shows the greed surrounding this dispute:

"Money trail at heart of Sikhs’ legal battle."

Wha Guru being used sacriligiously for huge profits by 3HO Sikhs
[image] [image]"Five flavors and they're all nuts!"


"What did the magician say to the Wha Guru Chew? Open sesame."


Yogi Bhajan used the sacred name of the Golden Temple, names and images of the Sikh Gurus, and sacred Sikh shabads for commercial enterprises to make millions of dollars. Wha Guru is even used as the name of a candy bar by Golden Temple Foods!Links appearing on the internet advertise Golden Temple along with wine and alcohol such as in this Google search link: "Golden Temple Granola - Food & Wine - Compare Prices" Other internet links associate Golden Temple massage oil with sex and sensual massages as in this Google search: "Sensual Soothing... Golden Temple Soothing Touch Massage Oil."

See for yourself the pictures below of the Darbar Sahib(Golden Temple) in Amritsar and Guru Tegh Bahadar featured on yogi tea boxes:
[image] [image]


3HO Sikhs are associating yogis, ashrams, tantric sex yoga rituals,drinking of wine and magicians of the occult with the Sikh Gurus and the Golden Temple See the Rare Photo (above) featuring the Harimandir sahib in 1908 when it was under the control of the Pundits or mahants. Sadhus and yogis felt free to sit wearing only a dhoti and no head coverings.The Gurdwara Reform Movement stopped such practices in India and gave the Gurdwaras back to Gursikhs.

Tantric Asanas taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy:Reprinted from Yogi Bhajan’s official magazine “Beads of Truth” 11, p. 39

Yogi Bhajan illustrated here controlling tantric shakti "energy". Notice the depiction of Shiva,above Yogi Bhajan's head, Shiva is the god of yoga for Hindus. The illustration also shows Kundalini Yoga Asanas taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy

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Yogi Bhajan's students are intstructed to meditate on Yogi Bhajan's picture everyday which you can see displayed in the 3HO Espanola Gurdwara in the photo above.

Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does an 8-foot high statue of the Hindu god Ganesh, adorn the entranceway to the Siri Singh Sahib (yogi bhajan) lane in espanola. This is the hindu god of "prosperity", as in the 3HO publication "prosperity pathways".Adi Shakti Chandi 3HO Tantric Deity worshipped by 3HO in songs and prayers(shown above). Read about Yogi Bhajan's Shaktiman and Shakti women.

Read these shocking fire pujas and occult numerology,(below), practiced and advertised in the latest newsletter published by 3HO Sikhs. These "kriyas" or pujas are complete rubbish,only adding to the destruction and dissolution of the Sikh faith and should not be practiced by Sikhs of the Guru. The object of these practices is to combine the Sikh faith with Hinduism; to defang, neuter and completely destroy Sikhi. The strategy is to introduce idolatry and a stratified priesthood into the Sikh Religion. Yogi Bhajan and his 3HO shakti cult followers are introducing idolatry and Hindu practices of pujas and tantra mantra into the Sikh religion. The Bhajan movement is attempting to shift Sikh worship from the commonwealth of Gurdwaras to private estates controlled by 3HO priests of Yogi Bhajan's Tantric sex cult church.
[image] [image]

Idolatry is forbidden in Sikhism....why does a golden statue of a yogi adorn the entranceway to the 3HO Gurdwara in Espanola. This is a Hindu practise.
3-HO Sikhs demonstrate(in the photo above)their complete subservience to false worldly material power by exhibiting the Flag of God (The Nishaan Sahib) at an even level with the flag of the United States in front of the 3HO Gurdwara in New Mexico. The Nishaan Sahib, (The Respected Mark of God under the shadow of the Sikh Broadsword) should always fly higher than the flag of all the false materialists. The Flag of the Khalsa should occupy a place of exaltation above any government's flag that temporarily inhabits the material world.


[image] [image] [image]
Tantric Yoga asanas (above) taught by Yogi Bhajan
and practised in 3HO Gurdwaras

"Tantric doctrines involving sex-poses or physical contact poses are extremely repulsive to Sikhism. The Sikh Gurus repeatedly ask the Sikhs to shun Tantric practices because they are based on a mentally perverted outlook of life. The Sikh Gurus ask the Sikhs to shun the very presence and association of Shakti-Cult Tantrics." Dr. Trilochan Singh "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"

[image] [image]
Tantric Asana taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy:Reprinted from Yogi Bhajan’s official magazine “Beads of Truth” 11, p. 39

See how Hindu gods and yogis are displayed in 3HO Gurdwaras, (see link in blue).

See this post which exposes the most shocking relationship Yogi Bhajan had with Jagjit Naamdhari who is considered by his disciples as the 11th Sikh Guru. The Naamdhari Sikhs keep the Siri Guru Granth in a closet while they bow to Jagjit and refer to him as "SatGuru Ji" as you can see in the photos at this link.

Read these comments by traditional Sikhs. "What better way to make money: add a religious tone to the product. All of a sudden, it seems legit."

If you want to stop these degrading and sacriligious practices by Golden Temple Foods and Yogi Bhajan's cult followers; Post a letter of support on this website or write your local food stores and demand they stop selling Golden Temple Food's products. Some of the major stores which carry these products are Trader Joes, Whole Foods Market and Wild Oats but there are many many other stores who sell millions of dollars in Golden Temple Granola, Peace Cereal, Yogi Teas, massage oil and Wha Guru Chews.

Yogi Bhajan's sacrilegious teachings in the name of Sikhism are illustrated quite distinctly by pictures of Yogi Bhajan's portrait, hindu idols being displayed in and around 3-HO Gurdwaras and the practice of kundalini and sex energizing tantric yoga asanas inside 3-HO Gudwaras by Yogi Bhajan's students.
[image] [image]

Idolatry is forbidden in Sikhism. Why does an eight foot high image (above) of Yogi Bhajan controlling the tantric shakti "energy" adorn the 3HO Gurdwara in Espanola? You can see the menacing image of Yogi Bhajan overshadowing the Sangat on the right side of the entire Espanola Gurdwara in the photo above.

Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does a golden statue of a yogi adorn the entranceway to the 3HO Gurdwara in espanola. This is a hindu practise.



Yogi Bhajan's students are intstructed to meditate on Yogi Bhajan's picture everyday which you can see displayed in the 3HO Espanola Gurdwara in these photos.
In a painting at the New Mexico 3HO Gurdwara(above)you can see the sacrilegious misrepresentation of our sacred Khalsa symbol "Khanda" with two swords around it. You may also observe in this painting how Yogi Bhajan is depicted on an equal level with Guru Ram Daas(the 4th Sikh Guru): Dr. Trilochan Singh recounts this observation in 1977 when he writes, "The other picture was the Khalsa symbol Khanda with two swords around it. The Khanda (double-edged sword) within this symbol was replaced by a picture of an American woman with Sari-like robes. The woman is called Adi Shakti. I saw this published in the Beads of Truth in London and have already commented on it in my book, The Turban and the Sword of the Sikhs. I told Shakti Parwha that this is the most sacrilegious misrepresentation of our sacred symbol. As usual she dismissed my opinion as unimportant."

The sikh code of conduct says food offerings to the GURU are forbidden, but there is a 'testimony' page over at, a 3HO run site loaded with volumes of Yogi Bhajan nonsense talks. Yogi Bhajan instructs 3Hoer's to prepare meals as offerings at the gurdwara and calls this "a dish for a wish". This is nothing more than the Hindu practice of puja. The testimony states "a dish for a wish".
Please read an Excerpt below taken from

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

Yogi Bhajan studied and taught at the Sivananda Ashram in Delhi. This, in addition to his first Kundalini Yoga teacher Sant Hazara Singh. In the mid-1960s, Harbhajan Singh took up a position as instructor at the Vishwayatan Ashram in New Delhi, under Dhirendra Brahmachari. This yoga centre was frequented by the Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, his daughter, Indira Gandhi, and diplomats and employees from a host of foreign embassies.

Here's an article on Sivananda's approach to Kundalini Yoga:

These are all Hindu practices.

You can also read about the Gurdwara Reform Movement which stopped such practices in India and gave the Gurdwaras back to Gursikhs.


Gurdwara Reform Movement

A Rare Photo of Harimandir sahib in 1908 when it was under the control of the Pundits or mahants. Sadhus felt free to sit in meditation wearing only a dhoti.The Gurdwara Reform Movement (Gurdwara Sudhar Lehr) is the Legislation passed by the Punjab Legislative Council which marked the culmination of the struggle of the Sikh people from 1920-1925 to wrest control of their places of worship from the mahants or priests into whose hands they had passed during the eighteenth century when the Khalsa were driven from their homes to seek safety in remote hills and deserts.

When they later established their sway in Punjab, the Sikhs rebuilt their shrines endowing them with large jagirs and estates. The management, however, remained with the priests, belonging mainly to the Udasi sect, who, after the advent of the British in 1849, began to consider the shrines and lands attached to them as their personal properties and to appropriating the income accruing from them to their private use. Some of them alienated or sold Gurudwara properties at will. They had introduced ceremonies which were anathema to orthodox Sikhs. Besides, there were complaints of immorality and even criminal behavior lodged against the worst of them. All these factors gave rise to what is known as the Gurudwara Reform movement during which the Sikhs peaceful protests were met with violence and death and ended with them courting arrest on a large scale to gain the world's attention. Before it was all over many would fall as martyrs with some being literally blown apart while they were strapped to cannaon barrels.

‘During the Gurdwara Reform Movement, the Sikh leaders started a publication that was named Akali. From this paper and its policy the leaders began to be called Akalis, in view of which they formed the present Akali party. These Nihang Akalis should not be confused with the members of the Akali party.’ The Turban And The Sword’' , by Dr. Trilochan Singh. (Page 402)

I found this post at It exposes the most shocking relationship Yogi Bhajan had with Jagjit Naamdhari who is considered by his disciples as the 11th Sikh Guru. The Naamdhari Sikhs keep the Siri Guru Granth in a closet while they bow to Jagjit and refer to him as "SatGuru Ji" as you can see in the photos below.

The 'Namdhari' cult has been excommunicated from the Khalsa Panth. See for yourself the pictures of Yogi Bhajan depicting his close relationship with Jagjit Naamdhari.

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"However their are several instances which I find questionable about Yogi Bhajan. One includes the relationship they had with Jagjit Naamdhari (, and the other about an occurance that occured in the late 70's between Yogi and AKJ, where Yogi criticized Jatha for trying to "steal" members."

Yogi Bhajan wore huge gemstones for their so called “yogic energy and power". Yogi Bhajan adorned himself with these yogic rings and precious gems for different days of the week. Yogi Bhajan covered up the fact that these days are represented by different Hindu deities and the practice of wearing these yogic rings is really only the Hindu idea of pacifying the various gods and goddesses. Not only this, Yogi Bhajan used astrology and numerology in choosing these yogic rings. Yogi Bhajan believed the gemstones had "energy affects" and influenced our destiny, thinking and actions.
Yogi Bhajan shown here on Sikhnet wearing a yogic ring for power

Around the year 2000, Yogi Bhajan tried to personally sell me a yogic ring for several thousand dollars. We were at Hari Jiwan Singh's house in Espanola where HJ keeps a vast collection of gems worth millions of dollars. Yogi Bhajan told me. "You're naked." And he stated I needed a ring with a particular stone to protect me.

Yogi Bhajan’s wearing and promoting yogic rings is yet another Hindu practice camouflaged in the sheep’s clothing of "Aquarian or New Age spiritual thinking”. These things should not be practiced by Sikhs of the Guru. As Sikhs we should rely on the Guru alone for strength as Guru Arjan so beautifully states:

I have learnt the technique of true Yoga from the divine Guru. The True Guru has revealed this technique with the Light of the divine Word. Within my body He has revealed the Light that pervades all the regions of the earth. To this Light within me I bow and salute every moment. The initiation of the Guru are my Yogic rings and I fix my mind steadfastly on the One Absolute God.i,

A. G. Guru Arjan, Gaudi, p 208

The following is taken from "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" by Dr. Trilochan Singh.

We quote Yogi Bhajan on Precious Stones and rings, which for him are his status symbol, and for possessing which he expends quite a lot of his energy and ingenuity. He says in Beads, Summer 1972, "Precious stones are not precious because the rich wear them and the poor do not. Rather, they are precious because when cut in the proper way they concentrate sun energy and can transmit to the individual through the skin. Hence most rings are worn on the ring finger. The quality of energy channeled by each stone differs and so does its effect on the individual. Stones also correspond to the planets and serve in mediating the scattered energy which comes from retrograding planets."
Yogi Bhajan has given the following comments on stones.
Ruby (Sun) concentrates the heart of the sun's rays.
Moonstone and Pearls (Moon) help balance out too much sun energy. They are commonly worn by Libra.
Diamond (Venus and practically everything) can concentrate miles of sun rays into one beam. Recently in Los Angeles someone was robbed of 100,000 worth of jewel within 72 hours.
Emerald (Mercury) has wonderful effect on the brain and is a cooling stone. Good luck for everyone.
Coral (Mars) is for balancing positive and negative forces.
Topaz (Jupiter) is a good luck stone.
Blue Sapphire (Saturn) can give so much energy to a person that he becomes negative. Those who are interested in details can read the Journal Beads, Summer 1972, p. 16. I do not know what is the opinion of the Jewelers on these statements but from the point of Sikhism these notions are worthless absurdities.
Yogi Bhajan does not wear the earrings of the Nath Panthi Yogis, but he wears precious gold rings (sometimes two and sometimes three) heavily studded with jewels, and cannot help displaying them ostentatiously, probably as a symbol of wealth acquired through the techniques of Tantric Yoga, which he sacrilegiously identifies with the techniques of Sikh mysticism. Bhai Gurdas, however, makes it clear to all Sikhs of all ages that Yoga asanas and yoga techniques are absolutely useless and unnecessary for Sikh meditations and the spiritual path of Sikhism:
jog jugat gursikh gurs am jhay a
The Guru has himself explained to the Sikhs the technique of true Yoga, and it is t

Comments about money hungry SikhNet at

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 16:03 (4702 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

I am re-posting these comments about money hungry SikhNet from

250k is a lot of money. they are obviously misappropriating funds.

Sadh Sangat Ji

I have been visitied many many times over the past 8 years and see on many occasions, the sikhnet team! asking for money through donations which calculate way above $150000 for their annual funding appeal.I have many sikh and professional friends who create, maintain and manage small to very large web sites and organisations, which also provide a very important service to their users as do sikhnet, but the key difference is that they run these sites using their own earnings and funding.

I refuse to believe that it costs $150000 a year to run and manage especially as the site uses many freely available online resources to benefit their users i.e youtube, blogger and their online forum using phpBB.

Please see below the costs of running a web site similier to

Web site hosting per year - $1000-$2000
Youtube account - Free
Blogger account - Free
Web forum software - Free-$50
A decent video camera & equipment - $1000-$2000
A decent digital camera - $500-$1000
Downloads offered by sikhnet - Free Third Party (,,,
Wallpapers - Submitted by online sangat worldwide for Free
Search sikhnet - Free provided by Google
And so on...........


In typical sikhnet.con fashion, they are now asking for $25000 to develop a "Gurbani Media Center" again they have not justified costs of developing such a software. A few years back sikhnet requested the online sangat to send in donations of money and mobile phones so that they can develop software and web sites to be viewed on mobile phones....i am still waiting to see the product of my donations!!!!

Why is sikhnet so expensive to run! especially when what it offers is just like many other free sikh web sites....

Sangat ji before you donate to sikhnet again please investigate and ask questions to where your money is going, i suspect you wont like what you will find!

I agree in some points with the original poster. They do what they want to do; doing sewa aswell as making good money.

Gurbani Media Center $25000? What for? Any detailed expense sheet on this? You can buy, professionaly install with lots of space server for top $10,000. Don't know where that figure comes from. Are they gonna pay royalty fees to Ragi jathas? If yes then it is completely okay to ask for 25 K but if they are going to get free audio files then i am sure that there will be many who will raise the copyright issue and they will get into trouble.

Their yearly budget is over 250K and they do not provide much information than other online websites. They live in such a remote location that they don't have any other option but to rely on this website to make money.

With 250K, they should arrange camps (FREE OF COST), provide social help to poor in Punjab etc. They should take time to go out of virtual world and see the real world and with such blessing sangat's maya they should be doing hundreds of sikhi based projects all around the world WITHOUT any strings attached.

I used to donate $50 a month 6 years ago but not anymore. Still this is free world, they can do anything they want to do

Donate to SikhNet with conditions. Exercise your power of the “purse” over SikhNet before you donate.

We've all been frustrated by SikhNet’s continual heavy censorship of legitimate topics about Sikhi. In fact I just received this message from SikhNet, “Your topic “Yogi Bhajan & the golden idol of Baba Siri Chand that adorns the 3HO Gurdwara in New Mexico” at SikhNet Discussion Forum was disapproved by our moderator."

Ironically I received this message just as my wife opened her e-mail with yet another SikhNet appeal for donations eventhough SikhNet admits to already extracting 200,000 dollars this year alone from Sikhs around the world. I was about to get really irritated and angry at being powerless to do anything to stop SikhNet’s heavy censorship & deception but Guru Sahib reminded of a business tool my father taught me when I was young: “when an individual endorses a check subject to a condition, they accept that condition.” Says U.S. District court Judge Katherine Forrest in a 2007 ruling.


Exercise your power of the “purse” over SikhNet before you donate. Whenever you make a donation to SikhNet use a paper check and write the conditions under which you are making your donation. I am now writing the following condition on the back of my donation checks to SikhNet and encouraging all other donators to do the same:

“To SikhNet: By endorsing this check you agree to remove a golden idol of Baba Siri Chand from the Gurdwara in New Mexico and allow legitimate criticism of Yogi Bhajan, YB’s organizations like 3HO, YB’s businesses like Golden Temple Foods and YB’s tantric/ kundlaini yoga systems on all SikhNet discussion forums without censorship.”

SikhNet’s mailing address for paper checks is:
1A Ram Das Guru Place
Espanola New Mexico 87532

If you are making a donation to SikhNet electronically then be sure to write the above conditions under comments at SikhNet’s donation website page.!openform


I just made a $100 donation to SikhNet with the following conditions attached as a comment at the bottom of the donation form shown in the pic. I encourage all who make donations to SikhNet to do the same. If SikhNet accepts the donation without honoring my conditions, I will file a lawsuit in New Mexico State District court against them for breach of contract.!openform
My $100 USD donation to SikhNet is subject to these conditions and you should only charge my Visa card if you agree to these conditions: Publish two featured articles written by me which will give point by point violations of the Sikh Reht by Yogi Bhajan and now his 3HO "Sikh/Yogis" without edit or censorship. (2) You agree to remove a golden idol of Baba Siri Chand from the Gurdwara in New Mexico. (3) You allow legitimate criticism of Yogi Bhajan, YB’s organizations like 3HO, YB’s businesses like Golden Temple Foods and YB’s tantric/ kundlaini yoga systems on all SikhNet discussion forums without censorship.

Gursant Singh

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Some people have asked what the Yogi Bhajan 3HO dera or as 3HOers call it “Hacienda de Guru Ram Das Ashram” in Espanola New Mexico USA is like. There is only a group of about 250 Americans living within a 5 mile radius of the Gurdwara in individual family homes. Most of these Yogi Bhajan followers have been around for many years, most before Yogi’s death in 2004 so the “ashram” members all know each other quite well and interact on a daily basis. Many have even grown up together and attended the Yogi Bhjan School in India as friends. Ravi Kaur who made the “Sexy back” video is a second generation YBer who is married to a wealthy Hollywood film producer, Avtar Hari Singh in an arranged marriage by Yogi Bhajan. Avtar Hari Singh who Yogi Bhajan selected as a prominent 3HO leader is probably twice Ravi Kaur’s age.

Now more about the Espanola 3HO “ashram”: SikhNet's offices are housed in the same building with Yogi Bhajan's 3HO ashram and 3HO Gurdwara. In the same compound not more than 50 feet or so away are the Yogi Bhajan 3HO and Sikh Dharma offices along with Yogi Bhajan’s largest and most profitable company, Akal Security which is under investigation by the US Department of Justice.

Make NO mistake, SikhNet,Yogi Bhajan's organizations like 3HO & Sikh Dharma and all the Yogi Bhajan followers are working closely together! SikhNet's offices are housed in the same building with Yogi Bhajan's 3HO ashram and 3HO Gurdwara where a huge tantric painting of "Mahan Tantric" Yogi Bhajan looms over the darbar of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and a golden idol of baba siri chand adorns the entrance to the Gurdwara not more than 20ft or so from the SikhNet offices of Gurumustuk Singh and Guruka Singh

Long time Yogi Bhajan 3HOer Ravi Kaur Khalsa makes a mockery of our father Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Khalsa bana as she dresses up in a fake beard and turban & dances to "Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake for her 3HO friend's bridal shower!

If you ever had any doubts about the effects of Yogi Bhajan's tantric sex yoga on 3HOers who call themselves "American Sikh/yogis", then you should view this shocking video! Please notice the disrespect to Guru Ram Das Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji's portraits that hang on the wall in the background while Ravi Kaur is dancing to "Sexy Back".

Almost 25,000 people viewed this disgraceful video! What are 3HOers thinking? Maybe they just don't care?

While the Yogi Bhajan coward MSS Hari Jiwan Singh, Yogi Bhajan's chief of protocol line his pockets with huge dollars from the sale of tantric jewelry & Gurumustuk Singh & Guruka Singh of SikhNet sit in Espanola making stupid video games, this heretic Ravi Kaur makes a mockery of our father Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Khalsa bana!

Write SikhNet & Gurumustak Singh (Mr. SikhNet) and insist they write an article denouncing these fake Sikhs! SikhNet should stop their support of Yogi Bhajan's ant-Sikh tantric sex kundalini yoga.

Why is SikhNet promoting Yogi Bhajan's use of tantric Yogic stones & jewelry for power?

In this You-tube video excerpt of a Yogi Bhajan lecture titled "Humbleness and Wearing Jewelry" by Gurumustuk at SikhNet, I was shocked to see how SikhNet blatantly promotes Yogi Bhajan's sacrilegious use of tantric Yogic stones & jewelry for power! I was appalled to see how Yogi Bhajan even ridicules true Singh's of the Khalsa panth who wear NO yogic rings or jewelry! Notice the huge gems Yogi Bhajan is wearing in the video. [image]
You'll notice the Singh in the painting next to Yogi Bhajan is wearing only Guru Sahib's adornments and NO yogic rings or jewelry.
The Yogi Bhajan portrait in the Sikh Museum at the Darbar Sahib (Golden Temple)A fraud like Yogi Bhajan should not be displayed here adorned with all his tantric stones & yogic jewellry especially alongside the likes of Sant Singh Maskeen jee or Bhai Jasbir Singh Khalsa aka Veer jee. These Singhs were the true Panth Rattans not Yogi Puri a cult leader!!

Why does SikhNet call Yogi Bhajan the "Siri Singh Sahib " & leader of the Sikhs in the west when Bhajan's false title has been shown to be a lie? One can clearly see the text for Yogi Bhajan's name as "Bhai Harbhajan Singh Ji Yogi"
There is no mention of the title "Siri Singh Sahib" when in other Sikh's portraits the museum shows the title given by the Khalsa panth or Shri Akaal Takhat Sahib under their name.

Yogi Bhajan wore huge gemstones for their so called “tantric yogic energy and power". Yogi Bhajan adorned himself with these tantric yogic rings and precious gems for different days of the week. Yogi Bhajan covered up the fact that these days are represented by different Hindu deities and the practice of wearing these yogic rings is really only the Hindu idea of pacifying the various gods and goddesses. Not only this, Yogi Bhajan used astrology and numerology in choosing these yogic rings which is strictly against the Sikh Reht. Yogi Bhajan believed the gemstones had "energy affects" and influenced our destiny, thinking and actions. As Sikhs we are supposed to rely only on the Siri Guru Granth Sahib for support and guidance.

Yogi Bhajan shown here on Sikhnet wearing a yogic ring for power

Around the year 2000, Yogi Bhajan tried to personally sell me a yogic ring for several thousand dollars. We were at Hari Jiwan Singh's house in Espanola where HJ keeps a vast collection of gems worth millions of dollars. Yogi Bhajan told me. "You're naked." And he stated I needed a ring with a particular stone to protect me.

Yogi Bhajan’s wearing and promoting yogic rings is yet another Hindu practice camouflaged in the sheep’s clothing of "Aquarian or New Age spiritual thinking”. These things should not be practiced by Sikhs of the Guru. As Sikhs we should rely on the Guru alone for strength as Guru Arjan so beautifully states:

I have learnt the technique of true Yoga from the divine Guru. The True Guru has revealed this technique with the Light of the divine Word. Within my body He has revealed the Light that pervades all the regions of the earth. To this Light within me I bow and salute every moment. The initiation of the Guru are my Yogic rings and I fix my mind steadfastly on the One Absolute God.i,

A. G. Guru Arjan, Gaudi, p 208

The following is taken from "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" by Dr. Trilochan Singh.

We quote Yogi Bhajan on Precious Stones and rings, which for him are his status symbol, and for possessing which he expends quite a lot of his energy and ingenuity. He says in Beads, Summer 1972, "Precious stones are not precious because the rich wear them and the poor do not. Rather, they are precious because when cut in the proper way they concentrate sun energy and can transmit to the individual through the skin. Hence most rings are worn on the ring finger. The quality of energy channeled by each stone differs and so does its effect on the individual. Stones also correspond to the planets and serve in mediating the scattered energy which comes from retrograding planets."
Yogi Bhajan has given the following comments on stones.
Ruby (Sun) concentrates the heart of the sun's rays.
Moonstone and Pearls (Moon) help balance out too much sun energy. They are commonly worn by Libra.
Diamond (Venus and practically everything) can concentrate miles of sun rays into one beam. Recently in Los Angeles someone was robbed of 100,000 worth of jewel within 72 hours.
Emerald (Mercury) has wonderful effect on the brain and is a cooling stone. Good luck for everyone.
Coral (Mars) is for balancing positive and negative forces.
Topaz (Jupiter) is a good luck stone.
Blue Sapphire (Saturn) can give so much energy to a person that he becomes negative. Those who are interested in details can read the Journal Beads, Summer 1972, p. 16. I do not know what is the opinion of the Jewelers on these statements but from the point of Sikhism these notions are worthless absurdities.
Yogi Bhajan does not wear the earrings of the Nath Panthi Yogis, but he wears precious gold rings (sometimes two and sometimes three) heavily studded with jewels, and cannot help displaying them ostentatiously, probably as a symbol of wealth acquired through the techniques of Tantric Yoga, which he sacrilegiously identifies with the techniques of Sikh mysticism. Bhai Gurdas, however, makes it clear to all Sikhs of all ages that Yoga asanas and yoga techniques are absolutely useless and unnecessary for Sikh meditations and the spiritual path of Sikhism:
jog jugat gursikh gurs am jhay a
The Guru has himself explained to the Sikhs the technique of true Yoga, and it is this: A Sikh must live in such a moral and spiritual poise that while hoping and waiting he ceases to aspire or crave for low ambitions and remains unconcerned and detached. He should eat little and drink little. He should speak little and never waste time in nonsensical discussion. He should sleep little at night and keep away from the snare of wealth. He should never crave avariciously after wealth and property.
Bhai Gurdas, Var 20 / 15

We still have very eminent scholars and saints who practice and live according to the Essentials of the Sikh Path with utter humility and devotion. They do not wear long robes. They do not wear gold and diamond rings. They do not contaminate Sikh doctrines and practices with practices of creeds and cults which are repulsive to Sikhism and strictly prohibited. There are piles and piles of correct interpretations of the Sacred Writings of the Sikhs written first by the great contemporaries of the Gurus like Bhai Gurdas, Bhai Mani Singh, Bhai Nand Lai, and our own contemporaries like Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh and Bhai Vir Singh. They not only interpreted it but lived it and suffered for it like living martyrs, never seeking anything but the Grace of God and the Gurus as a reward.
See an excerpt from a meditation taught by Yogi Bhajan listed on one of his student's websites promoting yogic gems at "".

"Each finger represents a planet, whose energies we imbue with grace within ourselves and through our projection:

The little finger is Mercury, enhancing communication.

The ring finger represents the sun, empowering our physical bodies with healing and grace of motion.

The middle finger stands for Saturn. We strengthen virtues of patience and self-discipline.

The index finger is for Jupiter. We enshrine the light of wisdom within us.

The thumb represents the earth, ego, “dragons head and dragons tail.” We bring grace to the ego, so it supports our spirit.

I brought this realization of grace through the beautiful Light that had descended with me, wherein I experienced each finger’s cosmic connection—to the planet Mercury, the shining Sun, ringed Saturn, luminous Jupiter, and lastly, Earth—wherein dragons symbolize the spiraling DNA of creation, all these energies equally a part of my soul."

See these links by Yogi Bhajan's students promoting "Power necklaces".

Please read an Excerpt below taken from

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

Why does Yogi Bhajan's Sikh Dharma Worldwide Organization auction tantric necklaces, astrology and numerology readings to raise funds? It is forbidden in the Sikh Reht Maryada for Sikhs to practice: “Influence of stars, Magic spells, incantations, omens, auspicious times, days & occasions, , horoscopic dispositions,” Chapter X Article XVI.

The answer is that Yogi Bhajan approved of and used tantric necklaces and astrology. New Age'rs want to believe in Magic & an easy way to salvation. So these gimmicks make lots of money for Yogi Bhajan's cult.

I just read a letter from Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa to Yogi Bhajan's "3HO family". Hari Jiwan(Sat Bachan Kaur who donated the tantric necklace above is his wife) was considered by Yogi Bhajan as his "right Hand man" and spent literally everyday of his life from 1978 until Yogi Bhajan's death in 2004 with his "Tantric Master". This letter from Hari Jiwan proves that Yogi Bhajan himself approved and promoted these anti Sikh tantric necklaces. "Guru Hans was the impetus behind the “Tantric Necklace.” He’s an architect by training and while looking through old architectural books, came across the ancient geometrical pattern used in this necklace since ancient times. The Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan), who is the ‘Mahan Tantric’ (the Master of Tantric Yoga of which there is only one on the planet at a time), was so excited when this rediscovery was brought to him that he personally blessed each one, refined the process, and blessed Guru Hans Singh for his service."

Sikh Dharma Worldwide says, "View all Auction items here All proceeds go to SDW Dasvandh so please bid generously. Learn what the stars have in store for you, and chart your path by the numbers with these great astrology and numerological readings."

Tantric necklace being auctioned to raise money for Yogi Bhajan's Sikh Dharma Worldwide Organization [image]
Jewelry from Nine Treasures
Tantric Necklace
Pink Crystal (Fire-Polished) Tantric Necklace from Nine Treasures; Jivan Jewerly.
Donated By:
Nine Treasures; Jivan Jewelry: or 505-747-2524

Here comes the hardball sales pitch from Hari Jiwan for the anti Sikh "individually blessed tantric necklaces by Yogi Bhajan" himself. This comes just one day after the soft sell letter I posted yesterday.
Just read the sacrilegious crap in Hari Jiwan's letter to Yogi Bhajan's "3HO family". Hari Jiwan(Sat Bachan Kaur who donated the tantric necklace above is his wife) was considered by Yogi Bhajan as his "right Hand man" and spent literally every day of his life from 1978 until Yogi Bhajan's death in 2004 with his "Mahan Tantric Master". This letter from Hari Jiwan proves that Yogi Bhajan himself approved and promoted these anti Sikh tantric necklaces.

Hari Jiwan says,
Sat Nam Dear Family,

Blessings from snowy New Mexico. It has been one year since I started writing all of you and telling stories of my life as lived and learned at the feet of the Master (Yogi Bhajan). It has been truly an honor to share these memories with you and I have greatly appreciated all of your feedback. It’s been a further honor for me in reminding myself of how I’ve been blessed and the feeling of gratitude which follows.

As some of you know, I am a great believer in supporting all facets of our Dharma, our organization, which was created by the Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan). Sikh Dharma Worldwide (SDW) is an entity that is near and dear to my heart and works tirelessly to maintain the essence of Yogi Bhajan's Teachings.
This winter SDW is holding an online Auction with unique, spiritual, one-of-a-kind items donated by our global Sangat. Items include custom artwork, jewelry, and passes to events such as Summer Solstice, Children’s Camp and Women’s Camp etc. etc.

If you are on the lookout for unique, conscious gifts for your friends and family, check out the many wonderful options that they have and help support SDW as well. If you have items you'd like to donate to the auction, please let them know.

I was happy to donate a Tantric Necklace to the auction and was trying to think of additional ways to help support SDW. I am therefore excited to extend this special offer to you, my friends and family. Please visit my website, where you can choose from a many beautiful and powerful Tantric Necklaces. The Master has personally blessed all these necklaces individually. If you see something you like, enter code HARI2011 and receive 15% off your order. In addition, 15% of your purchase will also be donated to SDW.

We can all help the Siri Singh Sahib’s (Yogi Bhajan) legacy in believing in and donating for his and our Guru’s glory. And, here’s the best part, we begin to receive blessings right away in the form of a beautiful and powerful Tantric Necklace.

In Humility of Gratitude and Service,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
Nine Treasures | 718 McCurdy Rd. | Espanola, NM 87532

"Mahan tantric", Yogi Bhajan and his wife Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Puri who promote a whole slew of anti-Sikh activities received Panth Rattan. Now Sikh scholars want to frame rules for the award after once again it shows to be politically driven

Panth Rattan has become a politically driven award particularly considering that previous recipients before the corrupt Prakash Singh Badal were the "Mahan tantric", Yogi Bhajan and his wife Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Puri who promote a whole slew of anti-Sikh activities.

Here's the link to the article in the Tribune of India, Punjab news
- you may have to scroll down.

After viewing these pictures of Bibiji performing Hindu pujas you'll see why she is clearly not a Gursikh & her positions of leadership in the Sikh community should be revoked! You'll notice the same Swami is leading the puja as the one at 11-11-11 shiv/shakti yoga event.
S.S. Gurubachan Singh at top left above Yogi Bhajan with orange turban. From left to right, Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa (Yogi Bhajan's wife), Bhai Sahib Satpal Singh Khalsa(Yogi Bhajan's son in law) and Kamaljit Kaur Khalsa (Yogi Bhajan's daughter) all wearing white turbans and donning the red mark of Shiva on their foreheads.

Why does Bhai Sahib Sat Pal Singh Khalsa, the Ambassador to Yogi Bhajan's Sikh Dharma, have this pic of his family with Yogi Bhajan and his wife doing Hindu puja with a swami on his website?

Sikhs do not perform these Hindu rituals which are strictly forbidden by the Sikh Reht Maryada.

Let's make clear that Yogi Bhajan and Bibiji are not just lighting some candles and that this is in fact a Hindu puja in the pic above. This is the way a puja works. The devotee of shiva or whatever deity you are worshiping makes an offering to the god or goddess in return for a wish being granted. In this case it appears the offering was flower petals. Usually some kind of fire is involved to burn away or cleanse karmas from the devotee making the offering, in this case a candle is being used. Then the Hindu pundit or swami blesses the devotee with a red mark of paint on the forehead (the third eye in yogic tradition) which is commonly called the eye of Shiva. You can see in the photos that all these elements are being met for a Hindu puja.
Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa, PhD, holds the distinguished position of Bhai Sahiba or Chief Religious Minister of Sikh Dharma, and she was the wife of Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji for 52 years. To Sikhs around the globe, she is a revered "mother" and honored as an ambassador of good will and a harbinger of interfaith dialogue among religious leaders. In 2006 she was named the New Mexico Ambassador of Peace by Senator Shannon Robinson. Governor Bill Richardson appointed Bibiji as his Representative to India in 2007.

In 2005, Bibiji received the honorific "Panth Rattan," from Singh Sahib Iqbal Singh of Takhat Sri Patna Sahib. In Sikhism, we honor those people with title of Panth Rattan meaning "The Jewel of the Nation," for outstanding service given to the Sikh panth. It is a title seldom granted, and then only after serious consideration. In November of 2004, Bibiji was recognized by the Akal Takat as the Bhai Sahiba of Sikh Dharma of the Western Hemisphere, a position she has held in the West since 1975.
This is no way for a Sikh leader to act!

For Bibiji & Yogi Bhajan and now their students to indulge in Hindu practices, such as having a Homa (fire puja) ceremony in front of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, to visit astrologers – as he did on a regular basis, to give people Sikh names through numerology rather than consult SGGS – I could go on and on – is totally hypocritical. Their disciples are now following in their footsteps.
The 3HO people may do whatever Hindu practices they like; there is no law against it but they should not claim to be Khalsa or use Khalsa names, Singh and Kaur. For them to use the name Khalsa, when the overwhelming majority of them neither recites panj bani nor wear panj kaka, is hypocritical in the extreme. Of course this is really Yogi Bhajan’s fault for a really stupid decision to name all his students Singh/Kaur Khalsa, no matter what their level of commitment was to Sikhi. I believe this has deeply wounded the image of The Khalsa Panth in America.

Here is the condemnation of Idol Worship by Guru Gobind Singh Ji (extracts from various passages):

ਕਾਹੂ ਲੈ ਪਾਹਨ ਪੂਜ ਧਰਯੋ ਸਿਰ ਕਾਹੂ ਲੈ ਲਿੰਗ ਗਰੇ ਲਟਕਾਇਓ ॥
Someone worships stone and places it on his head. Someone hangs the phallus (lingam) from his neck. .(pg.42)

ਕੋਉ ਬੁਤਾਨ ਕੋ ਪੂਜਤ ਹੈ ਪਸੁ ਕੋਉ ਮ੍ਰਿਤਾਨ ਕੋ ਪੂਜਨ ਧਾਇਓ ॥
Some fools worship idols and some go to worship the dead. (pg.42)

ਪਾਇ ਪਰੋ ਪਰਮੇਸਰ ਕੇ ਜੜ ਪਾਹਨ ਮੈਂ ਪਰਮੇਸਰ ਨਾਹੀ ॥੯੯॥
O fool! Fall at the feet of Lord-God, The Lord is not within the stone-idols.99.(pg.111)

ਤੇ ਭੀ ਬਸਿ ਮਮਤਾ ਹੁਇ ਗਏ ॥ਪਰਮੇਸਰ ਪਾਹਨ ਠਹਿਰਏ ॥੧੩॥
THEY were also overpowered by ‘mineness’ and exhibited the Lord in statues. 13. .(pg.134)

ਪਾਹਨ ਪੁਜੈ ਹੈ ਏਕ ਨ ਧਿਐ ਹੈ ਮਤ ਕੇ ਅਧਕ ਅਧੇਰਾ ॥ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਕਹੁ ਤਜਿ ਹੈ ਬਿਖ ਕਹੁ ਭਜਿ ਹੈ ਸਾਝਹਿ ਕਹਹਿ ਸਵੈਰਾ ॥
Worshiping stones, they will not meditate on the One Lord; there will be the prevalence of darkness of many sects; leaving the ambrosia they will desire for poison, and they will name the evening time as early-morning; .(pg.1142) (eg hindus and christians)

ਤਾਸ ਕਿਉ ਨ ਪਛਾਨਹੀ ਜੋ ਹੋਹਿ ਹੈ ਅਬ ਹੈ ॥ਨਿਹਫਲ ਕਾਹੇ ਭਜਤ ਪਾਹਨ ਤੋਹਿ ਕਛੁ ਫਲਿ ਦੈ ॥
Why do you not pray to him, who will be there in the future and who is here in the present? You are worshipping stones uselessly; what will you gain by this worship? (pg. 1289)
ਅੱਛਤ ਧੂਪ ਦੀਪ ਅਰਪਤ ਹੈ ਪਾਹਨ ਕਛੂ ਨ ਖੈ ਹੈ ॥

Yogi Bhajan and now his 3HO sect are clearly against Sikhism. It is not as simple as saying “So what we do some yoga…” Guess what? These Hindu pujas, kundalini and tantric yoga practices are anti- Gurmat! Always were and always will be. It is not their fault that Yogi Bhajan led them astray just look at the pics above where Yogi Bhajan is clearly performing Hindu puja and allowing his family to also induldge in this ceremony. Dr. Trilochan Singh’s book which is critical of Yogi Bhajan in the light of Sikhism has even more relevance today than it did 35 years ago when it was written.

View these new videos by Yogi Bhajan chela Gurmukh Kaur for more evidence that 3HOers are openly promoting Un Sikh like practices of Hindu fire puja, idol worship and occult astrology!

EVERY Sikh is representative of the Guru and the Khalsa Panth, especially one who is in the public eye. If they behave in a way that breaches SRM (Sikh Rehit Maryada) the whole Khalsa suffers.
"Jab lag Khalsa rahe niara. tab lag tej dio mai sara.
jab eh gahe bipran ki reet. mai na karo in ki parteet".
"So long as Khalsa retains his distinct identity, I will give him my entire radiance and strength. But if he should take on a non-Sikh way of life, then I shall have no confidence in him and withdraw my support and protection". Guru Gobind Singh Ji

EVERY Sikh is representative of the Guru and the Khalsa Panth, especially one who is in the public eye. If they behave in a way that breaches SRM (Sikh Rehit Maryada) the whole Khalsa suffers.

It is becoming more and more obvious that 3HO (whoever that actually is) has consciously or unconsciously decided to position itself as part Sikh and part Hindu. It seems to me that they just flat out don't understand just how this will wound taditional Sikh sentiments as the Punjabis find out that Yogi Bhajan's 3HO are doing this. Maybe they just don't care.

Snatam Kaur Khalsa openly admits to performing Hindu Arti at the Parmarth Niketan Ashram in Rishikesh in a letter published by Spirit Voyage,
"To finish the ceremony Swami ji invited me to sit behind him. I found myself next to Gurmukh. She leaned over and asked with knowing eyes... “Are you ok?” I said to her “Yes.” But as she turned away and I found my eyes falling on the rushing waters of the Ganga, a voice inside screamed... “No, I am not ok! I am in pain!"
Then Snatam Kaur goes on to describe the Ganges river as a goddess when she says, "The teaching tent for the 11.11.11 course is right next to the Ganga River. It is a very deep experience to take in Her(The Ganges river) loving presence while practicing the sacred science of Kundalini yoga, chanting together, and meditating."

Find the full photo album of Yogi Bhajan chelas anti Sikh Shiv/Shakti "Mother Ganga" event on Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa's facebook page and on this link:
This is the view of the idol of Shiva and the Ganges river from where Snatam Kaur and Gurmukh Kaur are performing the Hindu Arti and Puja in the first pic above.

The Chardi Kalaa jatha was also performing at this Arti ceremony in Rishikesh as Santam Kaur goes on to say in her letter,"Swami ji arrived and sang so beautifully.The Chardi Kalaa jatha played some of the most inspirational and soul stirring Kirtan I had every heard."

Sikhs do not perform these Hindu rituals which are strictly forbidden by the Sikh Reht Maryada.

View these new videos by Yogi Bhajan chela Gurmukh Kaur for more evidence that 3HOers are openly promoting Un Sikh like practices of Hindu fire puja, idol worship and occult astrology!

EVERY Sikh is representative of the Guru and the Khalsa Panth, especially one who is in the public eye. If they behave in a way that breaches SRM (Sikh Rehit Maryada) the whole Khalsa suffers.

"Jab lag Khalsa rahe niara. tab lag tej dio mai sara.
jab eh gahe bipran ki reet. mai na karo in ki parteet".
"So long as Khalsa retains his distinct identity, I will give him my entire radiance and strength. But if he should take on a non-Sikh way of life, then I shall have no confidence in him and withdraw my support and protection". Guru Gobind Singh Ji

Santam Kaur has also made recordings chanting Hindu mantras like Shiva OM which is also against Sikh Reht Maryada.

In this latest article published by SikhNet, SikhNet blatantly supports and promotes Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa and her anti Sikh activities!
SikhNet needs to follow the Sikh Reht & stop promoting Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa who is used as a "Poster Yogi" by Parmarth Niketan Ashram.

Just read this update on Gurmukh Kaur's facebook page. Please note the people who are commenting and her posts. There doesn't appear to be any Sikhs posting or anything about Sikhism but rather Gurmukh gives her chelas false hope in the Vedic "akashic records" and some "magical Aquarian Age" date of 11-11-11. I don't know why Gurmukh doesn't change her name to Shiva Dasi Devi; that would be more in keeping with her practices.

By Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa
We are supposed to be in a period where all your thoughts can move all over the place into realms of what you are going towards in your destiny. After November 4, 2011, whatever you have wished for, envisioned for your destiny, what you want to achieve to fulfill your life, will be set in the akashic records for 29 years.
So take the time now to write down what it is you want to achieve, what is important for your happiness and your destiny, and project into the future for 29 years.
You can edit the list until next week on Friday.

Take the list home and put it into a holy book, or on their altar, under their prayer book, etc, to purify the wishes and visions. Rework them as you see fit.

You don't have to know all the details for your visions and wishes. Just the general concept.
Sat Nam

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, Santam Kaur & The Chardi Kalaa jatha are an embarrassment to the Khalsa panth. Gurmukh has been photographed doing Hinduhoma fire pujas and doesn't even wear a Sikh kara. Even in the pic above which SikhNet so blatently publishes shows Gurmukh Kaur doing homage to the sun in Rishikesh on the river Ganga where you can see a Hindu temple in the backgroud of the pic. How can Sikhnet support this anti Sikh woman?

I pray Gurmukh Kaur will visit the small Gurdwara on the banks of the Ganges at Haridwar, called Gian Gothdri, which marks Guru Nanak's visit there.

When Guru Nanak saw people doing puja to the sun, as is Gurmukh Kaur in this picture, he asked what they were doing. "We are giving water to our thirsty forefathers who live on the sun", they said. So, he also waded into the river and started doing likewise but facing in the opposite direction. Everybody laughed at him and said, "Don't you even know which way the sun is?" He replied, "I've been away from my farm in the Punjab for quite some time and my fields are probably parched, so I thought I should take this opportunity to water them (in the west)". They all laughed some more and said, "Silly fool, Punjab is hundreds of miles away and this water is just falling a foot away right in front of you." Guru Nanak replied, " Oh, but I thought the sun was much further away?" A few probably understood what Guru Nanak was getting at, and stopped doing that futile nonsense, but most, like Gurmukh Kaur, carried on still blissfully ignorant.

"Jab lag Khalsa rahe niara. tab lag tej dio mai sara.
jab eh gahe bipran ki reet. mai na karo in ki parteet".
"So long as Khalsa retains his distinct identity, I will give him my entire radiance and strength. But if he should take on a non-Sikh way of life, then I shall have no confidence in him and withdraw my support and protection". Guru Gobind Singh Ji

EVERY Sikh is representative of the Guru and the Khalsa Panth, especially one who is in the public eye. If they behave in a way that breaches SRM (Sikh Rehit Maryada) the whole Khalsa suffers.
Let us look at Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa's name, the one whom SikhNet & 3HO so blithely dismiss as "a popular Yogini". Her first name is Gurmukh. Forget the nonsensical Yogi Bhajan translation; Gurmukh is a very powerful word from Gurbani, meaning that person whose face is forever turned towards the Guru. And that means Guru Nanak and his successors, not some Hindu Swami the demigod Shiva or the Mother Ganga river. Sometimes in Gurbani, Gurmukh refers to Guru Sahib himself.
How can a Gurmukh be doing Hindu puja?
Second name is Kaur, meaning a princess of the khalsa. The last name is Khalsa. Anyone who calls themselves Khalsa MUST live as a reflection of Guru Gobind Singh ji and his rehit. Otherwise they should call themselves something else.
She can do as much Hindu puja as she likes but she should spare the Khalsa the embarrassment of having to see it plastered all over the internet. It is absolutely against SRM and is very insulting to the Khalsa and indeed to all Sikhs, especially those whose relatives were slaughtered and raped by Hindus in 1984.
I don't know why she doesn't change her name to Shiva Dasi Devi; that would be more in keeping with her practices.

This is a response to a 3HOers comment in the Sikhism discussion group on facebook. Sarib Khalsa says: "Hey, what do you care how someone else wants to live their life? Her life is her life, not yours, you horses ass. And since when are "Singh" and "Kaur" not part of "Hindu" tradition? Where do you think they came from?

Whether you like it or not there is a huge cultural overlap with many aspects of "Hindu" culture and traditions. We used to not be separated or threatened by this. Overlaps existed without negating Sikh ideals or philosophy. British political interests wanted a wide, dark line demarcating the two. They wanted a loyal, neutered, anglicized, even christianized Sikhism, separate from and not aligned with the interests of "Hindus." They mostly got that. There are political interests today that want to interfere in similar ways, they come down from the same intelligence service lineage, those are the guys paying you.

And in case you didn't know, there ARE writings of "Hindu" saints in Guru Granth Sahib. Go bang your head against another wall."

Gursant Singh's reply: What is most shocking to me is your total lack of understanding or even caring about the sensibilities of most Sikhs from Punjab. While it is true that, in India, Sikhs and Hindus live side by side, amicably and peaceably, most Sikhs that I know are all too well aware of how the Central (Hindu) government has treated the Sikhs, especially those in the Punjab, in a terrible fashion ever since Indian independence.

If you need to know more, read the article here.

Two of my favorite Sikh writers teamed up together to write this article:
August 15: India’s Shackles, Old and New

It is becoming more and more obvious that 3HO (whoever that actually is) has consciously or unconsciously decided to position itself as part Sikh and part Hindu. It seems to me that they just flat out don't understand just how this will wound taditional Sikh sentiments as the Punjabis find out that Yogi Bhajan's 3HO are doing this. Maybe they just don't care.

I would be curious to find out who is feeding you this stuff about it all being the fault of the British that the Sikhs and Hindus are separate. I feel sure that you don't have that knowledge by your own research; it's clearly being spoon fed to you.

I don't think I need to reiterate about SRM and the teachings of the Guru Sahiban, I have posted all that here so many times already.

I have to say that I feel saddened by your childish arrogance and by the path that the Bhajanistas have chosen. As some are always posting here, they certainly have a right to worship in whatever way they want. But this creeping Hinduism is an insult to all those who died and suffered to preserve the separate identity of Sikhi that was given by Guru Nanak and solidified by Guru Gobind Singh.

Bulletin from the cause: Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism
Go to Cause:
Posted By: Gursant Singh
To: Members in Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism
Hindu Homa (fire puja) ceremony performed by 3HOer Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa in Rishikesh! Stop these enemies of Sikhism! Write Sikhnet and Gurumustak Singh(Mr. Sikhnet) and insist they write an article denouncing these fake Sikh idol worshipers.

For Yogi Bhajan and now his students to indulge in Hindu practices, such as having a Homa (fire puja) ceremony in front of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, to visit astrologers – as he did on a regular basis, to give people Sikh names through numerology rather than consult SGGS – I could go on and on – is totally hypocritical. His disciples are now following in his footsteps.
The 3HO people may do whatever Hindu practices they like; there is no law against it but hey should not claim to be Khalsa or use Khalsa names, Singh and Kaur. For them to use the name Khalsa, when the overwhelming majority of them neither recites panj bani nor wear panj kaka, is hypocritical in the extreme. Of course this is really Yogi Bhajan’s fault for a really stupid decision to name all his students Singh/Kaur Khalsa, no matter what their level of commitment was to Sikhi. I believe this has deeply wounded the image of The Khalsa Panth in America.
Yogi Bhajan and now his 3HO sect are clearly against Sikhism. It is not as simple as saying “So what we do some yoga…” Guess what? These kundalini and tantric yoga practices are anti- Gurmat! Always were and always will be. It is not their fault that Yogi Bhajan led them astray. Dr. Trilochan Singh’s book which is critical of Yogi Bhajan in the light of Sikhism has even more relevance today than it did 35 years ago when it was written.

How can Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa be doing Hindu puja? Why do 3HO Sikhs and Sikhnet support her?

"Jab lag Khalsa rahe niara. tab lag tej dio mai sara.
jab eh gahe bipran ki reet. mai na karo in ki parteet".

"So long as Khalsa retains his distinct identity, I will give him my entire radiance and strength. But if he should take on a non-Sikh way of life, then I shall have no confidence in him and withdraw my support and protection". Guru Gobind Singh Ji

EVERY Sikh is representative of the Guru and the Khalsa Panth, especially one who is in the public eye. If they behave in a way that breaches SRM (Sikh Rehit Maryada) the whole Khalsa suffers.

Let us look at Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa's name, the one whom 3HO so blithely dismiss as "a popular Yogini". Her first name is Gurmukh. Forget the nonsensical YB translation; Gurmukh is a very powerful word from Gurbani, meaning that person whose face is forever turned towards the Guru. And that means Guru Nanak and his successors, not some Hindu Swami or the demigod Shiva. Sometimes in Gurbani, Gurmukh refers to Guru Sahib himself.

How can a Gurmukh be doing Hindu puja?

Second name is Kaur, meaning a princess of the khalsa. The last name is Khalsa. Anyone who calls themselves Khalsa MUST live as a reflection of Guru Gobind Singh ji and his rehit. Otherwise they should call themselves something else.

She can do as much Hindu puja as she likes but she should spare the Khalsa the embarrassment of having to see it plastered all over the internet. It is absolutely against SRM and is very insulting to the Khalsa and indeed to all Sikhs, especially those whose relatives were slaughtered and raped by Hindus in 1984.

I don't know why she doesn't change her name to Shiva Dasi Devi; that would be more in keeping with her practices.
Bulletin from the cause: Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism
Go to Cause:
Posted By: Gursant Singh
To: Members in Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism
Hindu Homa (fire puja) ceremony performed by 3HOer Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa in Rishikesh!
Stop these enemies of Sikhism! Write Sikhnet and Gurumustak Singh(Mr. Sikhnet) and insist they write an article denouncing these fake Sikh idol worshipers.

For Yogi Bhajan and now his students to indulge in Hindu practices, such as having a Homa (fire puja) ceremony in front of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, to visit astrologers – as he did on a regular basis, to give people Sikh names through numerology rather than consult SGGS – I could go on and on – is totally hypocritical. His disciples are now following in his footsteps.

The 3HO people may do whatever Hindu practices they like; there is no law against it but hey should not claim to be Khalsa or use Khalsa names, Singh and Kaur. For them to use the name Khalsa, when the overwhelming majority of them neither recites panj bani nor wear panj kaka, is hypocritical in the extreme. Of course this is really Yogi Bhajan’s fault for a really stupid decision to name all his students Singh/Kaur Khalsa, no matter what their level of commitment was to Sikhi. I believe this has deeply wounded the image of The Khalsa Panth in America.

Yogi Bhajan and now his 3HO sect are clearly against Sikhism. It is not as simple as saying “So what we do some yoga…” Guess what? These kundalini and tantric yoga practices are anti- Gurmat! Always were and always will be. It is not their fault that Yogi Bhajan led them astray. Dr. Trilochan Singh’s book which is critical of Yogi Bhajan in the light of Sikhism has even more relevance today than it did 35 years ago when it was written.

Yogi Bhajan’s kundalini and tantric yoga set the stage for the anti-Gurmat activities of Gurmukh Kaur who clearly practices Hindu pujas and fire ceremonies in Rishikesh every year as shown in the attached pic. The Sikh Rahit Maryada strictly forbids the Hindu ritual of performing arti and havan. Chapter 4, Article V. Hindu rituals are against Gurmat. Participating in Hindu ceremonies is against Gurmat. Chanting Hindu mantras is against Gurmat. Putting pictures and murtian (statues) of Hindu Gods and Goddesses in Gurdwaras and on supposed Sikh websites is against Gurmat. Tantric practices are against Gurmat.

There are very powerful forces in India that want to see Sikhi subsumed back into Hinduism. They LOVE to see gora (3HO) Sikhs doing all this Hindu stuff. It helps make their case.

The Punjabis who find out about these things are HORRIFIED.

But Yogi Bhajan’s followers go blithely on doing their quasi Sikh/Hindu things without seeming to give a damn other than saying nonsense like: “You cannot blame 21st century Hindus for something that happened in the 18th century.” or “don’t be negative ji” or “we are all one”.

Well, we are all one on a spiritual level. But try saying that to the survivors of the Sikh massacres of 1984. The women who were raped. The wives who saw their husbands slaughtered. The children who were orphaned. See what they have to say in response. These massacres were done exclusively by Hindus and it was not the 18th century.

Rice, incense and lamps are offered, but the stones do not eat anything. (pg.1349)

See more photos and discussion on facebook at:

“Amid the legal infighting following Yogi Bhajan’s death, critics are offering another portrait of the Sikh leader.”
3HO Sikhs are now fighting amongst themselves in a lawsuit over the millions of dollars in profits made from using the sacred Sikh religious symbols and scriptures for their own personal gain.3HO Sikhs, who follow Yogi Bhajan, funnel the money to support Yogi Bhajan's tantric cult church which 3HO Sikhs have deceptively camouflaged using names like "Sikh Dharma International", "3HO foundation", "Sikh Dharma Stewardship","","Sikh Dharma Worldwide", "Unto Infinity Board","Khalsa Council" and "KRI(Kundalini Research Institute)". See "Sikhnet's" and "Sikh Dharma International's" slick new websites which were produced with the millions in ill-gained profits using the name of the Golden Temple, names and images of the Sikh Gurus, and sacred Sikh shabads for profit in commercial enterprises.

Read the full front page article about Yogi Bhajan's lust for power and greed of his 3HO Sikhs in Today's Eugene Register-Guard:

""Yogi's Legacy in Question"".[/link]

"New lawsuit hits Golden Temple with fraud!"

Read about the infighting in 3HO and Sikh Dharma--
Today's Eugene Register-Guard:

""Rift in 3HO Sikh community threatens business empire""

Appeared in print: Friday, May 28, 2010

"Bhajan was a leader ‘by fluke’

Recently, a friend sent me articles from The Register-Guard on litigation involving Yogi Bhajan’s organizations in Oregon. The letters to the editor that followed, critical of the reporter, prompt me to throw some light on the subject. Bhajan was extremely good at what he did, but propagation of Sikhism he was not. Criticism of Bhajan’s cult cannot be construed as criticism of Sikhism.

Trilochan Singh, a distinguished Sikh scholar, in his 1977 book “Sikhism and Tantric Yoga,” describes Bhajan devastatingly: “Yogi Bhajan is a Sikh by birth, a Maha Tantric by choice but without training, and a ‘Sri Singh Sahib’ and self-styled leader of the Sikhs of the Western Hemisphere by fluke and mysterious strategy.” There was no mystery to his strategy. He ingratiated himself with the Sikh religious leadership in Punjab, which was more corrupt than the Vatican during the time of Martin Luther.

According to the Tantrics, the best form of worship is the fullest satisfaction of the sexual desires of man, therefore sexual intercourse is prescribed as a part of Tantric worship. In the annals of abuse of women, some had harems, others had concubines and Bhajan had secretaries. The Sikh gurus condemned the Tantrics and their practices. All the cases mentioned in The Register-Guard had merit.

Humility is the hallmark of a Sikh, and Bhajan had none of it. Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, describes people such as Bhajan succinctly: “Those ... who have no virtues but are filled with egotistical pride.”

Hardev Singh Shergill President, Khalsa Tricentennial Foundation of North America Editor-in-chief, The Sikh Bulletin El Dorado Hills, Calif.

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

"The book Sikhism And Tantric Yoga is available at: website which is operated by a genuine White Sikh is highly recommended. Gursant Singh was a member of the Yogi Bhajan Cult (3HO and the Sikhnet Gora Sikhs or White Sikhs) for over 30 years and has intimate knowledge about the inner workings of this cult which attempts to miscegnate Sikhism with Hindu idolatry. I downloaded the book from Gursant’s website and found it to be absolutely compelling. I read it in one compulsive and sustained draught. It is a study not only about cults in Sikhism but about the miscegenation of the Sikh Religion by Hinduism. It is a classic work rendered in beautiful English prose and it is patently the work of a profound intellectual scholar with a deep knowledge of Sikhism."
Quotation taken from:

You may also view individual chapters to "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" at these links:

Sikhism & Tantric Yoga A Critical Evaluation of Yogi Bhajan

Sikh Doctrines and Yogi Bhajan's Secret Science

Yogi Bhajan's Adi Shakti Shaktimans and Shaktis

Yogi Bhajan's Clap Trap Theories of Kundalini Yoga

Yogi Bhajan's Ego Maniac Utterances

Yogi Bhajan's Seven Years in America and His Tinkling Titles

Yogi Bhajan's Arrest and Release on Bail

Yogi Bhajan Becomes the Only Maha Tantric in the World

Sikh Leaders without Conscience

Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism

Please read an Excerpt below taken from "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"

The Name of Golden Temple and its Murals

"In England last year a firm advertised some blue jeans as Jesus Jeans. The whole religious world of England rose in one protest and stopped the manufacture of these jeans. The word Golden Temple has become an instrument of commercial affairs of Yogi Bhajan He has now even named shoe stores as Golden Temple. I was given a "Wha Guru Chew.""

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

Read about the "war between 3HO Sikh's Unto Infinity Board and Yogi Bhajan's Sikh Dharma". Yogi Bhajan set up all these organizatio

SikhNet's hidden directors file for Bankcruptcy. Documents detail lavish lifestyle of CEO Kartar Khalsa!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Wednesday, March 07, 2012, 11:12 (4695 days ago) @ Gursant Singh


March 6th, 2012 By Corey Pein | News | Posted In: Cops and Courts, Business Ex-Aide To Yogi Had Expensive Tastes, Court Filings Show

A Portland businessman who wrongly took control of a religious group's nearly $1 billion business and non-profit empire, according to a Multnomah County Circuit Court judge's ruling in a civil lawsuit last year, has filed for bankruptcy.

Kartar Singh Khalsa—chief executive of Eugene-based Golden Temple foods, which makes Yogi Tea and Peace Cereals, and has also filed for bankruptcy—was central to a scheme to take control of businesses owned by the Sikh Dharma sect founded by the late Yogi Bhajan (pictured in the illustration).

Bankruptcy filings made earlier this year show that Khalsa was, as the group's religious leaders claimed, living large.

Khalsa's assets, according to the bankruptcy petition, include $30,000 in clothes and shoes, $21,000 in furs and jewelry and a new $40,000 BMW. But by far the majority of his wealth is with other property—six Portland condo units valued at $5 million, and a $23 million stake in a holding company for Golden Temple.

The bankruptcy documents also show that in 2010 and 2011, Khalsa earned $99,000 as a board member of Akal Security, a New Mexico-based Homeland Security contractor that guards airports, courthouses and embassies in the U.S. and abroad, and claims some $500 million in annual revenue.

The Eugene Register-Guard and the Portland Business Journal recently reported on the bankruptcy filings and ongoing lawsuits surrounding the Sikh Dharma group.

Last summer, WW covered the complicated legal dispute in depth. At the heart of the story are the last wishes of the late Yogi Bhajan, a guru who converted thousands of white Americans to the Sikh religion. Kartar Singh Khalsa led a splinter group of Oregon Sikhs—aided by Bhajan's longtime attorney, Roy Lambert formerly of the Portland firm Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt—in wresting control of the group's businesses. Lambert subsequently became the subject of a Oregon State Bar complaint and a $230 million malpractice lawsuit.

Golden Temple execs who make Yogi Tea file for bankruptcy!
Golden Temple CEO Kartar Khalsa and management group which controls all Yogi Bhajan businesses including the Kundalini Research Institute(KRI), SikhNet and used to make Peace Cereal before selling it to Hearthside Foods for a cool 70 million dollars, lived a "lavish lifestyle"!
Kartar Khalsa, head of Yogi Bhajan's empire and CEO of the Unto Infinity Board which controls SikhNet, the Kundalini Research Institute(KRI) and makes Yogi Tea.

Documents detail lavish lifestyle of company CEO
By Sherri Buri McDonald

The Register-Guard

Published: (Friday, Feb 24, 2012 05:01AM) Midnight, Feb. 24

Documents detail lavish lifestyle of company CEO
Kartar Khalsa lists a current monthly income of $64,070..... Khalsa’s ex-wife, Sat Mander Kaur Khalsa, is listed as an unsecured creditor with a priority claim for $910,000 in alimony......

You may think Gurumustuk Singh or Guruka Singh contols SikhNet but this is not the case. In a recent court battle in Oregon, stimulated by the infighting over Yogi Bhajan's business empire, evidence has surfaced showing the true corporate structure of SikhNet. SikhNet is controlled by the Sikh Dharma Unto Infinity Board which also controls all other Yogi Bhajan businesses. Kartar Khalsa is the board's chairman and he is not even a Sikh! Now these executives have filed for bankruptcy!
Kartar Khalsa, head of Yogi Bhajan's empire, testifying in an Oregon court.

When asked if he felt remorse for selling the brand name Golden Temple to a non-Sikh company, he said, “No. It was just part of the deal.” If Kartar is willing to readily sell off the Golden Temple brand name for several million dollars, I don't think you'd want donations going to SikhNet, another 3HO business controlled by Yogi Bhajan profiteers.
Attachment #3 pg 14 for exhibits showing "Current Corporate Structure" in the recent court battle in Oregon over Yogi Bhajan's empire. You can clearly see SikhNet Oregon and (KRI)the Kundalini Research Institute under the UI Board who's members declared bankruptcy. SikhNet is officially a registered non-profit organization in the State of Oregon.

SikhNet makes the false claim they are not funded by Golden Temple Foods who's executives filed for bankruptcy and lived lavish lifestyles. "We(SikhNet) rely on two funding sources (1) Donations from users and "sponsors" and (2) membership fees." Golden Temple Foods which makes millions from using the sacred Sikh symbols for commercial profit, donated at least $25,0000 to SikhNet last year according to a 3HOer in a comment for a SikhNN article covering The Fight For Yogi Bhajan’s business Empire

Golden Temple execs file for bankruptcy
The company’s CEO and management group seek protection against claims that may follow a lawsuit
By Sherri Buri McDonald

The Register-Guard

Published: (Friday, Feb 24, 2012 05:01AM) Today



Golden Temple CEO Kartar Singh Khalsa and the company’s management group, which includes Khalsa and five other top company executives, have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy .

Khalsa and the other executives sought the protection of the bankruptcy court in anticipation of large claims being filed against them after they lost a lawsuit in December.

Multnomah County Circuit Judge Leslie Roberts ruled that Khalsa breached his fiduciary duties to the Sikh religious community founded by the late Yogi Bhajan and that he and other Golden Temple Management members were unjustly enriched, when they gained ownership of 90 percent of the prosperous company in 2007.

The company grew out of a bakery founded by members of the local Sikh community in the 1970s, for the community’s benefit. It evolved into Golden Temple, producer of Peace cereal and Yogi Tea, among other products, which were long a cornerstone of Lane County’s natural foods industry.

Golden Temple sold its cereal division in May 2010 for $71 million to Hearthside Food Solutions. The Illinois-based baker continues to make Peace Cereal, Sweet Home Farms granola and other cereal products at its plant in Eugene.

Khalsa and Golden Temple Management were in court-ordered mediation on Thursday with U.S. District Judge Michael Hogan in an attempt to craft a reorganization plan that most of the creditors would support and that would provide a dividend to unsecured creditors, according to court orders filed Tuesday.

A meeting of creditors is scheduled in Eugene on March 19.

The bankruptcy filings are the latest twist in the legal troubles that for more than two years have wracked the local Sikh community, Golden Temple and Khalsa, a former Eugene resident and prominent business leader who chaired the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce.

In both bankruptcy filings, the assets listed greatly exceed the liabilities listed. Khalsa listed assets of $30.95 million and liabilities of $1.27 million, and Golden Temple Management listed assets of $49 million and liabilities of $10.4 million. What drove the company managers to take this step were the many claims of “unknown” amounts from creditors, such as the Sikh religious leaders and Oregon Attorney General John Kroger, who sued Golden Temple Management in Multnomah County Circuit Court.

Who really controls SikhNet? Are SikhNet's real "sponsors" Yogi Bhajan's tantric profiteers who use the sacred images and Shabads of the Sikh Grurus for profit? Know before you donate!

What an outright Fraud SikhNet is committing! SikhNet does not want Sikhs to know the true identity of Kartar Khalsa who is a fake! Kartar has cut hair,is no longer a Sikh but still controls all Yogi bhajan businesses, Sikh Dharma nonprofits, including SikhNet itself.
Kartar Khalsa, head of Yogi Bhajan's empire, testifying in an Oregon court.

The thread below shows the fraudulent way SikhNet is handling the real "Kartar Khalsa" issue of Kartar not being a Sikh. SikhNet refers Sikh forum participants,to another Kartar Singh in Espanola. SikhNet implies that the turbaned Kartar Singh from Espanola is the leader of Yogi Tea and the Sikh Dharma nonprofits.

(SikhNet)Moderator Note: Now you are diverting your topic. Discussion of any sects invariably leads to slander and negativity. We found two web sites below. If you are talking about the same person then the pictures show that he is not “a hair cut man” as you say. We do not have the time to verify everything. We do not allow slander. If you continue this we will have to ban you. This topic is locked now. We are deleting another similar topic that you started.​profile.php?id=12904

Singh posted to Gursant Singh

Follow me on my discussion with sikhnet​ion/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5245&s​id=86913aa1fe728d032a9d1d6541c​a1bd1

Gursant Singh You should post this pic of Yogi Tea box which shows the Darbar Sahib in Amritsar and Sikhs sitting around the parkarma disrespectfully drinking Yogi Tea.​oto.php?pid=2828625&l=fd81​1df60e&id=1214270541

Wall Photos
Singh: You should post this pic on SikhNet discussion of Yogi Tea box which shows the Darbar Sahib in Amritsar and Sikhs sitting around the parkarma disrespectfully drinking Yogi Tea.
By: Gursant Singh
Yesterday at 8:32am · ·

Gursant Singh: I hope SikhNet allows this thread to continue but I doubt it. Once their office opens in New Mexico Monday morning it will be deleted because its critical of the "hand which feeds it
Yesterday at 8:43am ·

Gursant Singh
Singh Now you see how corrupt and stuck these 3HOers are. All we can do is keep exposing them to our Sikh brothers and sisters here on facebook and twitter. I think more and more Sikhs are becoming aware of the way SikhNet really is and eventually they'll lose all donations and support from the larger Sikh sangat. Did you read this article "Who really controls SikhNet?"​um/index.php?id=333
19 hours ago ·

Yes i read that article and i evem posted about kartar. This is what they replied to me when i wrote : "Yogi tea is an invention of yogi bhajan. The company that runs this business is called Golden temple run by a 3ho sikh called kartar khalsa who is hair cut man. Golden temple brand is also used in the sale of oil and sex massage, food and wine.

Moderator Note: Now you are diverting your topic. Discussion of any sects invariably leads to slander and negativity. We found two web sites below. If you are talking about the same person then the pictures show that he is not “a hair cut man” as you say. We do not have the time to verify everything. We do not allow slander. If you continue this we will have to ban you. This topic is locked now. We are deleting another similar topic that you started.​profile.php?id=12904

about an hour ago ·

Singh: If you click the link they refer to a turbanned man as kartar

Gursant Singh:
Singh "the pictures show that he is not “a hair cut man” as you say." The moderator at SikhNet is a bare faced liar! Everyone in 3HO knows that Kartar Khalsa is no longer a Sikh and has cut his hair See these independent articles showing a picture of Kartar Khalsa. There are many articles in the Eugene Register Guard also which you can just google:​and/article-17701-death_of​_a_yogi.html​lines/1395/4-million-dolla​r-man

Sikhnet gave me final warning, when i tried to expose tantra
Hello Babbar_Sher,

(SikhNet)Moderator Note:You are receiving this notification because your topic "Value of Tantra in
Sikhi" at "SikhNet Discussion Forum" was disapproved by a moderator or

The following reason was given for the disapproval:

The reported message does not fit into any other category, please use the
further information field.

We have warned you before. If you continue to post about sects, 3HO etc. we
will have to ban you. This is our last warning to you

Death of a Yogi
In downtown Portland, across Southwest 5th Avenue from City Hall, stands a tall glass and aluminum tower. Inside this building, the Pacwest Center, is a safe. This safe keeps many secrets, but thi,News
34 minutes ago · ·

Gursant Singh: SikhNet is so cunning, the links they give are to a Kartar Singh in Espanola NM and SikhNet knows he has nothing to do with Yogi Tea in Oregon. This is total fraud on SikhNet's part and shows their true colors.

What an outright Fraud SikhNet is committing!
SikhNet’s hypocrisy is unparalleled! In one breath they condemn “slander and negativity” but then allow this clearly slanderous post accusing me of “Blasphemy”, to stand for almost a year now. SikhNet blocks my comments and any opportunity to defend against these personal attacks. It’s clear SikhNet censors and then attacks anyone who disagrees with Yogi Bhajan and their Kundalini/tantric Yoga secret agenda.

SikhNet post: Summary of Question:

Blasphemy By Gursant Singh On The Internet
Category: General Sikhism
Date Posted: Monday, 9/27/2010 3:15 PM MDT

Dear Moderators,

Lately i've been reading the trash being posted by Gursant Singh on his blog and now on facebook.. I'm very disturbed. This man talks without evidence and is sly like a fox. Please do something to stop this man right away. Innocent readers get easily influenced.. Please do something now.....

Simranjit Harbans Singh

In this Yogi Bhajan lecture link at SikhNet, Yogi Bhajan states, "Guru Gobind Singh forgot somewhere to write that the Khalsa shall do Pooran praan tapaa. That’s the only way I can figure it out." How dare Yogi Bhajan utter such rubbish that our father Guru Gobind Singh Ji "forgot" something! This is an outrageously false and ego maniac statement by Yogi Bhajan and SikhNet is promoting this sacrilege on their website!!

You'll find the promotion of many anti Sikh practices on SikhNet like this article which falsely states: "In Sikh tradition, Sukh grew a beard and wore a turban for the marriage ceremony. Later, at the celebrations in a Shagun Marriage Palace in Moga, he shaved and dressed in a suit and white shirt."

More ego maniac utterances by Yogi Bhajan recorded by Dr. Trilochan Singh in his book "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" 1977

Guru Gobind Singh Could not do What
We have done, claims Yogi Bhajan
In my personal experience as gross human body, it is the first time in the world the real perfect shape of the Khalsa came into existence. It didn't happen in the time of Guru Gobind Singh. I see and now look back at the Sikh history. We have done—a handful of us—a more tremendous sacrifice for the sake of humanity on this planet than anybody can even relate to. But I should say, as an honest historian, that when I look back accurately at Sikh history, the Sikh woman was a great woman and she was a Sikh. But, in the West, I see the woman, in a very elaborate and equal state of consciousness, to be a Khalsa.
One question is, "Why are the Sikhs who have the prosperity losing their prospect?" I have the answer to that. Because they have forgotten the great secret practices that were given to them. "Why are we [American Sikhs] out of the total insanity, becoming totally creative?" Because we are practicing those practices and that is all.
Sikh Dharma Brotherhood: 1976
Yogi Bhajan's Lecture: page 9
The title page of this Journal carries
a picture of Gurcharan Singh Tohra:
President S.G.P.C.
Guru Gobind Singh Forgot
To Write Pooran Praan Tapaa
But what is that meditation? The meditation is not just coming to the Guru. The meditation is like this. Suppose on Sunday we are to come and present ourselves to the Guru. On Saturday we start preparing for it. That is how it works. Twenty-four hours earlier than the action of infinity, if a person starts thinking cosmically that he has to go and present himself to the Guru, and starts purifying and preparing himself, they call it meditation. Pooran Praan Tapaa— remember this technique of words. Pooran means complete. Praan means prana, the life force. Tapaa means the action of purification. It is known as Pooran Praan Tapaa. It is a kind of meditation.
Of all the meditations written and known for the human, this is the highest. And that is why the mantra Guru Gobind Singh gave us was the Guru Mantra, Wah Guru. Guru Gobind Singh forgot somewhere to write that the Khalsa shall do Pooran Praan Tapaa. That is the only way I can figure it out. Otherwise the factual effect of giving a human the Guru mantra Wha Guru is only that it states, a positive intuition? Wha, the Grace, Wonderful is the Lord.
Sikh Dharma, Vol III, no 1 Spring 1977
Guru Gobind Singh Sowed the Seed
Of the Khalsa Wrongly, says Yogi Bhajan
The eminent Scientist Dr Manohar Singh Grewal of Boston is popular both among American Sikhs and Indian Sikhs. Like his grandfather Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh, who was leader of the Jaito Morcha (Agitation) he is a conscientious and devoted Sikh. When he went to Los Angeles he visited 3HO Headquarters of Yogi Bhajan, who was there.
It appears that Dr Grewal's humility and gentle nature provoked his vanity under the uncontrolled impulse of which Yogi Bhajan said in the course of talks, "Guru Gobind Singh has sowed the seed of the Khalsa wrongly.'7 (Guru Gobind Singh ne Khalse da bij hi ghalat lay a) Controlling his emotions at these outrageous utterances, Dr Grewal retorted, "How can you say such a thing?" And Yogi Bhajan as usual started rationalizing his statement.
In the first week of June 1977 Gurbanda Singh of Washington, whose arrogance is well known, addressed a Sikh Congregation in which 3HO people were also present at Vermont. In his speech, which is always snobbish in tone and material, he tried to prove that the American Sikhs were very pious and holy while the Indian Sikhs were irreligious, profane (patits) and so on. Even in his writings (the few articles on Yogi Bhajan cult he has written) his tone is the same. Sardar Kehar Singh, an eminent Engineer, immediately stood up and took him to task. He told him and all those 3HO men and women who think and act like him, "We are fed up with your attempts to make us feel guilty of not being Sikhs. We are Sikhs and in many many ways far better than you people." His angry attack on the typical snobbery of the 3HO leaders was disarming. It is at this moment Dr Grewal brought out in the open Yogi Bhajan's attempt to insult and underestimate even Guru Gobind Singh. He mentioned the Los Angeles incident and told the congregation that Yogi Bhajan goes to the extent of saying that Guru Gobind Singh sowed the seed of the Khalsa wrongly and implying that he was correcting it. While the underlings among the 3HO devotees are quiet, unassuming, and very devout and sincere, the leaders act exactly as their Master has trained them. I do not blame them entirely for it. It is because of their haughtiness, overbearing and insulting attitude towards the Indian Sikhs, that they neither learn anything beyond what Yogiji says, nor do they seem to know the long term consequences of rejecting truth from every quarter and blindly accepting mumbo-jumbo cult ideas from Yogi Bhajan. They perhaps seriously believed that Guru Tegh Bahadur prophesied that a Great Master Yogi Bhajan would create the new Khalsa in the West and invade India to bring the Aquarian Age. The British invented this story for themselves.
Author's Comments
Wherever I went in the U.S.A. even people very friendly to Yogi Bhajan informed me that he pretended to have done more than Guru Gobind Singh did, and his vanity and ego maniac haughtiness had gone to the extent of saying in a gathering that he can even shake the gaddi (throne) of Guru Nanak. I did not take these stories seriously and refused to believe them. But I was shocked to read the afore-mentioned statements published within the last 12 months or so. But when I saw these insulting remarks heaped on Guru Gobind Singh in print, the shock became unbearable.
A devout Sikh goes to the Guru every morning and not only on Sundays, and Sunday was never observed as a day of congregational worship throughout history. Bhai Nand Lai tells us in Zandgi Nam ah that though the Sikhs go to the temple, or the Guru, for formal worship every morning but for congregational worship the Sikhs gathered together twice a month, on Sankranti and Massia (the first day of the Indian lunar calendar and the middle of the month according to lunar days). In the code of the Conduct given to the Khalsa (Rehatnamas) the Gurus have clearly stated that a Sikh should not perform yoga asanas, nor believe in mantras, yantras and other absurdities quoted in this chapter and practiced and preached by Yogi Bhajan.
There is no such word as Puran Pran Tapan mantra in any dictionary in any Indian language. It is perhaps the silliest of all Yogi Bhajan's absurd brain waves which shows more of his ignorance than wisdom of Sikh history and scriptures. Sometimes I doubt if he has once gone through the Sikh scriptures, even without understanding them. He possibly could not. Up till recently, he did not know the language of the scriptures, and I am more than certain that he cannot interpret even ten pages of it correctly. Yet he sincerely believes that he can fool the ignorant American Sikhs to believe that he is the Super-Messiah of the Age, and they at least must believe that he is greater than the Sikh Gurus, and he has done what the Gurus were unable to do. We will study in detail how he has built himself as the Western Pope of the Sikhs, the only Mahan Tantric in the World, and perhaps the only person who could tell so many lies about himself and make every American followers of his believe it. If the Americans want to understand and practice the true meditations of Sikhs Faith and move on the path with humility and wisdom as Sikh saints all over the world have done, they will have to throw all this rubbish that Yogi Bhajan is stuffing into their minds into the dust-bin and take it for granted that his knowledge of Sikh mysticism and the Khalsa Holy Order is pedestrian and less than elementary. With such absurdities in their heads, and sacrilegious notions and practices of the Sikh mantras they will be in mind, soul and spirit as far away from Sikhism as any ignorant non-Sikh, even though they may put on Sikh appearance and dress, which no doubt is very important.

"The Master(Yogi bhajan)later explained to me that was the way it was supposed to be as it was the beginning of the switch in Sikh leadership from the Indian community to the American Sikh yogis – recognized or not." ~ MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa in a letter to the American Sikh community dated 06/24/2011
Is this a smoking gun or what? I have always suspected that Yogi Bhajan wanted to hijack the Sikh religion, here's the proof from the mouth of Yogi Bhajan's closest aid! See more photos and discussion on facebook:

Yogi Bhajan and Hari Jiwan buying and selling gem stones and jewellry at Jerry's on Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills California, a favorite spot for their business activities. In June 1997,one year after this photo was taken, the Federal Trade Commission filed charges against Hari Jiwan. (Taken from an FTC press release) Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa, also known as Stephen Jon Oxenhandler, a/k/a Bob Thomas; as part of "Project Field of Schemes." This law enforcement effort comprised of approximately 61 law-enforcement actions. In its complaint detailing the charges, the FTC alleged that the defendants routinely misrepresented the risk, value, appreciation and liquidity of the gemstones they sold and falsely claimed that consumers would realize tremendous profits. In addition, the defendants falsely pledged that they could and would easily liquidate consumers' gemstone portfolios after an 18-month holding period. In fact, according to the FTC, the defendants typically ceased all contact with consumers and refused to liquidate their gemstones after the 18-month period. Shortly after the complaint was filed, the court issued a temporary restraining order, froze the defendants' assets and appointed a temporary receiver over the corporate defendants.
I went to Jerry's shop in Beverly Hills with YB and HJ almost every day as I was on YB's security. I also took Shakti Parwha Kaur to Wells Fargo bank on Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills about three times a week to get gems and a new set of YB's jewellery that he would adorn himself with for that particular day depending on what the astrological stars said he should wear. Shakti would say, "Let's go get the crown jewels." When Shakti and I entered the room at the bank to open the numerous safe deposit boxes full of the precious stones, I was shocked the first time I saw the outrageous amount of trays displaying these huge gemstones.
Around the year 2000, Yogi Bhajan tried to personally sell me a yogic ring for several thousand dollars. We were at Hari Jiwan's house in Espanola where HJ keeps a vast collection of gems worth millions of dollars. Yogi Bhajan told me. "You're naked." And he stated I needed a ring with a particular stone to protect me.

Yogi Bhajan and Hari Jiwan at Jerry's in Beverly Hills California

"Jerry’s shop was much bigger than it appeared. Behind the showroom was a private negotiation room with a couch, table and a chair or two. Behind this room was a large fully equipped kitchen where we enjoyed many delicious Armenian meals.
On a gorgeous spring afternoon in 1989 the Siri Singh Sahib was viewing a special Cartier broach and chain when he received a call from one of his secretaries......."

In a recent letter from Hari Jiwan, HJ says, "As he (Yogi Bhajan) often said, “I’m an easy target if all you want to see are my faults.”"

"He (Yogi Bhajan) was a living example of the greatness of our Guru in spite of any faults – which were few and insignificant. He was my hero and he was a true hero."

"There are very few Buddhas, Christs, Guru Nanaks that make it to this earth."~Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa.
Is Hari Jiwan implying that Yogi Bhajan is on an equal level to Guru Nanak?

Here I think is the crux of the problem with YBers. YBers refuse to admit any significant fault with Yogi Bhajan, eventhough YB himself admitted he had many faults. While I'll admit YB did some good, his faults were clearly many and YB should never be referred to or treated as a Satguru! YB was miles behind true Satgurus like Guru Nanak Dev Ji or Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Sikhnet Sikh & Yogi Bhajan's "right hand man," Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa declares in the newspaper article "IDOL TALK";

“If the idol stands for a virtue... I have no problem putting that anywhere.”

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" Please find the entire text for the Book under comments for this photograph's link or as a pdf file at:

Join the cause "Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism" with 6,000 other Sikhs

Join a discussion group on Hari Jiwan with ex YBers at:

"Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa and Gurujot Singh Khalsa were YB's closest and dearest, his right and left arms, both crooks."

It was always my understanding that while everyone always fought and jockeyed to be close to YB, it was usually the craziest, most corrupt, sycophantic and sketchiest that were always by his side. Hardly sounds like a distinction. I also remember people telling me, "The closer you get to Espanola, the crazier it is."

Not to be completely cynical, but I have to wonder what the reasoning is behind this gush of sentimentality from the Chief of Protocol. In the wake of YB's death it seemed like many of the high muckity-mucks were subtly trying to play up angles that would give them legitimacy or authority, or at least some type of it: everything from flaunting their weird titles or starting to call themselves a "master" or "expert", to false-modest claims of siddhis, to personal stories that would range from personal reminiscences like this to more ooga-booga ones of "The SSS once gave me a SPECIAL meditation to do..." From what I've heard the banter from the Secretaries/White Tantric moderators during that time sounded like auditions for American Idol.

I guess with the Chief of Protocol's story, like all things, time will shake it out, and it will at the very least, be interesting.

Parady from the Wacko World of Yogi Bhajan:(Message Truncated)...from the Memoirs of MSS Hari Jiwan (con't):

"Remember, Chief of Protocolji, that P-A-I-N is a four- letter word for opportunity. Never forget that," he said pushing a ruby-encrusted finger painfully into my breastbone. "Those souls down there are lost sheep. Sheep with wallets."
He clasped my wrist just below the Rolex. "Other leaders have found this City of Angels and assembled followers among your generation. None of them as great as I, my son."
"That goes without saying, Sir."
He nodded in the direction of Sunset Blvd. "Jim Morrison? He had passion and sex appeal, too. He became fat. He collected fans and LA women. He made a fortune."
After a moment of silence my teacher dropped my hand and waved his glittering bracelets toward The Matterhorn. "And down there? Walt Disney! A visionary with his own kingdom. A magician, Hari Jiwan. A magician and a businessman."
The waitress brought another round of virgin pina coladas. "Tip her well, my son."
More lights twinkled beneath us as night descended on the basin.. How long had we been here? I recall mentioning it was an August afternoon when we left the movie. We had watched the summer sun go down. We had been here a long time. But with my teacher time stood still. Hours became years...
Always unpredictable, my teacher drew me up short when he waved his drink toward Benedict Canyon. "Manson got it. He faked it til he made it, Hari Jiwan."
"Manson saw the reality of this place, the truth of your generation, you spoiled, stupid American poodles. Charisma and mystical ooga-booga only carries you so far. You need a plan... There's an Apocalypse coming and Manson saw it, too..."
I could see by the illuminated dial on my teacher's Patek Phillipe chronograph that it was time for the valet to bring the Bentley. I knew of my teacher's wrath when he missed the "Hill Street Blues" theme music.
How did I get to be so lucky?

Hilarious and also sickening. Beautiful parody artfully exposing truth.

So did Yogi Bhajan advise MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa on how to scam people? Yes, I believe he did.

An X-YBer busnessman once told me that while in YBism, Yogi Bhajan took him and a couple other YBer Bros into a jewelry store in Chinatown in San Francisco. There YB messed with a Chinese woman's head until she sold him the gem he wanted for far far less than she bought it for. Had she been more sensitive, she would have given Saint YB the pretty rock as a gift.

"There are very few Buddhas, Christs, Guru Nanaks that make it to this earth."~Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa. Is Hari Jiwan implying that Yogi Bhajan is on an equal level to Guru Nanak?

There's something both pathetic and creepy in the fact that Hari Jiwan's Facebook photo album titled "Me" is half-filled of photos of YB and him. You are me and I am you and we are we and...

Although we are we to deny YB's lasting impact on the one and only Chief of Protocol? He's still schleping them gems:

(As an aside, I find it incredibly crass to name a gem company after the Nau-Nidh/Nine Treasures spoken of in the SGGS. Anyone with half a mind would not take this literally when there are so many shabads that mention the Naam as containing all nine treasures and finding the nine treasures within one's Self. It's like a Christian expecting "the gifts of the Holy Spirit" to arrive via UPS and be wrapped in a bow and ribbon.)

Whenever HJS Jr's jail time is mentioned, 3HOers seem quick to say that he did time mostly because he wouldn't snitch on others.

This means that:
1) 3HOers on one level are able to digest the fact that there was a bigger crime being committed within the castle walls, and are not only OK with that, but...
2) Believe in some kind of nobility in covering up for other people who blatantly stole money, because they were "dharmic."

The mind wobbles.

P.S. Any FCC or other documentation out there on HJS Jr.?

Siri Ram Singh Khalsa:

These guys, along with the master of lies and deception had their own paths...the socio-paths. They were men of no conscience who believed that the neds always justified the means. I'm sure there is a special place in hell reserved for yogi bludgeon.

Yeah, its called Roach Motel.

See more photos and discussion on facebook at:

“Amid the legal infighting following Yogi Bhajan’s death, critics are offering another portrait of the Sikh leader.”
3HO Sikhs are now fighting amongst themselves in a lawsuit over the millions of dollars in profits made from using the sacred Sikh religious symbols and scriptures for their own personal gain.3HO Sikhs, who follow Yogi Bhajan, funnel the money to support Yogi Bhajan's tantric cult church which 3HO Sikhs have deceptively camouflaged using names like "Sikh Dharma International", "3HO foundation", "Sikh Dharma Stewardship","","Sikh Dharma Worldwide", "Unto Infinity Board","Khalsa Council" and "KRI(Kundalini Research Institute)". See "Sikhnet's" and "Sikh Dharma International's" slick new websites which were produced with the millions in ill-gained profits using the name of the Golden Temple, names and images of the Sikh Gurus, and sacred Sikh shabads for profit in commercial enterprises.

Read the full front page article about Yogi Bhajan's lust for power and greed of his 3HO Sikhs in Today's Eugene Register-Guard:

""Yogi's Legacy in Question"".[/link]

"New lawsuit hits Golden Temple with fraud!"

Read about the infighting in 3HO and Sikh Dharma--
Today's Eugene Register-Guard:

""Rift in 3HO Sikh community threatens business empire""

Appeared in print: Friday, May 28, 2010

"Bhajan was a leader ‘by fluke’

Recently, a friend sent me articles from The Register-Guard on litigation involving Yogi Bhajan’s organizations in Oregon. The letters to the editor that followed, critical of the reporter, prompt me to throw some light on the subject. Bhajan was extremely good at what he did, but propagation of Sikhism he was not. Criticism of Bhajan’s cult cannot be construed as criticism of Sikhism.

Trilochan Singh, a distinguished Sikh scholar, in his 1977 book “Sikhism and Tantric Yoga,” describes Bhajan devastatingly: “Yogi Bhajan is a Sikh by birth, a Maha Tantric by choice but without training, and a ‘Sri Singh Sahib’ and self-styled leader of the Sikhs of the Western Hemisphere by fluke and mysterious strategy.” There was no mystery to his strategy. He ingratiated himself with the Sikh religious leadership in Punjab, which was more corrupt than the Vatican during the time of Martin Luther.

According to the Tantrics, the best form of worship is the fullest satisfaction of the sexual desires of man, therefore sexual intercourse is prescribed as a part of Tantric worship. In the annals of abuse of women, some had harems, others had concubines and Bhajan had secretaries. The Sikh gurus condemned the Tantrics and their practices. All the cases mentioned in The Register-Guard had merit.

Humility is the hallmark of a Sikh, and Bhajan had none of it. Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, describes people such as Bhajan succinctly: “Those ... who have no virtues but are filled with egotistical pride.”

Hardev Singh Shergill President, Khalsa Tricentennial Foundation of North America Editor-in-chief, The Sikh Bulletin El Dorado Hills, Calif.

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

"The book Sikhism And Tantric Yoga is available at: website which is operated by a genuine White Sikh is highly recommended. Gursant Singh was a member of the Yogi Bhajan Cult (3HO and the Sikhnet Gora Sikhs or White Sikhs) for over 30 years and has intimate knowledge about the inner workings of this cult which attempts to miscegnate Sikhism with Hindu idolatry. I downloaded the book from Gursant’s website and found it to be absolutely compelling. I read it in one compulsive and sustained draught. It is a study not only about cults in Sikhism but about the miscegenation of the Sikh Religion by Hinduism. It is a classic work rendered in beautiful English prose and it is patently the work of a profound intellectual scholar with a deep knowledge of Sikhism."
Quotation taken from:

You may also view individual chapters to "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" at these links:

Sikhism & Tantric Yoga A Critical Evaluation of Yogi Bhajan

Sikh Doctrines and Yogi Bhajan's Secret Science

Yogi Bhajan's Adi Shakti Shaktimans and Shaktis

Yogi Bhajan's Clap Trap Theories of Kundalini Yoga

Yogi Bhajan's Ego Maniac Utterances

Yogi Bhajan's Seven Years in America and His Tinkling Titles

Yogi Bhajan's Arrest and Release on Bail

Yogi Bhajan Becomes the Only Maha Tantric in the World

Sikh Leaders without Conscience

Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism

Please read an Excerpt below taken from "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"

The Name of Golden Temple and its Murals

"In England last year a firm advertised some blue jeans as Jesus Jeans. The whole religious world of England rose in one protest and stopped the manufacture of these jeans. The word Golden Temple has become an instrument of commercial affairs of Yogi Bhajan He has now even named shoe stores as Golden Temple. I was given a "Wha Guru Chew.""

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

Read about the "war between 3HO Sikh's Unto Infinity Board and Yogi Bhajan's Sikh Dharma". Yogi Bhajan set up all these organizations and installed their leaders. Decide for yourself if the Tantric Sex Yoga which Yogi Bhajan taught inevitably leads to mental and physical debauchery.

Many of these 3HO profiteers have cut their hair and renounced Sikhi! See these pictures below of Kartar Khalsa CEO of Golden Temple Foods and chairman of Yogi Bhajan's "Unto Infinity Board" who has cut his hair and is no longer a Sikh.
(Is it any wonder that Kartar and Peraim, Controlling members of Yogi Bhajan's "Unto Infinity Board",are wearing circus masks in the above photo?)

See these articles in today's Eugene Register Guard which shows the greed surrounding this dispute:

"Money trail at heart of Sikhs’ legal battle."

Wha Guru being used sacriligiously for huge profits by 3HO Sikhs
[image] [image]"Five flavors and they're all nuts!"


"What did the magician say to the Wha Guru Chew? Open sesame."


Yogi Bhajan used the sacred name of the Golden Temple, names and images of the Sikh Gurus, and sacred Sikh shabads for commercial enterprises to make millions of dollars. Wha Guru is even used as the name of a candy bar by Golden Temple Foods!Links appearing on the internet advertise Golden Temple along with wine and alcohol such as in this Google search link: "Golden Temple Granola - Food & Wine - Compare Prices" Other internet links associate Golden Temple massage oil with sex and sensual massages as in this Google search: "Sensual Soothing... Golden Temple Soothing Touch Massage Oil."

See for yourself the pictures below of the Darbar Sahib(Golden Temple) in Amritsar and Guru Tegh Bahadar featured on yogi tea boxes:
[image] [image]


3HO Sikhs are associating yogis, ashrams, tantric sex yoga rituals,drinking of wine and magicians of the occult with the Sikh Gurus and the Golden Temple See the Rare Photo (above) featuring the Harimandir sahib in 1908 when it was under the control of the Pundits or mahants. Sadhus and yogis felt free to sit wearing only a dhoti and no head coverings.The Gurdwara Reform Movement stopped such practices in India and gave the Gurdwaras back to Gursikhs.

Tantric Asanas taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy:Reprinted from Yogi Bhajan’s official magazine “Beads of Truth” 11, p. 39

Yogi Bhajan illustrated here controlling tantric shakti "energy". Notice the depiction of Shiva,above Yogi Bhajan's head, Shiva is the god of yoga for Hindus. The illustration also shows Kundalini Yoga Asanas taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy

[image] [image]

Yogi Bhajan's students are intstructed to meditate on Yogi Bhajan's picture everyday which you can see displayed in the 3HO Espanola Gurdwara in the photo above.

Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does an 8-foot high statue of the Hindu god Ganesh, adorn the entranceway to the Siri Singh Sahib (yogi bhajan) lane in espanola. This is the hindu god of "prosperity", as in the 3HO publication "prosperity pathways".Adi Shakti Chandi 3HO Tantric Deity worshipped by 3HO in songs and prayers(shown above). Read about Yogi Bhajan's Shaktiman and Shakti women.

Read these shocking fire pujas and occult numerology,(below), practiced and advertised in the latest newsletter published by 3HO Sikhs. These "kriyas" or pujas are complete rubbish,only adding to the destruction and dissolution of the Sikh faith and should not be practiced by Sikhs of the Guru. The object of these practices is to combine the Sikh faith with Hinduism; to defang, neuter and completely destroy Sikhi. The strategy is to introduce idolatry and a stratified priesthood into the Sikh Religion. Yogi Bhajan and his 3HO shakti cult followers are introducing idolatry and Hindu practices of pujas and tantra mantra into the Sikh religion. The Bhajan movement is attempting to shift Sikh worship from the commonwealth of Gurdwaras to private estates controlled by 3HO priests of Yogi Bhajan's Tantric sex cult church.
[image] [image]

Idolatry is forbidden in Sikhism....why does a golden statue of a yogi adorn the entranceway to the 3HO Gurdwara in Espanola. This is a Hindu practise.
3-HO Sikhs demonstrate(in the photo above)their complete subservience to false worldly material power by exhibiting the Flag of God (The Nishaan Sahib) at an even level with the flag of the United States in front of the 3HO Gurdwara in New Mexico. The Nishaan Sahib, (The Respected Mark of God under the shadow of the Sikh Broadsword) should always fly higher than the flag of all the false materialists. The Flag of the Khalsa should occupy a place of exaltation above any government's flag that temporarily inhabits the material world.


[image] [image] [image]
Tantric Yoga asanas (above) taught by Yogi Bhajan
and practised in 3HO Gurdwaras

"Tantric doctrines involving sex-poses or physical contact poses are extremely repulsive to Sikhism. The Sikh Gurus repeatedly ask the Sikhs to shun Tantric practices because they are based on a mentally perverted outlook of life. The Sikh Gurus ask the Sikhs to shun the very presence and association of Shakti-Cult Tantrics." Dr. Trilochan Singh "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"

[image] [image]
Tantric Asana taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy:Reprinted from Yogi Bhajan’s official magazine “Beads of Truth” 11, p. 39

See how Hindu gods and yogis are displayed in 3HO Gurdwaras, (see link in blue).

See this post which exposes the most shocking relationship Yogi Bhajan had with Jagjit Naamdhari who is considered by his disciples as the 11th Sikh Guru. The Naamdhari Sikhs keep the Siri Guru Granth in a closet while they bow to Jagjit and refer to him as "SatGuru Ji" as you can see in the photos at this link.

Read these comments by traditional Sikhs. "What better way to make money: add a religious tone to the product. All of a sudden, it seems legit."

If you want to stop these degrading and sacriligious practices by Golden Temple Foods and Yogi Bhajan's cult followers; Post a letter of support on this website or write your local food stores and demand they stop selling Golden Temple Food's products. Some of the major stores which carry these products are Trader Joes, Whole Foods Market and Wild Oats but there are many many other stores who sell millions of dollars in Golden Temple Granola, Peace Cereal, Yogi Teas, massage oil and Wha Guru Chews.

Yogi Bhajan's sacrilegious teachings in the name of Sikhism are illustrated quite distinctly by pictures of Yogi Bhajan's portrait, hindu idols being displayed in and around 3-HO Gurdwaras and the practice of kundalini and sex energizing tantric yoga asanas inside 3-HO Gudwaras by Yogi Bhajan's students.
[image] [image]

Idolatry is forbidden in Sikhism. Why does an eight foot high image (above) of Yogi Bhajan controlling the tantric shakti "energy" adorn the 3HO Gurdwara in Espanola? You can see the menacing image of Yogi Bhajan overshadowing the Sangat on the right side of the entire Espanola Gurdwara in the photo above.

Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does a golden statue of a yogi adorn the entranceway to the 3HO Gurdwara in espanola. This is a hindu practise.



Yogi Bhajan's students are intstructed to meditate on Yogi Bhajan's picture everyday which you can see displayed in the 3HO Espanola Gurdwara in these photos.
In a painting at the New Mexico 3HO Gurdwara(above)you can see the sacrilegious misrepresentation of our sacred Khalsa symbol "Khanda" with two swords around it. You may also observe in this painting how Yogi Bhajan is depicted on an equal level with Guru Ram Daas(the 4th Sikh Guru): Dr. Trilochan Singh recounts this observation in 1977 when he writes, "The other picture was the Khalsa symbol Khanda with two swords around it. The Khanda (double-edged sword) within this symbol was replaced by a picture of an American woman with Sari-like robes. The woman is called Adi Shakti. I saw this published in the Beads of Truth in London and have already commented on it in my book, The Turban and the Sword of the Sikhs. I told Shakti Parwha that this is the most sacrilegious misrepresentation of our sacred symbol. As usual she dismissed my opinion as unimportant."

The sikh code of conduct says food offerings to the GURU are forbidden, but there is a 'testimony' page over at, a 3HO run site loaded with volumes of Yogi Bhajan nonsense talks. Yogi Bhajan instructs 3Hoer's to prepare meals as offerings at the gurdwara and calls this "a dish for a wish". This is nothing more than the Hindu practice of puja. The testimony states "a dish for a wish".
Please read an Excerpt below taken from

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

Yogi Bhajan studied and taught at the Sivananda Ashram in Delhi. This, in addition to his first Kundalini Yoga teacher Sant Hazara Singh. In the mid-1960s, Harbhajan Singh took up a position as instructor at the Vishwayatan Ashram in New Delhi, under Dhirendra Brahmachari. This yoga centre was frequented by the Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, his daughter, Indira Gandhi, and diplomats and employees from a host of foreign embassies.

Here's an article on Sivananda's approach to Kundalini Yoga:

These are all Hindu practices.

You can also read about the Gurdwara Reform Movement which stopped such practices in India and gave the Gurdwaras back to Gursikhs.


Gurdwara Reform Movement

A Rare Photo of Harimandir sahib in 1908 when it was under the control of the Pundits or mahants. Sadhus felt free to sit in meditation wearing only a dhoti.The Gurdwara Reform Movement (Gurdwara Sudhar Lehr) is the Legislation passed by the Punjab Legislative Council which marked the culmination of the struggle of the Sikh people from 1920-1925 to wrest control of their places of worship from the mahants or priests into whose hands they had passed during the eighteenth century when the Khalsa were driven from their homes to seek safety in remote hills and deserts.

When they later established their sway in Punjab, the Sikhs rebuilt their shrines endowing them with large jagirs and estates. The management, however, remained with the priests, belonging mainly to the Udasi sect, who, after the advent of the British in 1849, began to consider the shrines and lands attached to them as their personal properties and to appropriating the income accruing from them to their private use. Some of them alienated or sold Gurudwara properties at will. They had introduced ceremonies which were anathema to orthodox Sikhs. Besides, there were complaints of immorality and even criminal behavior lodged against the worst of them. All these factors gave rise to what is known as the Gurudwara Reform movement during which the Sikhs peaceful protests were met with violence and death and ended with them courting arrest on a large scale to gain the world's attention. Before it was all over many would fall as martyrs with some being literally blown apart while they were strapped to cannaon barrels.

‘During the Gurdwara Reform Movement, the Sikh leaders started a publication that was named Akali. From this paper and its policy the leaders began to be called Akalis, in view of which they formed the present Akali party. These Nihang Akalis should not be confused with the members of the Akali party.’ The Turban And The Sword’' , by Dr. Trilochan Singh. (Page 402)

I found this post at It exposes the most shocking relationship Yogi Bhajan had with Jagjit Naamdhari who is considered by his disciples as the 11th Sikh Guru. The Naamdhari Sikhs keep the Siri Guru Granth in a closet while they bow to Jagjit and refer to him as "SatGuru Ji" as you can see in the photos below.

The 'Namdhari' cult has been excommunicated from the Khalsa Panth. See for yourself the pictures of Yogi Bhajan depicting his close relationship with Jagjit Naamdhari.

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"However their are several instances which I find questionable about Yogi Bhajan. One includes the relationship they had with Jagjit Naamdhari (, and the other about an occurance that occured in the late 70's between Yogi and AKJ, where Yogi criticized Jatha for trying to "steal" members."

Yogi Bhajan wore huge gemstones for their so called “yogic energy and power". Yogi Bhajan adorned himself with these yogic rings and precious gems for different days of the week. Yogi Bhajan covered up the fact that these days are represented by different Hindu deities and the practice of wearing these yogic rings is really only the Hindu idea of pacifying the various gods and goddesses. Not only this, Yogi Bhajan used astrology and numerology in choosing these yogic rings. Yogi Bhajan believed the gemstones had "energy affects" and influenced our destiny, thinking and actions.
Yogi Bhajan shown here on Sikhnet wearing a yogic ring for power

Around the year 2000, Yogi Bhajan tried to personally sell me a yogic ring for several thousand dollars. We were at Hari Jiwan Singh's house in Espanola where HJ keeps a vast collection of gems worth millions of dollars. Yogi Bhajan told me. "You're naked." And he stated I needed a ring with a particular stone to protect me.

Yogi Bhajan’s wearing and promoting yogic rings is yet another Hindu practice camouflaged in the sheep’s clothing of "Aquarian or New Age spiritual thinking”. These things should not be practiced by Sikhs of the Guru. As Sikhs we should rely on the Guru alone for strength as Guru Arjan so beautifully states:

I have learnt the technique of true Yoga from the divine Guru. The True Guru has revealed this technique with the Light of the divine Word. Within my body He has revealed the Light that pervades all the regions of the earth. To this Light within me I bow and salute every moment. The initiation of the Guru are my Yogic rings and I fix my mind steadfastly on the One Absolute God.i,

A. G. Guru Arjan, Gaudi, p 208

The following is taken from "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" by Dr. Trilochan Si

SikhNet and Gurumustuk are just bare faced liars!

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Monday, March 26, 2012, 15:48 (4676 days ago) @ Gursant Singh
edited by Gursant Singh, Monday, March 26, 2012, 16:06

Proof that SikhNet colludes with 3HO and their "tantric yoga" agenda despite denials on SikhNet's website! SikhNet and Gurumustuk are just bare faced liars! They have posted on their facebook page that they do not represent 3HO yet they collude with 3HO and their ant-Sikh tantric yoga in this meeting with 3HO & Yogi Bhajan's tantric yoga reps in what they call a "synergy" meeting! SikhNet says: " SikhNet is not funded by, nor does it represent, 3HO or any other sect, or organization."~SikhNet about info!/sikhnet/info
Be sure to read the comments from 3HO Foundation: "3HO Foundation Our first "Synergy" meeting including representatives from Yogi Bhajan's Legacy Organizations. Including Saraswati | Miri Piri Academy, Gurumustuk | SikhNet, Kamaprem and Guru Datta | Kundalini Research Institute, Gurudev | 3HO... Foundation,... Gobind Kaur | LYF, Guru Tera Kaur | 3HO, Guruka Singh | Sikhnet, Jaap Kaur | 3HO, Swaran Kaur | HGRD, and Siri Gopal Kaur from White Tantric Yoga on Skype! We had a great meeting discussing ways to serve the Teachings in Unity!!"(These are the Yogi Bhajan teachings they are referring to.)
March 22 at 3:10pm

SikhNet's hidden directors file for Bankcruptcy. Documents detail lavish lifestyle of CEO Kartar Khalsa!

Golden Temple execs who make Yogi Tea file for bankruptcy!
Golden Temple CEO Kartar Khalsa and management group which controls all Yogi Bhajan businesses including the Kundalini Research Institute(KRI), SikhNet and used to make Peace Cereal before selling it to Hearthside Foods for a cool 70 million dollars, lived a "lavish lifestyle"!
Kartar Khalsa, head of Yogi Bhajan's empire and CEO of the Unto Infinity Board which controls SikhNet, the Kundalini Research Institute(KRI) and makes Yogi Tea.

Documents detail lavish lifestyle of company CEO
By Sherri Buri McDonald

The Register-Guard

Published: (Friday, Feb 24, 2012 05:01AM) Midnight, Feb. 24

Documents detail lavish lifestyle of company CEO
Kartar Khalsa lists a current monthly income of $64,070..... Khalsa’s ex-wife, Sat Mander Kaur Khalsa, is listed as an unsecured creditor with a priority claim for $910,000 in alimony......

You may think Gurumustuk Singh or Guruka Singh contols SikhNet but this is not the case. In a recent court battle in Oregon, stimulated by the infighting over Yogi Bhajan's business empire, evidence has surfaced showing the true corporate structure of SikhNet. SikhNet is controlled by the Sikh Dharma Unto Infinity Board which also controls all other Yogi Bhajan businesses. Kartar Khalsa is the board's chairman and he is not even a Sikh! Now these executives have filed for bankruptcy!
Kartar Khalsa, head of Yogi Bhajan's empire, testifying in an Oregon court.

When asked if he felt remorse for selling the brand name Golden Temple to a non-Sikh company, he said, “No. It was just part of the deal.” If Kartar is willing to readily sell off the Golden Temple brand name for several million dollars, I don't think you'd want donations going to SikhNet, another 3HO business controlled by Yogi Bhajan profiteers.
Attachment #3 pg 14 for exhibits showing "Current Corporate Structure" in the recent court battle in Oregon over Yogi Bhajan's empire. You can clearly see SikhNet Oregon and (KRI)the Kundalini Research Institute under the UI Board who's members declared bankruptcy. SikhNet is officially a registered non-profit organization in the State of Oregon.

SikhNet makes the false claim they are not funded by Golden Temple Foods who's executives filed for bankruptcy and lived lavish lifestyles. "We(SikhNet) rely on two funding sources (1) Donations from users and "sponsors" and (2) membership fees." Golden Temple Foods which makes millions from using the sacred Sikh symbols for commercial profit, donated at least $25,0000 to SikhNet last year according to a 3HOer in a comment for a SikhNN article covering The Fight For Yogi Bhajan’s business Empire

Golden Temple execs file for bankruptcy
The company’s CEO and management group seek protection against claims that may follow a lawsuit
By Sherri Buri McDonald

The Register-Guard

Published: (Friday, Feb 24, 2012 05:01AM) Today



Golden Temple CEO Kartar Singh Khalsa and the company’s management group, which includes Khalsa and five other top company executives, have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy .

Khalsa and the other executives sought the protection of the bankruptcy court in anticipation of large claims being filed against them after they lost a lawsuit in December.

Multnomah County Circuit Judge Leslie Roberts ruled that Khalsa breached his fiduciary duties to the Sikh religious community founded by the late Yogi Bhajan and that he and other Golden Temple Management members were unjustly enriched, when they gained ownership of 90 percent of the prosperous company in 2007.

The company grew out of a bakery founded by members of the local Sikh community in the 1970s, for the community’s benefit. It evolved into Golden Temple, producer of Peace cereal and Yogi Tea, among other products, which were long a cornerstone of Lane County’s natural foods industry.

Golden Temple sold its cereal division in May 2010 for $71 million to Hearthside Food Solutions. The Illinois-based baker continues to make Peace Cereal, Sweet Home Farms granola and other cereal products at its plant in Eugene.

Khalsa and Golden Temple Management were in court-ordered mediation on Thursday with U.S. District Judge Michael Hogan in an attempt to craft a reorganization plan that most of the creditors would support and that would provide a dividend to unsecured creditors, according to court orders filed Tuesday.

A meeting of creditors is scheduled in Eugene on March 19.

The bankruptcy filings are the latest twist in the legal troubles that for more than two years have wracked the local Sikh community, Golden Temple and Khalsa, a former Eugene resident and prominent business leader who chaired the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce.

In both bankruptcy filings, the assets listed greatly exceed the liabilities listed. Khalsa listed assets of $30.95 million and liabilities of $1.27 million, and Golden Temple Management listed assets of $49 million and liabilities of $10.4 million. What drove the company managers to take this step were the many claims of “unknown” amounts from creditors, such as the Sikh religious leaders and Oregon Attorney General John Kroger, who sued Golden Temple Management in Multnomah County Circuit Court.

Who really controls SikhNet? Are SikhNet's real "sponsors" Yogi Bhajan's tantric profiteers who use the sacred images and Shabads of the Sikh Grurus for profit? Know before you donate!

What an outright Fraud SikhNet is committing! SikhNet does not want Sikhs to know the true identity of Kartar Khalsa who is a fake! Kartar has cut hair,is no longer a Sikh but still controls all Yogi bhajan businesses, Sikh Dharma nonprofits, including SikhNet itself.
Kartar Khalsa, head of Yogi Bhajan's empire, testifying in an Oregon court.

The thread below shows the fraudulent way SikhNet is handling the real "Kartar Khalsa" issue of Kartar not being a Sikh. SikhNet refers Sikh forum participants,to another Kartar Singh in Espanola. SikhNet implies that the turbaned Kartar Singh from Espanola is the leader of Yogi Tea and the Sikh Dharma nonprofits.

(SikhNet)Moderator Note: Now you are diverting your topic. Discussion of any sects invariably leads to slander and negativity. We found two web sites below. If you are talking about the same person then the pictures show that he is not “a hair cut man” as you say. We do not have the time to verify everything. We do not allow slander. If you continue this we will have to ban you. This topic is locked now. We are deleting another similar topic that you started.​profile.php?id=12904

Singh posted to Gursant Singh

Follow me on my discussion with sikhnet​ion/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5245&s​id=86913aa1fe728d032a9d1d6541c​a1bd1

Gursant Singh You should post this pic of Yogi Tea box which shows the Darbar Sahib in Amritsar and Sikhs sitting around the parkarma disrespectfully drinking Yogi Tea.​oto.php?pid=2828625&l=fd81​1df60e&id=1214270541

Wall Photos
Singh: You should post this pic on SikhNet discussion of Yogi Tea box which shows the Darbar Sahib in Amritsar and Sikhs sitting around the parkarma disrespectfully drinking Yogi Tea.
By: Gursant Singh
Yesterday at 8:32am · ·

Gursant Singh: I hope SikhNet allows this thread to continue but I doubt it. Once their office opens in New Mexico Monday morning it will be deleted because its critical of the "hand which feeds it
Yesterday at 8:43am ·

Gursant Singh
Singh Now you see how corrupt and stuck these 3HOers are. All we can do is keep exposing them to our Sikh brothers and sisters here on facebook and twitter. I think more and more Sikhs are becoming aware of the way SikhNet really is and eventually they'll lose all donations and support from the larger Sikh sangat. Did you read this article "Who really controls SikhNet?"​um/index.php?id=333
19 hours ago ·

Yes i read that article and i evem posted about kartar. This is what they replied to me when i wrote : "Yogi tea is an invention of yogi bhajan. The company that runs this business is called Golden temple run by a 3ho sikh called kartar khalsa who is hair cut man. Golden temple brand is also used in the sale of oil and sex massage, food and wine.

Moderator Note: Now you are diverting your topic. Discussion of any sects invariably leads to slander and negativity. We found two web sites below. If you are talking about the same person then the pictures show that he is not “a hair cut man” as you say. We do not have the time to verify everything. We do not allow slander. If you continue this we will have to ban you. This topic is locked now. We are deleting another similar topic that you started.​profile.php?id=12904

about an hour ago ·

Singh: If you click the link they refer to a turbanned man as kartar

Gursant Singh:
Singh "the pictures show that he is not “a hair cut man” as you say." The moderator at SikhNet is a bare faced liar! Everyone in 3HO knows that Kartar Khalsa is no longer a Sikh and has cut his hair See these independent articles showing a picture of Kartar Khalsa. There are many articles in the Eugene Register Guard also which you can just google:​and/article-17701-death_of​_a_yogi.html​lines/1395/4-million-dolla​r-man

Sikhnet gave me final warning, when i tried to expose tantra
Hello Babbar_Sher,

(SikhNet)Moderator Note:You are receiving this notification because your topic "Value of Tantra in
Sikhi" at "SikhNet Discussion Forum" was disapproved by a moderator or

The following reason was given for the disapproval:

The reported message does not fit into any other category, please use the
further information field.

We have warned you before. If you continue to post about sects, 3HO etc. we
will have to ban you. This is our last warning to you

Death of a Yogi
In downtown Portland, across Southwest 5th Avenue from City Hall, stands a tall glass and aluminum tower. Inside this building, the Pacwest Center, is a safe. This safe keeps many secrets, but thi,News
34 minutes ago · ·

Gursant Singh: SikhNet is so cunning, the links they give are to a Kartar Singh in Espanola NM and SikhNet knows he has nothing to do with Yogi Tea in Oregon. This is total fraud on SikhNet's part and shows their true colors.

What an outright Fraud SikhNet is committing!
SikhNet’s hypocrisy is unparalleled! In one breath they condemn “slander and negativity” but then allow this clearly slanderous post accusing me of “Blasphemy”, to stand for almost a year now. SikhNet blocks my comments and any opportunity to defend against these personal attacks. It’s clear SikhNet censors and then attacks anyone who disagrees with Yogi Bhajan and their Kundalini/tantric Yoga secret agenda.

SikhNet post: Summary of Question:

Blasphemy By Gursant Singh On The Internet
Category: General Sikhism
Date Posted: Monday, 9/27/2010 3:15 PM MDT

Dear Moderators,

Lately i've been reading the trash being posted by Gursant Singh on his blog and now on facebook.. I'm very disturbed. This man talks without evidence and is sly like a fox. Please do something to stop this man right away. Innocent readers get easily influenced.. Please do something now.....

Simranjit Harbans Singh

In this Yogi Bhajan lecture link at SikhNet, Yogi Bhajan states, "Guru Gobind Singh forgot somewhere to write that the Khalsa shall do Pooran praan tapaa. That’s the only way I can figure it out." How dare Yogi Bhajan utter such rubbish that our father Guru Gobind Singh Ji "forgot" something! This is an outrageously false and ego maniac statement by Yogi Bhajan and SikhNet is promoting this sacrilege on their website!!

You'll find the promotion of many anti Sikh practices on SikhNet like this article which falsely states: "In Sikh tradition, Sukh grew a beard and wore a turban for the marriage ceremony. Later, at the celebrations in a Shagun Marriage Palace in Moga, he shaved and dressed in a suit and white shirt."

More ego maniac utterances by Yogi Bhajan recorded by Dr. Trilochan Singh in his book "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" 1977

Guru Gobind Singh Could not do What
We have done, claims Yogi Bhajan
In my personal experience as gross human body, it is the first time in the world the real perfect shape of the Khalsa came into existence. It didn't happen in the time of Guru Gobind Singh. I see and now look back at the Sikh history. We have done—a handful of us—a more tremendous sacrifice for the sake of humanity on this planet than anybody can even relate to. But I should say, as an honest historian, that when I look back accurately at Sikh history, the Sikh woman was a great woman and she was a Sikh. But, in the West, I see the woman, in a very elaborate and equal state of consciousness, to be a Khalsa.
One question is, "Why are the Sikhs who have the prosperity losing their prospect?" I have the answer to that. Because they have forgotten the great secret practices that were given to them. "Why are we [American Sikhs] out of the total insanity, becoming totally creative?" Because we are practicing those practices and that is all.
Sikh Dharma Brotherhood: 1976
Yogi Bhajan's Lecture: page 9
The title page of this Journal carries
a picture of Gurcharan Singh Tohra:
President S.G.P.C.
Guru Gobind Singh Forgot
To Write Pooran Praan Tapaa
But what is that meditation? The meditation is not just coming to the Guru. The meditation is like this. Suppose on Sunday we are to come and present ourselves to the Guru. On Saturday we start preparing for it. That is how it works. Twenty-four hours earlier than the action of infinity, if a person starts thinking cosmically that he has to go and present himself to the Guru, and starts purifying and preparing himself, they call it meditation. Pooran Praan Tapaa— remember this technique of words. Pooran means complete. Praan means prana, the life force. Tapaa means the action of purification. It is known as Pooran Praan Tapaa. It is a kind of meditation.
Of all the meditations written and known for the human, this is the highest. And that is why the mantra Guru Gobind Singh gave us was the Guru Mantra, Wah Guru. Guru Gobind Singh forgot somewhere to write that the Khalsa shall do Pooran Praan Tapaa. That is the only way I can figure it out. Otherwise the factual effect of giving a human the Guru mantra Wha Guru is only that it states, a positive intuition? Wha, the Grace, Wonderful is the Lord.
Sikh Dharma, Vol III, no 1 Spring 1977
Guru Gobind Singh Sowed the Seed
Of the Khalsa Wrongly, says Yogi Bhajan
The eminent Scientist Dr Manohar Singh Grewal of Boston is popular both among American Sikhs and Indian Sikhs. Like his grandfather Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh, who was leader of the Jaito Morcha (Agitation) he is a conscientious and devoted Sikh. When he went to Los Angeles he visited 3HO Headquarters of Yogi Bhajan, who was there.
It appears that Dr Grewal's humility and gentle nature provoked his vanity under the uncontrolled impulse of which Yogi Bhajan said in the course of talks, "Guru Gobind Singh has sowed the seed of the Khalsa wrongly.'7 (Guru Gobind Singh ne Khalse da bij hi ghalat lay a) Controlling his emotions at these outrageous utterances, Dr Grewal retorted, "How can you say such a thing?" And Yogi Bhajan as usual started rationalizing his statement.
In the first week of June 1977 Gurbanda Singh of Washington, whose arrogance is well known, addressed a Sikh Congregation in which 3HO people were also present at Vermont. In his speech, which is always snobbish in tone and material, he tried to prove that the American Sikhs were very pious and holy while the Indian Sikhs were irreligious, profane (patits) and so on. Even in his writings (the few articles on Yogi Bhajan cult he has written) his tone is the same. Sardar Kehar Singh, an eminent Engineer, immediately stood up and took him to task. He told him and all those 3HO men and women who think and act like him, "We are fed up with your attempts to make us feel guilty of not being Sikhs. We are Sikhs and in many many ways far better than you people." His angry attack on the typical snobbery of the 3HO leaders was disarming. It is at this moment Dr Grewal brought out in the open Yogi Bhajan's attempt to insult and underestimate even Guru Gobind Singh. He mentioned the Los Angeles incident and told the congregation that Yogi Bhajan goes to the extent of saying that Guru Gobind Singh sowed the seed of the Khalsa wrongly and implying that he was correcting it. While the underlings among the 3HO devotees are quiet, unassuming, and very devout and sincere, the leaders act exactly as their Master has trained them. I do not blame them entirely for it. It is because of their haughtiness, overbearing and insulting attitude towards the Indian Sikhs, that they neither learn anything beyond what Yogiji says, nor do they seem to know the long term consequences of rejecting truth from every quarter and blindly accepting mumbo-jumbo cult ideas from Yogi Bhajan. They perhaps seriously believed that Guru Tegh Bahadur prophesied that a Great Master Yogi Bhajan would create the new Khalsa in the West and invade India to bring the Aquarian Age. The British invented this story for themselves.
Author's Comments
Wherever I went in the U.S.A. even people very friendly to Yogi Bhajan informed me that he pretended to have done more than Guru Gobind Singh did, and his vanity and ego maniac haughtiness had gone to the extent of saying in a gathering that he can even shake the gaddi (throne) of Guru Nanak. I did not take these stories seriously and refused to believe them. But I was shocked to read the afore-mentioned statements published within the last 12 months or so. But when I saw these insulting remarks heaped on Guru Gobind Singh in print, the shock became unbearable.
A devout Sikh goes to the Guru every morning and not only on Sundays, and Sunday was never observed as a day of congregational worship throughout history. Bhai Nand Lai tells us in Zandgi Nam ah that though the Sikhs go to the temple, or the Guru, for formal worship every morning but for congregational worship the Sikhs gathered together twice a month, on Sankranti and Massia (the first day of the Indian lunar calendar and the middle of the month according to lunar days). In the code of the Conduct given to the Khalsa (Rehatnamas) the Gurus have clearly stated that a Sikh should not perform yoga asanas, nor believe in mantras, yantras and other absurdities quoted in this chapter and practiced and preached by Yogi Bhajan.
There is no such word as Puran Pran Tapan mantra in any dictionary in any Indian language. It is perhaps the silliest of all Yogi Bhajan's absurd brain waves which shows more of his ignorance than wisdom of Sikh history and scriptures. Sometimes I doubt if he has once gone through the Sikh scriptures, even without understanding them. He possibly could not. Up till recently, he did not know the language of the scriptures, and I am more than certain that he cannot interpret even ten pages of it correctly. Yet he sincerely believes that he can fool the ignorant American Sikhs to believe that he is the Super-Messiah of the Age, and they at least must believe that he is greater than the Sikh Gurus, and he has done what the Gurus were unable to do. We will study in detail how he has built himself as the Western Pope of the Sikhs, the only Mahan Tantric in the World, and perhaps the only person who could tell so many lies about himself and make every American followers of his believe it. If the Americans want to understand and practice the true meditations of Sikhs Faith and move on the path with humility and wisdom as Sikh saints all over the world have done, they will have to throw all this rubbish that Yogi Bhajan is stuffing into their minds into the dust-bin and take it for granted that his knowledge of Sikh mysticism and the Khalsa Holy Order is pedestrian and less than elementary. With such absurdities in their heads, and sacrilegious notions and practices of the Sikh mantras they will be in mind, soul and spirit as far away from Sikhism as any ignorant non-Sikh, even though they may put on Sikh appearance and dress, which no doubt is very important.

"The Master(Yogi bhajan)later explained to me that was the way it was supposed to be as it was the beginning of the switch in Sikh leadership from the Indian community to the American Sikh yogis – recognized or not." ~ MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa in a letter to the American Sikh community dated 06/24/2011
Is this a smoking gun or what? I have always suspected that Yogi Bhajan wanted to hijack the Sikh religion, here's the proof from the mouth of Yogi Bhajan's closest aid! See more photos and discussion on facebook:

Yogi Bhajan and Hari Jiwan buying and selling gem stones and jewellry at Jerry's on Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills California, a favorite spot for their business activities. In June 1997,one year after this photo was taken, the Federal Trade Commission filed charges against Hari Jiwan. (Taken from an FTC press release) Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa, also known as Stephen Jon Oxenhandler, a/k/a Bob Thomas; as part of "Project Field of Schemes." This law enforcement effort comprised of approximately 61 law-enforcement actions. In its complaint detailing the charges, the FTC alleged that the defendants routinely misrepresented the risk, value, appreciation and liquidity of the gemstones they sold and falsely claimed that consumers would realize tremendous profits. In addition, the defendants falsely pledged that they could and would easily liquidate consumers' gemstone portfolios after an 18-month holding period. In fact, according to the FTC, the defendants typically ceased all contact with consumers and refused to liquidate their gemstones after the 18-month period. Shortly after the complaint was filed, the court issued a temporary restraining order, froze the defendants' assets and appointed a temporary receiver over the corporate defendants.
I went to Jerry's shop in Beverly Hills with YB and HJ almost every day as I was on YB's security. I also took Shakti Parwha Kaur to Wells Fargo bank on Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills about three times a week to get gems and a new set of YB's jewellery that he would adorn himself with for that particular day depending on what the astrological stars said he should wear. Shakti would say, "Let's go get the crown jewels." When Shakti and I entered the room at the bank to open the numerous safe deposit boxes full of the precious stones, I was shocked the first time I saw the outrageous amount of trays displaying these huge gemstones.
Around the year 2000, Yogi Bhajan tried to personally sell me a yogic ring for several thousand dollars. We were at Hari Jiwan's house in Espanola where HJ keeps a vast collection of gems worth millions of dollars. Yogi Bhajan told me. "You're naked." And he stated I needed a ring with a particular stone to protect me.

Yogi Bhajan and Hari Jiwan at Jerry's in Beverly Hills California

"Jerry’s shop was much bigger than it appeared. Behind the showroom was a private negotiation room with a couch, table and a chair or two. Behind this room was a large fully equipped kitchen where we enjoyed many delicious Armenian meals.
On a gorgeous spring afternoon in 1989 the Siri Singh Sahib was viewing a special Cartier broach and chain when he received a call from one of his secretaries......."

In a recent letter from Hari Jiwan, HJ says, "As he (Yogi Bhajan) often said, “I’m an easy target if all you want to see are my faults.”"

"He (Yogi Bhajan) was a living example of the greatness of our Guru in spite of any faults – which were few and insignificant. He was my hero and he was a true hero."

"There are very few Buddhas, Christs, Guru Nanaks that make it to this earth."~Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa.
Is Hari Jiwan implying that Yogi Bhajan is on an equal level to Guru Nanak?

Here I think is the crux of the problem with YBers. YBers refuse to admit any significant fault with Yogi Bhajan, eventhough YB himself admitted he had many faults. While I'll admit YB did some good, his faults were clearly many and YB should never be referred to or treated as a Satguru! YB was miles behind true Satgurus like Guru Nanak Dev Ji or Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Sikhnet Sikh & Yogi Bhajan's "right hand man," Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa declares in the newspaper article "IDOL TALK";

“If the idol stands for a virtue... I have no problem putting that anywhere.”

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" Please find the entire text for the Book under comments for this photograph's link or as a pdf file at:

Join the cause "Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism" with 6,000 other Sikhs

Join a discussion group on Hari Jiwan with ex YBers at:

"Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa and Gurujot Singh Khalsa were YB's closest and dearest, his right and left arms, both crooks."

It was always my understanding that while everyone always fought and jockeyed to be close to YB, it was usually the craziest, most corrupt, sycophantic and sketchiest that were always by his side. Hardly sounds like a distinction. I also remember people telling me, "The closer you get to Espanola, the crazier it is."

Not to be completely cynical, but I have to wonder what the reasoning is behind this gush of sentimentality from the Chief of Protocol. In the wake of YB's death it seemed like many of the high muckity-mucks were subtly trying to play up angles that would give them legitimacy or authority, or at least some type of it: everything from flaunting their weird titles or starting to call themselves a "master" or "expert", to false-modest claims of siddhis, to personal stories that would range from personal reminiscences like this to more ooga-booga ones of "The SSS once gave me a SPECIAL meditation to do..." From what I've heard the banter from the Secretaries/White Tantric moderators during that time sounded like auditions for American Idol.

I guess with the Chief of Protocol's story, like all things, time will shake it out, and it will at the very least, be interesting.

Parady from the Wacko World of Yogi Bhajan:(Message Truncated)...from the Memoirs of MSS Hari Jiwan (con't):

"Remember, Chief of Protocolji, that P-A-I-N is a four- letter word for opportunity. Never forget that," he said pushing a ruby-encrusted finger painfully into my breastbone. "Those souls down there are lost sheep. Sheep with wallets."
He clasped my wrist just below the Rolex. "Other leaders have found this City of Angels and assembled followers among your generation. None of them as great as I, my son."
"That goes without saying, Sir."
He nodded in the direction of Sunset Blvd. "Jim Morrison? He had passion and sex appeal, too. He became fat. He collected fans and LA women. He made a fortune."
After a moment of silence my teacher dropped my hand and waved his glittering bracelets toward The Matterhorn. "And down there? Walt Disney! A visionary with his own kingdom. A magician, Hari Jiwan. A magician and a businessman."
The waitress brought another round of virgin pina coladas. "Tip her well, my son."
More lights twinkled beneath us as night descended on the basin.. How long had we been here? I recall mentioning it was an August afternoon when we left the movie. We had watched the summer sun go down. We had been here a long time. But with my teacher time stood still. Hours became years...
Always unpredictable, my teacher drew me up short when he waved his drink toward Benedict Canyon. "Manson got it. He faked it til he made it, Hari Jiwan."
"Manson saw the reality of this place, the truth of your generation, you spoiled, stupid American poodles. Charisma and mystical ooga-booga only carries you so far. You need a plan... There's an Apocalypse coming and Manson saw it, too..."
I could see by the illuminated dial on my teacher's Patek Phillipe chronograph that it was time for the valet to bring the Bentley. I knew of my teacher's wrath when he missed the "Hill Street Blues" theme music.
How did I get to be so lucky?

Hilarious and also sickening. Beautiful parody artfully exposing truth.

So did Yogi Bhajan advise MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa on how to scam people? Yes, I believe he did.

An X-YBer busnessman once told me that while in YBism, Yogi Bhajan took him and a couple other YBer Bros into a jewelry store in Chinatown in San Francisco. There YB messed with a Chinese woman's head until she sold him the gem he wanted for far far less than she bought it for. Had she been more sensitive, she would have given Saint YB the pretty rock as a gift.

"There are very few Buddhas, Christs, Guru Nanaks that make it to this earth."~Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa. Is Hari Jiwan implying that Yogi Bhajan is on an equal level to Guru Nanak?

There's something both pathetic and creepy in the fact that Hari Jiwan's Facebook photo album titled "Me" is half-filled of photos of YB and him. You are me and I am you and we are we and...

Although we are we to deny YB's lasting impact on the one and only Chief of Protocol? He's still schleping them gems:

(As an aside, I find it incredibly crass to name a gem company after the Nau-Nidh/Nine Treasures spoken of in the SGGS. Anyone with half a mind would not take this literally when there are so many shabads that mention the Naam as containing all nine treasures and finding the nine treasures within one's Self. It's like a Christian expecting "the gifts of the Holy Spirit" to arrive via UPS and be wrapped in a bow and ribbon.)

Whenever HJS Jr's jail time is mentioned, 3HOers seem quick to say that he did time mostly because he wouldn't snitch on others.

This means that:
1) 3HOers on one level are able to digest the fact that there was a bigger crime being committed within the castle walls, and are not only OK with that, but...
2) Believe in some kind of nobility in covering up for other people who blatantly stole money, because they were "dharmic."

The mind wobbles.

P.S. Any FCC or other documentation out there on HJS Jr.?

Siri Ram Singh Khalsa:

These guys, along with the master of lies and deception had their own paths...the socio-paths. They were men of no conscience who believed that the neds always justified the means. I'm sure there is a special place in hell reserved for yogi bludgeon.

Yeah, its called Roach Motel.

See more photos and discussion on facebook at:

“Amid the legal infighting following Yogi Bhajan’s death, critics are offering another portrait of the Sikh leader.”
3HO Sikhs are now fighting amongst themselves in a lawsuit over the millions of dollars in profits made from using the sacred Sikh religious symbols and scriptures for their own personal gain.3HO Sikhs, who follow Yogi Bhajan, funnel the money to support Yogi Bhajan's tantric cult church which 3HO Sikhs have deceptively camouflaged using names like "Sikh Dharma International", "3HO foundation", "Sikh Dharma Stewardship","","Sikh Dharma Worldwide", "Unto Infinity Board","Khalsa Council" and "KRI(Kundalini Research Institute)". See "Sikhnet's" and "Sikh Dharma International's" slick new websites which were produced with the millions in ill-gained profits using the name of the Golden Temple, names and images of the Sikh Gurus, and sacred Sikh shabads for profit in commercial enterprises.

Read the full front page article about Yogi Bhajan's lust for power and greed of his 3HO Sikhs in Today's Eugene Register-Guard:

""Yogi's Legacy in Question"".[/link]

"New lawsuit hits Golden Temple with fraud!"

Read about the infighting in 3HO and Sikh Dharma--
Today's Eugene Register-Guard:

""Rift in 3HO Sikh community threatens business empire""

Appeared in print: Friday, May 28, 2010

"Bhajan was a leader ‘by fluke’

Recently, a friend sent me articles from The Register-Guard on litigation involving Yogi Bhajan’s organizations in Oregon. The letters to the editor that followed, critical of the reporter, prompt me to throw some light on the subject. Bhajan was extremely good at what he did, but propagation of Sikhism he was not. Criticism of Bhajan’s cult cannot be construed as criticism of Sikhism.

Trilochan Singh, a distinguished Sikh scholar, in his 1977 book “Sikhism and Tantric Yoga,” describes Bhajan devastatingly: “Yogi Bhajan is a Sikh by birth, a Maha Tantric by choice but without training, and a ‘Sri Singh Sahib’ and self-styled leader of the Sikhs of the Western Hemisphere by fluke and mysterious strategy.” There was no mystery to his strategy. He ingratiated himself with the Sikh religious leadership in Punjab, which was more corrupt than the Vatican during the time of Martin Luther.

According to the Tantrics, the best form of worship is the fullest satisfaction of the sexual desires of man, therefore sexual intercourse is prescribed as a part of Tantric worship. In the annals of abuse of women, some had harems, others had concubines and Bhajan had secretaries. The Sikh gurus condemned the Tantrics and their practices. All the cases mentioned in The Register-Guard had merit.

Humility is the hallmark of a Sikh, and Bhajan had none of it. Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, describes people such as Bhajan succinctly: “Those ... who have no virtues but are filled with egotistical pride.”

Hardev Singh Shergill President, Khalsa Tricentennial Foundation of North America Editor-in-chief, The Sikh Bulletin El Dorado Hills, Calif.

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

"The book Sikhism And Tantric Yoga is available at: website which is operated by a genuine White Sikh is highly recommended. Gursant Singh was a member of the Yogi Bhajan Cult (3HO and the Sikhnet Gora Sikhs or White Sikhs) for over 30 years and has intimate knowledge about the inner workings of this cult which attempts to miscegnate Sikhism with Hindu idolatry. I downloaded the book from Gursant’s website and found it to be absolutely compelling. I read it in one compulsive and sustained draught. It is a study not only about cults in Sikhism but about the miscegenation of the Sikh Religion by Hinduism. It is a classic work rendered in beautiful English prose and it is patently the work of a profound intellectual scholar with a deep knowledge of Sikhism."
Quotation taken from:

You may also view individual chapters to "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" at these links:

Sikhism & Tantric Yoga A Critical Evaluation of Yogi Bhajan

Sikh Doctrines and Yogi Bhajan's Secret Science

Yogi Bhajan's Adi Shakti Shaktimans and Shaktis

Yogi Bhajan's Clap Trap Theories of Kundalini Yoga

Yogi Bhajan's Ego Maniac Utterances

Yogi Bhajan's Seven Years in America and His Tinkling Titles

Yogi Bhajan's Arrest and Release on Bail

Yogi Bhajan Becomes the Only Maha Tantric in the World

Sikh Leaders without Conscience

Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism

Please read an Excerpt below taken from "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"

The Name of Golden Temple and its Murals

"In England last year a firm advertised some blue jeans as Jesus Jeans. The whole religious world of England rose in one protest and stopped the manufacture of these jeans. The word Golden Temple has become an instrument of commercial affairs of Yogi Bhajan He has now even named shoe stores as Golden Temple. I was given a "Wha Guru Chew.""

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

Read about the "war between 3HO Sikh's Unto Infinity Board and Yogi Bhajan's Sikh Dharma". Yogi Bhajan set up all these organizations and installed their leaders. Decide for yourself if the Tantric Sex Yoga which Yogi Bhajan taught inevitably leads to mental and physical debauchery.

Many of these 3HO profiteers have cut their hair and renounced Sikhi! See these pictures below of Kartar Khalsa CEO of Golden Temple Foods and chairman of Yogi Bhajan's "Unto Infinity Board" who has cut his hair and is no longer a Sikh.
(Is it any wonder that Kartar and Peraim, Controlling members of Yogi Bhajan's "Unto Infinity Board",are wearing circus masks in the above photo?)

See these articles in today's Eugene Register Guard which shows the greed surrounding this dispute:

"Money trail at heart of Sikhs’ legal battle."

Wha Guru being used sacriligiously for huge profits by 3HO Sikhs
[image] [image]"Five flavors and they're all nuts!"


"What did the magician say to the Wha Guru Chew? Open sesame."


Yogi Bhajan used the sacred name of the Golden Temple, names and images of the Sikh Gurus, and sacred Sikh shabads for commercial enterprises to make millions of dollars. Wha Guru is even used as the name of a candy bar by Golden Temple Foods!Links appearing on the internet advertise Golden Temple along with wine and alcohol such as in this Google search link: "Golden Temple Granola - Food & Wine - Compare Prices" Other internet links associate Golden Temple massage oil with sex and sensual massages as in this Google search: "Sensual Soothing... Golden Temple Soothing Touch Massage Oil."

See for yourself the pictures below of the Darbar Sahib(Golden Temple) in Amritsar and Guru Tegh Bahadar featured on yogi tea boxes:
[image] [image]


3HO Sikhs are associating yogis, ashrams, tantric sex yoga rituals,drinking of wine and magicians of the occult with the Sikh Gurus and the Golden Temple See the Rare Photo (above) featuring the Harimandir sahib in 1908 when it was under the control of the Pundits or mahants. Sadhus and yogis felt free to sit wearing only a dhoti and no head coverings.The Gurdwara Reform Movement stopped such practices in India and gave the Gurdwaras back to Gursikhs.

Tantric Asanas taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy:Reprinted from Yogi Bhajan’s official magazine “Beads of Truth” 11, p. 39

Yogi Bhajan illustrated here controlling tantric shakti "energy". Notice the depiction of Shiva,above Yogi Bhajan's head, Shiva is the god of yoga for Hindus. The illustration also shows Kundalini Yoga Asanas taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy

[image] [image]

Yogi Bhajan's students are intstructed to meditate on Yogi Bhajan's picture everyday which you can see displayed in the 3HO Espanola Gurdwara in the photo above.

Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does an 8-foot high statue of the Hindu god Ganesh, adorn the entranceway to the Siri Singh Sahib (yogi bhajan) lane in espanola. This is the hindu god of "prosperity", as in the 3HO publication "prosperity pathways".Adi Shakti Chandi 3HO Tantric Deity worshipped by 3HO in songs and prayers(shown above). Read about Yogi Bhajan's Shaktiman and Shakti women.

Read these shocking fire pujas and occult numerology,(below), practiced and advertised in the latest newsletter published by 3HO Sikhs. These "kriyas" or pujas are complete rubbish,only adding to the destruction and dissolution of the Sikh faith and should not be practiced by Sikhs of the Guru. The object of these practices is to combine the Sikh faith with Hinduism; to defang, neuter and completely destroy Sikhi. The strategy is to introduce idolatry and a stratified priesthood into the Sikh Religion. Yogi Bhajan and his 3HO shakti cult followers are introducing idolatry and Hindu practices of pujas and tantra mantra into the Sikh religion. The Bhajan movement is attempting to shift Sikh worship from the commonwealth of Gurdwaras to private estates controlled by 3HO priests of Yogi Bhajan's Tantric sex cult church.
[image] [image]

Idolatry is forbidden in Sikhism....why does a golden statue of a yogi adorn the entranceway to the 3HO Gurdwara in Espanola. This is a Hindu practise.
3-HO Sikhs demonstrate(in the photo above)their complete subservience to false worldly material power by exhibiting the Flag of God (The Nishaan Sahib) at an even level with the flag of the United States in front of the 3HO Gurdwara in New Mexico. The Nishaan Sahib, (The Respected Mark of God under the shadow of the Sikh Broadsword) should always fly higher than the flag of all the false materialists. The Flag of the Khalsa should occupy a place of exaltation above any government's flag that temporarily inhabits the material world.


[image] [image] [image]
Tantric Yoga asanas (above) taught by Yogi Bhajan
and practised in 3HO Gurdwaras

"Tantric doctrines involving sex-poses or physical contact poses are extremely repulsive to Sikhism. The Sikh Gurus repeatedly ask the Sikhs to shun Tantric practices because they are based on a mentally perverted outlook of life. The Sikh Gurus ask the Sikhs to shun the very presence and association of Shakti-Cult Tantrics." Dr. Trilochan Singh "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"

[image] [image]
Tantric Asana taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy:Reprinted from Yogi Bhajan’s official magazine “Beads of Truth” 11, p. 39

See how Hindu gods and yogis are displayed in 3HO Gurdwaras, (see link in blue).

See this post which exposes the most shocking relationship Yogi Bhajan had with Jagjit Naamdhari who is considered by his disciples as the 11th Sikh Guru. The Naamdhari Sikhs keep the Siri Guru Granth in a closet while they bow to Jagjit and refer to him as "SatGuru Ji" as you can see in the photos at this link.

Read these comments by traditional Sikhs. "What better way to make money: add a religious tone to the product. All of a sudden, it seems legit."

If you want to stop these degrading and sacriligious practices by Golden Temple Foods and Yogi Bhajan's cult followers; Post a letter of support on this website or write your local food stores and demand they stop selling Golden Temple Food's products. Some of the major stores which carry these products are Trader Joes, Whole Foods Market and Wild Oats but there are many many other stores who sell millions of dollars in Golden Temple Granola, Peace Cereal, Yogi Teas, massage oil and Wha Guru Chews.

Yogi Bhajan's sacrilegious teachings in the name of Sikhism are illustrated quite distinctly by pictures of Yogi Bhajan's portrait, hindu idols being displayed in and around 3-HO Gurdwaras and the practice of kundalini and sex energizing tantric yoga asanas inside 3-HO Gudwaras by Yogi Bhajan's students.
[image] [image]

Idolatry is forbidden in Sikhism. Why does an eight foot high image (above) of Yogi Bhajan controlling the tantric shakti "energy" adorn the 3HO Gurdwara in Espanola? You can see the menacing image of Yogi Bhajan overshadowing the Sangat on the right side of the entire Espanola Gurdwara in the photo above.

Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does a golden statue of a yogi adorn the entranceway to the 3HO Gurdwara in espanola. This is a hindu practise.



Yogi Bhajan's students are intstructed to meditate on Yogi Bhajan's picture everyday which you can see displayed in the 3HO Espanola Gurdwara in these photos.
In a painting at the New Mexico 3HO Gurdwara(above)you can see the sacrilegious misrepresentation of our sacred Khalsa symbol "Khanda" with two swords around it. You may also observe in this painting how Yogi Bhajan is depicted on an equal level with Guru Ram Daas(the 4th Sikh Guru): Dr. Trilochan Singh recounts this observation in 1977 when he writes, "The other picture was the Khalsa symbol Khanda with two swords around it. The Khanda (double-edged sword) within this symbol was replaced by a picture of an American woman with Sari-like robes. The woman is called Adi Shakti. I saw this published in the Beads of Truth in London and have already commented on it in my book, The Turban and the Sword of the Sikhs. I told Shakti Parwha that this is the most sacrilegious misrepresentation of our sacred symbol. As usual she dismissed my opinion as unimportant."

The sikh code of conduct says food offerings to the GURU are forbidden, but there is a 'testimony' page over at, a 3HO run site loaded with volumes of Yogi Bhajan nonsense talks. Yogi Bhajan instructs 3Hoer's to prepare meals as offerings at the gurdwara and calls this "a dish for a wish". This is nothing more than the Hindu practice of puja. The testimony states "a dish for a wish".
Please read an Excerpt below taken from

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

Yogi Bhajan studied and taught at the Sivananda Ashram in Delhi. This, in addition to his first Kundalini Yoga teacher Sant Hazara Singh. In the mid-1960s, Harbhajan Singh took up a position as instructor at the Vishwayatan Ashram in New Delhi, under Dhirendra Brahmachari. This yoga centre was frequented by the Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, his daughter, Indira Gandhi, and diplomats and employees from a host of foreign embassies.

Here's an article on Sivananda's approach to Kundalini Yoga:

These are all Hindu practices.

You can also read about the Gurdwara Reform Movement which stopped such practices in India and gave the Gurdwaras back to Gursikhs.


Gurdwara Reform Movement

A Rare Photo of Harimandir sahib in 1908 when it was under the control of the Pundits or mahants. Sadhus felt free to sit in meditation wearing only a dhoti.The Gurdwara Reform Movement (Gurdwara Sudhar Lehr) is the Legislation passed by the Punjab Legislative Council which marked the culmination of the struggle of the Sikh people from 1920-1925 to wrest control of their places of worship from the mahants or priests into whose hands they had passed during the eighteenth century when the Khalsa were driven from their homes to seek safety in remote hills and deserts.

When they later established their sway in Punjab, the Sikhs rebuilt their shrines endowing them with large jagirs and estates. The management, however, remained with the priests, belonging mainly to the Udasi sect, who, after the advent of the British in 1849, began to consider the shrines and lands attached to them as their personal properties and to appropriating the income accruing from them to their private use. Some of them alienated or sold Gurudwara properties at will. They had introduced ceremonies which were anathema to orthodox Sikhs. Besides, there were complaints of immorality and even criminal behavior lodged against the worst of them. All these factors gave rise to what is known as the Gurudwara Reform movement during which the Sikhs peaceful protests were met with violence and death and ended with them courting arrest on a large scale to gain the world's attention. Before it was all over many would fall as martyrs with some being literally blown apart while they were strapped to cannaon barrels.

‘During the Gurdwara Reform Movement, the Sikh leaders started a publication that was named Akali. From this paper and its policy the leaders began to be called Akalis, in view of which they formed the present Akali party. These Nihang Akalis should not be confused with the members of the Akali party.’ The Turban And The Sword’' , by Dr. Trilochan Singh. (Page 402)

I found this post at It exposes the most shocking relationship Yogi Bhajan had with Jagjit Naamdhari who is considered by his disciples as the 11th Sikh Guru. The Naamdhari Sikhs keep the Siri Guru Granth in a closet while they bow to Jagjit and refer to him as "SatGuru Ji" as you can see in the photos below.

The 'Namdhari' cult has been excommunicated from the Khalsa Panth. See for yourself the pictures of Yogi Bhajan depicting his close relationship with Jagjit Naamdhari.

[image] [image]

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"However their are several instances which I find questionable about Yogi Bhajan. One includes the relationship they had with Jagjit Naamdhari (, and the other about an occurance that occured in the late 70's between Yogi and AKJ, where Yogi criticized Jatha for trying to "steal" members."

Yogi Bhajan wore huge gemstones for their so called “yogic energy and power". Yogi Bhajan adorned himself with these yogic rings and precious gems for different days of the week. Yogi Bhajan covered up the fact that these days are represented by different Hindu deities and the practice of wearing these yogic rings is really only the Hindu idea of pacifying the various gods and goddesses. Not only this, Yogi Bhajan used astrology and numerology in choosing these yogic rings. Yogi Bhajan believed the gemstones had "energy affects" and influenced our destiny, thinking and actions.
Yogi Bhajan shown here on Sikhnet wearing a yogic ring for power

Around the year 2000, Yogi Bhajan tried to personally sell me a yogic ring for several thousand dollars. We were at Hari Jiwan Singh's house in Espanola where HJ keeps a vast collection of gems worth millions of dollars. Yogi Bhajan told me. "You're naked." And he stated I needed a ring with a particular stone to protect me.

Yogi Bhajan’s wearing and promoting yogic rings is yet another Hindu practice camouflaged in the sheep’s clothing of "Aquarian or New Age spiritual thinking”. These things should not be practiced by Sikhs of the Guru. As Sikhs we should rely on the Guru alone for strength as Guru Arjan so beautifully states:

I have learnt the technique of true Yoga from the divine Guru. The True Guru has revealed this technique with the Light of the divine Word. Within my body He has revealed the Light that pervades all the regions of the earth. To this Light within me I bow and salute every moment. The initiation of the Guru are my Yogic rings and I fix my mind steadfastly on the One Absolute God.i,

A. G. Guru Arjan, Gaudi, p 208

The following is taken from "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" by Dr. Trilochan Singh.

We quote Yogi Bhajan on Precious Stones and rings, which for him are his status symbol, and for possessing which he expends quite a lot of his energy and ingenuity. He says in Beads, Summer 1972, "Precious stones are not precious because the rich wear them and the poor do not. Rather, they are precious because when cut in the proper way they concentrate sun energy and can transmit to the individual through the skin. Hence most rings are worn on the ring finger. The quality of energy channeled by each stone differs and so does its effect on the individual. Stones also correspond to the planets and serve in mediat

Guruka and Gurumustuk of SikhNet might try out this aphorism for their new video "Ignorance is bliss, bliss is ignorance." !

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Thursday, April 12, 2012, 14:11 (4659 days ago) @ Gursant Singh
edited by Gursant Singh, Thursday, April 12, 2012, 14:17

To me Guruka Singh of SikhNet exemplifies in this vid how YBer's(Yogi Bhajan followers) promote the idea that nothing is right or wrong and ANYTHING done by Yogi Bhajan and his followers in the name of Guru Ram Das is OK. Guruka Singh recently posted a video where he criticized the SikhNet & Yogi Bhajan critics which all seems very hypocritical and a sneaky way for YBers to get their view of the world propagated by trying to make their critics feel guilty. Yogi Bhajan was the master of this so I guess it shouldn't be a surprise.

"Slander or Identifying a Wrong?" video by Guruka Singh

I have been participating in a forum with many former and current followers of Yogi Bhajan and the following discussion arose about Guruka Singh and Gurumustuk Singh, managers of the bhajanite Sikhnet business, using a Q & A to get across the message that acknowledging "something wrong" is a manifestation of messed up karma.

Bhajbuster says: Clearly, Gursant, you and your fellow Sikhs are making it difficult for the bhajanites to reflect the First Sutra of the Aquarian Age, "The other person is Yogi Bhajan -- so keep your mouth shut."

There certainly is a raft of bad news that can be ignored if you aren't supposed to pay any attention to it in the first place

Sarpanchni says: lol gurumustuk blocked me from commenting on his vids. hahhhaa he only approves those who praise him. awwwwww.

it's incredible how they van cover up excuses in mysteical talk crap. really incredible. and worse yet that they believe in it.

SatS says: Good God did you notice that YB gleaming eyes/eyebrow pop that Guruka S. started with? Not to mention the switching nostril breathing and the YB syntax and the mindless truisms: "Every time you make something right, you make something wrong."

He says, "It depends on your intention." Fair enough. Let's discuss what our intentions are for participating in our conversations about 3ho. I'll open a thread on the 3ho Conversations site in case anyone is interested in participating.

Bhajbuster Says: The intention is to prolong the fiction that all is sweetness and light in the land of Sikh Dharma, or whatever they are calling it now.

You're absolutely right about Guruka's imitation of the late charlatan's shtick right down to the bloating and the aphorisms. He might try out "Ignorance is bliss, bliss is ignorance."

This video, in conjunction with this week's spooky glimpse into the Brave New World that is Miri Piri Academy, is a salute to the mind numbing reality of bhajanism.

RoseLotus1 says: "The Trap of the Opposites!" Soon as you say something is right, then something is wrong. Soon as you say something is wrong, then something is right.

Like fraud is wrong, and honesty is right. Trap indeed.

SikhNet and Gurumustuk are just bare faced liars!

Proof that SikhNet colludes with 3HO and their "tantric yoga" agenda despite denials on SikhNet's website! SikhNet and Gurumustuk are just bare faced liars! They have posted on their facebook page that they do not represent 3HO yet they collude with 3HO and their ant-Sikh tantric yoga in this meeting with 3HO & Yogi Bhajan's tantric yoga reps in what they call a "synergy" meeting! SikhNet says: " SikhNet is not funded by, nor does it represent, 3HO or any other sect, or organization."~SikhNet about info!/sikhnet/info
Be sure to read the comments from 3HO Foundation: "3HO Foundation Our first "Synergy" meeting including representatives from Yogi Bhajan's Legacy Organizations. Including Saraswati | Miri Piri Academy, Gurumustuk | SikhNet, Kamaprem and Guru Datta | Kundalini Research Institute, Gurudev | 3HO... Foundation,... Gobind Kaur | LYF, Guru Tera Kaur | 3HO, Guruka Singh | Sikhnet, Jaap Kaur | 3HO, Swaran Kaur | HGRD, and Siri Gopal Kaur from White Tantric Yoga on Skype! We had a great meeting discussing ways to serve the Teachings in Unity!!"(These are the Yogi Bhajan teachings they are referring to.)
March 22 at 3:10pm

SikhNet's hidden directors file for Bankcruptcy. Documents detail lavish lifestyle of CEO Kartar Khalsa!

Golden Temple execs who make Yogi Tea file for bankruptcy!
Golden Temple CEO Kartar Khalsa and management group which controls all Yogi Bhajan businesses including the Kundalini Research Institute(KRI), SikhNet and used to make Peace Cereal before selling it to Hearthside Foods for a cool 70 million dollars, lived a "lavish lifestyle"!
Kartar Khalsa, head of Yogi Bhajan's empire and CEO of the Unto Infinity Board which controls SikhNet, the Kundalini Research Institute(KRI) and makes Yogi Tea.

Documents detail lavish lifestyle of company CEO
By Sherri Buri McDonald

The Register-Guard

Published: (Friday, Feb 24, 2012 05:01AM) Midnight, Feb. 24

Documents detail lavish lifestyle of company CEO
Kartar Khalsa lists a current monthly income of $64,070..... Khalsa’s ex-wife, Sat Mander Kaur Khalsa, is listed as an unsecured creditor with a priority claim for $910,000 in alimony......

You may think Gurumustuk Singh or Guruka Singh contols SikhNet but this is not the case. In a recent court battle in Oregon, stimulated by the infighting over Yogi Bhajan's business empire, evidence has surfaced showing the true corporate structure of SikhNet. SikhNet is controlled by the Sikh Dharma Unto Infinity Board which also controls all other Yogi Bhajan businesses. Kartar Khalsa is the board's chairman and he is not even a Sikh! Now these executives have filed for bankruptcy!
Kartar Khalsa, head of Yogi Bhajan's empire, testifying in an Oregon court.

When asked if he felt remorse for selling the brand name Golden Temple to a non-Sikh company, he said, “No. It was just part of the deal.” If Kartar is willing to readily sell off the Golden Temple brand name for several million dollars, I don't think you'd want donations going to SikhNet, another 3HO business controlled by Yogi Bhajan profiteers.
Attachment #3 pg 14 for exhibits showing "Current Corporate Structure" in the recent court battle in Oregon over Yogi Bhajan's empire. You can clearly see SikhNet Oregon and (KRI)the Kundalini Research Institute under the UI Board who's members declared bankruptcy. SikhNet is officially a registered non-profit organization in the State of Oregon.

SikhNet makes the false claim they are not funded by Golden Temple Foods who's executives filed for bankruptcy and lived lavish lifestyles. "We(SikhNet) rely on two funding sources (1) Donations from users and "sponsors" and (2) membership fees." Golden Temple Foods which makes millions from using the sacred Sikh symbols for commercial profit, donated at least $25,0000 to SikhNet last year according to a 3HOer in a comment for a SikhNN article covering The Fight For Yogi Bhajan’s business Empire

Golden Temple execs file for bankruptcy
The company’s CEO and management group seek protection against claims that may follow a lawsuit
By Sherri Buri McDonald

The Register-Guard

Published: (Friday, Feb 24, 2012 05:01AM) Today



Golden Temple CEO Kartar Singh Khalsa and the company’s management group, which includes Khalsa and five other top company executives, have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy .

Khalsa and the other executives sought the protection of the bankruptcy court in anticipation of large claims being filed against them after they lost a lawsuit in December.

Multnomah County Circuit Judge Leslie Roberts ruled that Khalsa breached his fiduciary duties to the Sikh religious community founded by the late Yogi Bhajan and that he and other Golden Temple Management members were unjustly enriched, when they gained ownership of 90 percent of the prosperous company in 2007.

The company grew out of a bakery founded by members of the local Sikh community in the 1970s, for the community’s benefit. It evolved into Golden Temple, producer of Peace cereal and Yogi Tea, among other products, which were long a cornerstone of Lane County’s natural foods industry.

Golden Temple sold its cereal division in May 2010 for $71 million to Hearthside Food Solutions. The Illinois-based baker continues to make Peace Cereal, Sweet Home Farms granola and other cereal products at its plant in Eugene.

Khalsa and Golden Temple Management were in court-ordered mediation on Thursday with U.S. District Judge Michael Hogan in an attempt to craft a reorganization plan that most of the creditors would support and that would provide a dividend to unsecured creditors, according to court orders filed Tuesday.

A meeting of creditors is scheduled in Eugene on March 19.

The bankruptcy filings are the latest twist in the legal troubles that for more than two years have wracked the local Sikh community, Golden Temple and Khalsa, a former Eugene resident and prominent business leader who chaired the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce.

In both bankruptcy filings, the assets listed greatly exceed the liabilities listed. Khalsa listed assets of $30.95 million and liabilities of $1.27 million, and Golden Temple Management listed assets of $49 million and liabilities of $10.4 million. What drove the company managers to take this step were the many claims of “unknown” amounts from creditors, such as the Sikh religious leaders and Oregon Attorney General John Kroger, who sued Golden Temple Management in Multnomah County Circuit Court.

Who really controls SikhNet? Are SikhNet's real "sponsors" Yogi Bhajan's tantric profiteers who use the sacred images and Shabads of the Sikh Grurus for profit? Know before you donate!

What an outright Fraud SikhNet is committing! SikhNet does not want Sikhs to know the true identity of Kartar Khalsa who is a fake! Kartar has cut hair,is no longer a Sikh but still controls all Yogi bhajan businesses, Sikh Dharma nonprofits, including SikhNet itself.
Kartar Khalsa, head of Yogi Bhajan's empire, testifying in an Oregon court.

The thread below shows the fraudulent way SikhNet is handling the real "Kartar Khalsa" issue of Kartar not being a Sikh. SikhNet refers Sikh forum participants,to another Kartar Singh in Espanola. SikhNet implies that the turbaned Kartar Singh from Espanola is the leader of Yogi Tea and the Sikh Dharma nonprofits.

(SikhNet)Moderator Note: Now you are diverting your topic. Discussion of any sects invariably leads to slander and negativity. We found two web sites below. If you are talking about the same person then the pictures show that he is not “a hair cut man” as you say. We do not have the time to verify everything. We do not allow slander. If you continue this we will have to ban you. This topic is locked now. We are deleting another similar topic that you started.​profile.php?id=12904

Singh posted to Gursant Singh

Follow me on my discussion with sikhnet​ion/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5245&s​id=86913aa1fe728d032a9d1d6541c​a1bd1

Gursant Singh You should post this pic of Yogi Tea box which shows the Darbar Sahib in Amritsar and Sikhs sitting around the parkarma disrespectfully drinking Yogi Tea.​oto.php?pid=2828625&l=fd81​1df60e&id=1214270541

Wall Photos
Singh: You should post this pic on SikhNet discussion of Yogi Tea box which shows the Darbar Sahib in Amritsar and Sikhs sitting around the parkarma disrespectfully drinking Yogi Tea.
By: Gursant Singh
Yesterday at 8:32am · ·

Gursant Singh: I hope SikhNet allows this thread to continue but I doubt it. Once their office opens in New Mexico Monday morning it will be deleted because its critical of the "hand which feeds it
Yesterday at 8:43am ·

Gursant Singh
Singh Now you see how corrupt and stuck these 3HOers are. All we can do is keep exposing them to our Sikh brothers and sisters here on facebook and twitter. I think more and more Sikhs are becoming aware of the way SikhNet really is and eventually they'll lose all donations and support from the larger Sikh sangat. Did you read this article "Who really controls SikhNet?"​um/index.php?id=333
19 hours ago ·

Yes i read that article and i evem posted about kartar. This is what they replied to me when i wrote : "Yogi tea is an invention of yogi bhajan. The company that runs this business is called Golden temple run by a 3ho sikh called kartar khalsa who is hair cut man. Golden temple brand is also used in the sale of oil and sex massage, food and wine.

Moderator Note: Now you are diverting your topic. Discussion of any sects invariably leads to slander and negativity. We found two web sites below. If you are talking about the same person then the pictures show that he is not “a hair cut man” as you say. We do not have the time to verify everything. We do not allow slander. If you continue this we will have to ban you. This topic is locked now. We are deleting another similar topic that you started.​profile.php?id=12904

about an hour ago ·

Singh: If you click the link they refer to a turbanned man as kartar

Gursant Singh:
Singh "the pictures show that he is not “a hair cut man” as you say." The moderator at SikhNet is a bare faced liar! Everyone in 3HO knows that Kartar Khalsa is no longer a Sikh and has cut his hair See these independent articles showing a picture of Kartar Khalsa. There are many articles in the Eugene Register Guard also which you can just google:​and/article-17701-death_of​_a_yogi.html​lines/1395/4-million-dolla​r-man

Sikhnet gave me final warning, when i tried to expose tantra
Hello Babbar_Sher,

(SikhNet)Moderator Note:You are receiving this notification because your topic "Value of Tantra in
Sikhi" at "SikhNet Discussion Forum" was disapproved by a moderator or

The following reason was given for the disapproval:

The reported message does not fit into any other category, please use the
further information field.

We have warned you before. If you continue to post about sects, 3HO etc. we
will have to ban you. This is our last warning to you

Death of a Yogi
In downtown Portland, across Southwest 5th Avenue from City Hall, stands a tall glass and aluminum tower. Inside this building, the Pacwest Center, is a safe. This safe keeps many secrets, but thi,News
34 minutes ago · ·

Gursant Singh: SikhNet is so cunning, the links they give are to a Kartar Singh in Espanola NM and SikhNet knows he has nothing to do with Yogi Tea in Oregon. This is total fraud on SikhNet's part and shows their true colors.

What an outright Fraud SikhNet is committing!
SikhNet’s hypocrisy is unparalleled! In one breath they condemn “slander and negativity” but then allow this clearly slanderous post accusing me of “Blasphemy”, to stand for almost a year now. SikhNet blocks my comments and any opportunity to defend against these personal attacks. It’s clear SikhNet censors and then attacks anyone who disagrees with Yogi Bhajan and their Kundalini/tantric Yoga secret agenda.

SikhNet post: Summary of Question:

Blasphemy By Gursant Singh On The Internet
Category: General Sikhism
Date Posted: Monday, 9/27/2010 3:15 PM MDT

Dear Moderators,

Lately i've been reading the trash being posted by Gursant Singh on his blog and now on facebook.. I'm very disturbed. This man talks without evidence and is sly like a fox. Please do something to stop this man right away. Innocent readers get easily influenced.. Please do something now.....

Simranjit Harbans Singh

In this Yogi Bhajan lecture link at SikhNet, Yogi Bhajan states, "Guru Gobind Singh forgot somewhere to write that the Khalsa shall do Pooran praan tapaa. That’s the only way I can figure it out." How dare Yogi Bhajan utter such rubbish that our father Guru Gobind Singh Ji "forgot" something! This is an outrageously false and ego maniac statement by Yogi Bhajan and SikhNet is promoting this sacrilege on their website!!

You'll find the promotion of many anti Sikh practices on SikhNet like this article which falsely states: "In Sikh tradition, Sukh grew a beard and wore a turban for the marriage ceremony. Later, at the celebrations in a Shagun Marriage Palace in Moga, he shaved and dressed in a suit and white shirt."

More ego maniac utterances by Yogi Bhajan recorded by Dr. Trilochan Singh in his book "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" 1977

Guru Gobind Singh Could not do What
We have done, claims Yogi Bhajan
In my personal experience as gross human body, it is the first time in the world the real perfect shape of the Khalsa came into existence. It didn't happen in the time of Guru Gobind Singh. I see and now look back at the Sikh history. We have done—a handful of us—a more tremendous sacrifice for the sake of humanity on this planet than anybody can even relate to. But I should say, as an honest historian, that when I look back accurately at Sikh history, the Sikh woman was a great woman and she was a Sikh. But, in the West, I see the woman, in a very elaborate and equal state of consciousness, to be a Khalsa.
One question is, "Why are the Sikhs who have the prosperity losing their prospect?" I have the answer to that. Because they have forgotten the great secret practices that were given to them. "Why are we [American Sikhs] out of the total insanity, becoming totally creative?" Because we are practicing those practices and that is all.
Sikh Dharma Brotherhood: 1976
Yogi Bhajan's Lecture: page 9
The title page of this Journal carries
a picture of Gurcharan Singh Tohra:
President S.G.P.C.
Guru Gobind Singh Forgot
To Write Pooran Praan Tapaa
But what is that meditation? The meditation is not just coming to the Guru. The meditation is like this. Suppose on Sunday we are to come and present ourselves to the Guru. On Saturday we start preparing for it. That is how it works. Twenty-four hours earlier than the action of infinity, if a person starts thinking cosmically that he has to go and present himself to the Guru, and starts purifying and preparing himself, they call it meditation. Pooran Praan Tapaa— remember this technique of words. Pooran means complete. Praan means prana, the life force. Tapaa means the action of purification. It is known as Pooran Praan Tapaa. It is a kind of meditation.
Of all the meditations written and known for the human, this is the highest. And that is why the mantra Guru Gobind Singh gave us was the Guru Mantra, Wah Guru. Guru Gobind Singh forgot somewhere to write that the Khalsa shall do Pooran Praan Tapaa. That is the only way I can figure it out. Otherwise the factual effect of giving a human the Guru mantra Wha Guru is only that it states, a positive intuition? Wha, the Grace, Wonderful is the Lord.
Sikh Dharma, Vol III, no 1 Spring 1977
Guru Gobind Singh Sowed the Seed
Of the Khalsa Wrongly, says Yogi Bhajan
The eminent Scientist Dr Manohar Singh Grewal of Boston is popular both among American Sikhs and Indian Sikhs. Like his grandfather Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh, who was leader of the Jaito Morcha (Agitation) he is a conscientious and devoted Sikh. When he went to Los Angeles he visited 3HO Headquarters of Yogi Bhajan, who was there.
It appears that Dr Grewal's humility and gentle nature provoked his vanity under the uncontrolled impulse of which Yogi Bhajan said in the course of talks, "Guru Gobind Singh has sowed the seed of the Khalsa wrongly.'7 (Guru Gobind Singh ne Khalse da bij hi ghalat lay a) Controlling his emotions at these outrageous utterances, Dr Grewal retorted, "How can you say such a thing?" And Yogi Bhajan as usual started rationalizing his statement.
In the first week of June 1977 Gurbanda Singh of Washington, whose arrogance is well known, addressed a Sikh Congregation in which 3HO people were also present at Vermont. In his speech, which is always snobbish in tone and material, he tried to prove that the American Sikhs were very pious and holy while the Indian Sikhs were irreligious, profane (patits) and so on. Even in his writings (the few articles on Yogi Bhajan cult he has written) his tone is the same. Sardar Kehar Singh, an eminent Engineer, immediately stood up and took him to task. He told him and all those 3HO men and women who think and act like him, "We are fed up with your attempts to make us feel guilty of not being Sikhs. We are Sikhs and in many many ways far better than you people." His angry attack on the typical snobbery of the 3HO leaders was disarming. It is at this moment Dr Grewal brought out in the open Yogi Bhajan's attempt to insult and underestimate even Guru Gobind Singh. He mentioned the Los Angeles incident and told the congregation that Yogi Bhajan goes to the extent of saying that Guru Gobind Singh sowed the seed of the Khalsa wrongly and implying that he was correcting it. While the underlings among the 3HO devotees are quiet, unassuming, and very devout and sincere, the leaders act exactly as their Master has trained them. I do not blame them entirely for it. It is because of their haughtiness, overbearing and insulting attitude towards the Indian Sikhs, that they neither learn anything beyond what Yogiji says, nor do they seem to know the long term consequences of rejecting truth from every quarter and blindly accepting mumbo-jumbo cult ideas from Yogi Bhajan. They perhaps seriously believed that Guru Tegh Bahadur prophesied that a Great Master Yogi Bhajan would create the new Khalsa in the West and invade India to bring the Aquarian Age. The British invented this story for themselves.
Author's Comments
Wherever I went in the U.S.A. even people very friendly to Yogi Bhajan informed me that he pretended to have done more than Guru Gobind Singh did, and his vanity and ego maniac haughtiness had gone to the extent of saying in a gathering that he can even shake the gaddi (throne) of Guru Nanak. I did not take these stories seriously and refused to believe them. But I was shocked to read the afore-mentioned statements published within the last 12 months or so. But when I saw these insulting remarks heaped on Guru Gobind Singh in print, the shock became unbearable.
A devout Sikh goes to the Guru every morning and not only on Sundays, and Sunday was never observed as a day of congregational worship throughout history. Bhai Nand Lai tells us in Zandgi Nam ah that though the Sikhs go to the temple, or the Guru, for formal worship every morning but for congregational worship the Sikhs gathered together twice a month, on Sankranti and Massia (the first day of the Indian lunar calendar and the middle of the month according to lunar days). In the code of the Conduct given to the Khalsa (Rehatnamas) the Gurus have clearly stated that a Sikh should not perform yoga asanas, nor believe in mantras, yantras and other absurdities quoted in this chapter and practiced and preached by Yogi Bhajan.
There is no such word as Puran Pran Tapan mantra in any dictionary in any Indian language. It is perhaps the silliest of all Yogi Bhajan's absurd brain waves which shows more of his ignorance than wisdom of Sikh history and scriptures. Sometimes I doubt if he has once gone through the Sikh scriptures, even without understanding them. He possibly could not. Up till recently, he did not know the language of the scriptures, and I am more than certain that he cannot interpret even ten pages of it correctly. Yet he sincerely believes that he can fool the ignorant American Sikhs to believe that he is the Super-Messiah of the Age, and they at least must believe that he is greater than the Sikh Gurus, and he has done what the Gurus were unable to do. We will study in detail how he has built himself as the Western Pope of the Sikhs, the only Mahan Tantric in the World, and perhaps the only person who could tell so many lies about himself and make every American followers of his believe it. If the Americans want to understand and practice the true meditations of Sikhs Faith and move on the path with humility and wisdom as Sikh saints all over the world have done, they will have to throw all this rubbish that Yogi Bhajan is stuffing into their minds into the dust-bin and take it for granted that his knowledge of Sikh mysticism and the Khalsa Holy Order is pedestrian and less than elementary. With such absurdities in their heads, and sacrilegious notions and practices of the Sikh mantras they will be in mind, soul and spirit as far away from Sikhism as any ignorant non-Sikh, even though they may put on Sikh appearance and dress, which no doubt is very important.

"The Master(Yogi bhajan)later explained to me that was the way it was supposed to be as it was the beginning of the switch in Sikh leadership from the Indian community to the American Sikh yogis – recognized or not." ~ MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa in a letter to the American Sikh community dated 06/24/2011
Is this a smoking gun or what? I have always suspected that Yogi Bhajan wanted to hijack the Sikh religion, here's the proof from the mouth of Yogi Bhajan's closest aid! See more photos and discussion on facebook:

Yogi Bhajan and Hari Jiwan buying and selling gem stones and jewellry at Jerry's on Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills California, a favorite spot for their business activities. In June 1997,one year after this photo was taken, the Federal Trade Commission filed charges against Hari Jiwan. (Taken from an FTC press release) Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa, also known as Stephen Jon Oxenhandler, a/k/a Bob Thomas; as part of "Project Field of Schemes." This law enforcement effort comprised of approximately 61 law-enforcement actions. In its complaint detailing the charges, the FTC alleged that the defendants routinely misrepresented the risk, value, appreciation and liquidity of the gemstones they sold and falsely claimed that consumers would realize tremendous profits. In addition, the defendants falsely pledged that they could and would easily liquidate consumers' gemstone portfolios after an 18-month holding period. In fact, according to the FTC, the defendants typically ceased all contact with consumers and refused to liquidate their gemstones after the 18-month period. Shortly after the complaint was filed, the court issued a temporary restraining order, froze the defendants' assets and appointed a temporary receiver over the corporate defendants.
I went to Jerry's shop in Beverly Hills with YB and HJ almost every day as I was on YB's security. I also took Shakti Parwha Kaur to Wells Fargo bank on Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills about three times a week to get gems and a new set of YB's jewellery that he would adorn himself with for that particular day depending on what the astrological stars said he should wear. Shakti would say, "Let's go get the crown jewels." When Shakti and I entered the room at the bank to open the numerous safe deposit boxes full of the precious stones, I was shocked the first time I saw the outrageous amount of trays displaying these huge gemstones.
Around the year 2000, Yogi Bhajan tried to personally sell me a yogic ring for several thousand dollars. We were at Hari Jiwan's house in Espanola where HJ keeps a vast collection of gems worth millions of dollars. Yogi Bhajan told me. "You're naked." And he stated I needed a ring with a particular stone to protect me.

Yogi Bhajan and Hari Jiwan at Jerry's in Beverly Hills California

"Jerry’s shop was much bigger than it appeared. Behind the showroom was a private negotiation room with a couch, table and a chair or two. Behind this room was a large fully equipped kitchen where we enjoyed many delicious Armenian meals.
On a gorgeous spring afternoon in 1989 the Siri Singh Sahib was viewing a special Cartier broach and chain when he received a call from one of his secretaries......."

In a recent letter from Hari Jiwan, HJ says, "As he (Yogi Bhajan) often said, “I’m an easy target if all you want to see are my faults.”"

"He (Yogi Bhajan) was a living example of the greatness of our Guru in spite of any faults – which were few and insignificant. He was my hero and he was a true hero."

"There are very few Buddhas, Christs, Guru Nanaks that make it to this earth."~Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa.
Is Hari Jiwan implying that Yogi Bhajan is on an equal level to Guru Nanak?

Here I think is the crux of the problem with YBers. YBers refuse to admit any significant fault with Yogi Bhajan, eventhough YB himself admitted he had many faults. While I'll admit YB did some good, his faults were clearly many and YB should never be referred to or treated as a Satguru! YB was miles behind true Satgurus like Guru Nanak Dev Ji or Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Sikhnet Sikh & Yogi Bhajan's "right hand man," Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa declares in the newspaper article "IDOL TALK";

“If the idol stands for a virtue... I have no problem putting that anywhere.”

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" Please find the entire text for the Book under comments for this photograph's link or as a pdf file at:

Join the cause "Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism" with 6,000 other Sikhs

Join a discussion group on Hari Jiwan with ex YBers at:

"Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa and Gurujot Singh Khalsa were YB's closest and dearest, his right and left arms, both crooks."

It was always my understanding that while everyone always fought and jockeyed to be close to YB, it was usually the craziest, most corrupt, sycophantic and sketchiest that were always by his side. Hardly sounds like a distinction. I also remember people telling me, "The closer you get to Espanola, the crazier it is."

Not to be completely cynical, but I have to wonder what the reasoning is behind this gush of sentimentality from the Chief of Protocol. In the wake of YB's death it seemed like many of the high muckity-mucks were subtly trying to play up angles that would give them legitimacy or authority, or at least some type of it: everything from flaunting their weird titles or starting to call themselves a "master" or "expert", to false-modest claims of siddhis, to personal stories that would range from personal reminiscences like this to more ooga-booga ones of "The SSS once gave me a SPECIAL meditation to do..." From what I've heard the banter from the Secretaries/White Tantric moderators during that time sounded like auditions for American Idol.

I guess with the Chief of Protocol's story, like all things, time will shake it out, and it will at the very least, be interesting.

Parady from the Wacko World of Yogi Bhajan:(Message Truncated)...from the Memoirs of MSS Hari Jiwan (con't):

"Remember, Chief of Protocolji, that P-A-I-N is a four- letter word for opportunity. Never forget that," he said pushing a ruby-encrusted finger painfully into my breastbone. "Those souls down there are lost sheep. Sheep with wallets."
He clasped my wrist just below the Rolex. "Other leaders have found this City of Angels and assembled followers among your generation. None of them as great as I, my son."
"That goes without saying, Sir."
He nodded in the direction of Sunset Blvd. "Jim Morrison? He had passion and sex appeal, too. He became fat. He collected fans and LA women. He made a fortune."
After a moment of silence my teacher dropped my hand and waved his glittering bracelets toward The Matterhorn. "And down there? Walt Disney! A visionary with his own kingdom. A magician, Hari Jiwan. A magician and a businessman."
The waitress brought another round of virgin pina coladas. "Tip her well, my son."
More lights twinkled beneath us as night descended on the basin.. How long had we been here? I recall mentioning it was an August afternoon when we left the movie. We had watched the summer sun go down. We had been here a long time. But with my teacher time stood still. Hours became years...
Always unpredictable, my teacher drew me up short when he waved his drink toward Benedict Canyon. "Manson got it. He faked it til he made it, Hari Jiwan."
"Manson saw the reality of this place, the truth of your generation, you spoiled, stupid American poodles. Charisma and mystical ooga-booga only carries you so far. You need a plan... There's an Apocalypse coming and Manson saw it, too..."
I could see by the illuminated dial on my teacher's Patek Phillipe chronograph that it was time for the valet to bring the Bentley. I knew of my teacher's wrath when he missed the "Hill Street Blues" theme music.
How did I get to be so lucky?

Hilarious and also sickening. Beautiful parody artfully exposing truth.

So did Yogi Bhajan advise MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa on how to scam people? Yes, I believe he did.

An X-YBer busnessman once told me that while in YBism, Yogi Bhajan took him and a couple other YBer Bros into a jewelry store in Chinatown in San Francisco. There YB messed with a Chinese woman's head until she sold him the gem he wanted for far far less than she bought it for. Had she been more sensitive, she would have given Saint YB the pretty rock as a gift.

"There are very few Buddhas, Christs, Guru Nanaks that make it to this earth."~Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa. Is Hari Jiwan implying that Yogi Bhajan is on an equal level to Guru Nanak?

There's something both pathetic and creepy in the fact that Hari Jiwan's Facebook photo album titled "Me" is half-filled of photos of YB and him. You are me and I am you and we are we and...

Although we are we to deny YB's lasting impact on the one and only Chief of Protocol? He's still schleping them gems:

(As an aside, I find it incredibly crass to name a gem company after the Nau-Nidh/Nine Treasures spoken of in the SGGS. Anyone with half a mind would not take this literally when there are so many shabads that mention the Naam as containing all nine treasures and finding the nine treasures within one's Self. It's like a Christian expecting "the gifts of the Holy Spirit" to arrive via UPS and be wrapped in a bow and ribbon.)

Whenever HJS Jr's jail time is mentioned, 3HOers seem quick to say that he did time mostly because he wouldn't snitch on others.

This means that:
1) 3HOers on one level are able to digest the fact that there was a bigger crime being committed within the castle walls, and are not only OK with that, but...
2) Believe in some kind of nobility in covering up for other people who blatantly stole money, because they were "dharmic."

The mind wobbles.

P.S. Any FCC or other documentation out there on HJS Jr.?

Siri Ram Singh Khalsa:

These guys, along with the master of lies and deception had their own paths...the socio-paths. They were men of no conscience who believed that the neds always justified the means. I'm sure there is a special place in hell reserved for yogi bludgeon.

Yeah, its called Roach Motel.

See more photos and discussion on facebook at:

“Amid the legal infighting following Yogi Bhajan’s death, critics are offering another portrait of the Sikh leader.”
3HO Sikhs are now fighting amongst themselves in a lawsuit over the millions of dollars in profits made from using the sacred Sikh religious symbols and scriptures for their own personal gain.3HO Sikhs, who follow Yogi Bhajan, funnel the money to support Yogi Bhajan's tantric cult church which 3HO Sikhs have deceptively camouflaged using names like "Sikh Dharma International", "3HO foundation", "Sikh Dharma Stewardship","","Sikh Dharma Worldwide", "Unto Infinity Board","Khalsa Council" and "KRI(Kundalini Research Institute)". See "Sikhnet's" and "Sikh Dharma International's" slick new websites which were produced with the millions in ill-gained profits using the name of the Golden Temple, names and images of the Sikh Gurus, and sacred Sikh shabads for profit in commercial enterprises.

Read the full front page article about Yogi Bhajan's lust for power and greed of his 3HO Sikhs in Today's Eugene Register-Guard:

""Yogi's Legacy in Question"".[/link]

"New lawsuit hits Golden Temple with fraud!"

Read about the infighting in 3HO and Sikh Dharma--
Today's Eugene Register-Guard:

""Rift in 3HO Sikh community threatens business empire""

Appeared in print: Friday, May 28, 2010

"Bhajan was a leader ‘by fluke’

Recently, a friend sent me articles from The Register-Guard on litigation involving Yogi Bhajan’s organizations in Oregon. The letters to the editor that followed, critical of the reporter, prompt me to throw some light on the subject. Bhajan was extremely good at what he did, but propagation of Sikhism he was not. Criticism of Bhajan’s cult cannot be construed as criticism of Sikhism.

Trilochan Singh, a distinguished Sikh scholar, in his 1977 book “Sikhism and Tantric Yoga,” describes Bhajan devastatingly: “Yogi Bhajan is a Sikh by birth, a Maha Tantric by choice but without training, and a ‘Sri Singh Sahib’ and self-styled leader of the Sikhs of the Western Hemisphere by fluke and mysterious strategy.” There was no mystery to his strategy. He ingratiated himself with the Sikh religious leadership in Punjab, which was more corrupt than the Vatican during the time of Martin Luther.

According to the Tantrics, the best form of worship is the fullest satisfaction of the sexual desires of man, therefore sexual intercourse is prescribed as a part of Tantric worship. In the annals of abuse of women, some had harems, others had concubines and Bhajan had secretaries. The Sikh gurus condemned the Tantrics and their practices. All the cases mentioned in The Register-Guard had merit.

Humility is the hallmark of a Sikh, and Bhajan had none of it. Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, describes people such as Bhajan succinctly: “Those ... who have no virtues but are filled with egotistical pride.”

Hardev Singh Shergill President, Khalsa Tricentennial Foundation of North America Editor-in-chief, The Sikh Bulletin El Dorado Hills, Calif.

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

"The book Sikhism And Tantric Yoga is available at: website which is operated by a genuine White Sikh is highly recommended. Gursant Singh was a member of the Yogi Bhajan Cult (3HO and the Sikhnet Gora Sikhs or White Sikhs) for over 30 years and has intimate knowledge about the inner workings of this cult which attempts to miscegnate Sikhism with Hindu idolatry. I downloaded the book from Gursant’s website and found it to be absolutely compelling. I read it in one compulsive and sustained draught. It is a study not only about cults in Sikhism but about the miscegenation of the Sikh Religion by Hinduism. It is a classic work rendered in beautiful English prose and it is patently the work of a profound intellectual scholar with a deep knowledge of Sikhism."
Quotation taken from:

You may also view individual chapters to "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" at these links:

Sikhism & Tantric Yoga A Critical Evaluation of Yogi Bhajan

Sikh Doctrines and Yogi Bhajan's Secret Science

Yogi Bhajan's Adi Shakti Shaktimans and Shaktis

Yogi Bhajan's Clap Trap Theories of Kundalini Yoga

Yogi Bhajan's Ego Maniac Utterances

Yogi Bhajan's Seven Years in America and His Tinkling Titles

Yogi Bhajan's Arrest and Release on Bail

Yogi Bhajan Becomes the Only Maha Tantric in the World

Sikh Leaders without Conscience

Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism

Please read an Excerpt below taken from "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"

The Name of Golden Temple and its Murals

"In England last year a firm advertised some blue jeans as Jesus Jeans. The whole religious world of England rose in one protest and stopped the manufacture of these jeans. The word Golden Temple has become an instrument of commercial affairs of Yogi Bhajan He has now even named shoe stores as Golden Temple. I was given a "Wha Guru Chew.""

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

Read about the "war between 3HO Sikh's Unto Infinity Board and Yogi Bhajan's Sikh Dharma". Yogi Bhajan set up all these organizations and installed their leaders. Decide for yourself if the Tantric Sex Yoga which Yogi Bhajan taught inevitably leads to mental and physical debauchery.

Many of these 3HO profiteers have cut their hair and renounced Sikhi! See these pictures below of Kartar Khalsa CEO of Golden Temple Foods and chairman of Yogi Bhajan's "Unto Infinity Board" who has cut his hair and is no longer a Sikh.
(Is it any wonder that Kartar and Peraim, Controlling members of Yogi Bhajan's "Unto Infinity Board",are wearing circus masks in the above photo?)

See these articles in today's Eugene Register Guard which shows the greed surrounding this dispute:

"Money trail at heart of Sikhs’ legal battle."

Wha Guru being used sacriligiously for huge profits by 3HO Sikhs
[image] [image]"Five flavors and they're all nuts!"


"What did the magician say to the Wha Guru Chew? Open sesame."


Yogi Bhajan used the sacred name of the Golden Temple, names and images of the Sikh Gurus, and sacred Sikh shabads for commercial enterprises to make millions of dollars. Wha Guru is even used as the name of a candy bar by Golden Temple Foods!Links appearing on the internet advertise Golden Temple along with wine and alcohol such as in this Google search link: "Golden Temple Granola - Food & Wine - Compare Prices" Other internet links associate Golden Temple massage oil with sex and sensual massages as in this Google search: "Sensual Soothing... Golden Temple Soothing Touch Massage Oil."

See for yourself the pictures below of the Darbar Sahib(Golden Temple) in Amritsar and Guru Tegh Bahadar featured on yogi tea boxes:
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3HO Sikhs are associating yogis, ashrams, tantric sex yoga rituals,drinking of wine and magicians of the occult with the Sikh Gurus and the Golden Temple See the Rare Photo (above) featuring the Harimandir sahib in 1908 when it was under the control of the Pundits or mahants. Sadhus and yogis felt free to sit wearing only a dhoti and no head coverings.The Gurdwara Reform Movement stopped such practices in India and gave the Gurdwaras back to Gursikhs.

Tantric Asanas taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy:Reprinted from Yogi Bhajan’s official magazine “Beads of Truth” 11, p. 39

Yogi Bhajan illustrated here controlling tantric shakti "energy". Notice the depiction of Shiva,above Yogi Bhajan's head, Shiva is the god of yoga for Hindus. The illustration also shows Kundalini Yoga Asanas taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy

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Yogi Bhajan's students are intstructed to meditate on Yogi Bhajan's picture everyday which you can see displayed in the 3HO Espanola Gurdwara in the photo above.

Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does an 8-foot high statue of the Hindu god Ganesh, adorn the entranceway to the Siri Singh Sahib (yogi bhajan) lane in espanola. This is the hindu god of "prosperity", as in the 3HO publication "prosperity pathways".Adi Shakti Chandi 3HO Tantric Deity worshipped by 3HO in songs and prayers(shown above). Read about Yogi Bhajan's Shaktiman and Shakti women.

Read these shocking fire pujas and occult numerology,(below), practiced and advertised in the latest newsletter published by 3HO Sikhs. These "kriyas" or pujas are complete rubbish,only adding to the destruction and dissolution of the Sikh faith and should not be practiced by Sikhs of the Guru. The object of these practices is to combine the Sikh faith with Hinduism; to defang, neuter and completely destroy Sikhi. The strategy is to introduce idolatry and a stratified priesthood into the Sikh Religion. Yogi Bhajan and his 3HO shakti cult followers are introducing idolatry and Hindu practices of pujas and tantra mantra into the Sikh religion. The Bhajan movement is attempting to shift Sikh worship from the commonwealth of Gurdwaras to private estates controlled by 3HO priests of Yogi Bhajan's Tantric sex cult church.
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Idolatry is forbidden in Sikhism....why does a golden statue of a yogi adorn the entranceway to the 3HO Gurdwara in Espanola. This is a Hindu practise.
3-HO Sikhs demonstrate(in the photo above)their complete subservience to false worldly material power by exhibiting the Flag of God (The Nishaan Sahib) at an even level with the flag of the United States in front of the 3HO Gurdwara in New Mexico. The Nishaan Sahib, (The Respected Mark of God under the shadow of the Sikh Broadsword) should always fly higher than the flag of all the false materialists. The Flag of the Khalsa should occupy a place of exaltation above any government's flag that temporarily inhabits the material world.


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Tantric Yoga asanas (above) taught by Yogi Bhajan
and practised in 3HO Gurdwaras

"Tantric doctrines involving sex-poses or physical contact poses are extremely repulsive to Sikhism. The Sikh Gurus repeatedly ask the Sikhs to shun Tantric practices because they are based on a mentally perverted outlook of life. The Sikh Gurus ask the Sikhs to shun the very presence and association of Shakti-Cult Tantrics." Dr. Trilochan Singh "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"

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Tantric Asana taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy:Reprinted from Yogi Bhajan’s official magazine “Beads of Truth” 11, p. 39

See how Hindu gods and yogis are displayed in 3HO Gurdwaras, (see link in blue).

See this post which exposes the most shocking relationship Yogi Bhajan had with Jagjit Naamdhari who is considered by his disciples as the 11th Sikh Guru. The Naamdhari Sikhs keep the Siri Guru Granth in a closet while they bow to Jagjit and refer to him as "SatGuru Ji" as you can see in the photos at this link.

Read these comments by traditional Sikhs. "What better way to make money: add a religious tone to the product. All of a sudden, it seems legit."

If you want to stop these degrading and sacriligious practices by Golden Temple Foods and Yogi Bhajan's cult followers; Post a letter of support on this website or write your local food stores and demand they stop selling Golden Temple Food's products. Some of the major stores which carry these products are Trader Joes, Whole Foods Market and Wild Oats but there are many many other stores who sell millions of dollars in Golden Temple Granola, Peace Cereal, Yogi Teas, massage oil and Wha Guru Chews.

Yogi Bhajan's sacrilegious teachings in the name of Sikhism are illustrated quite distinctly by pictures of Yogi Bhajan's portrait, hindu idols being displayed in and around 3-HO Gurdwaras and the practice of kundalini and sex energizing tantric yoga asanas inside 3-HO Gudwaras by Yogi Bhajan's students.
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Idolatry is forbidden in Sikhism. Why does an eight foot high image (above) of Yogi Bhajan controlling the tantric shakti "energy" adorn the 3HO Gurdwara in Espanola? You can see the menacing image of Yogi Bhajan overshadowing the Sangat on the right side of the entire Espanola Gurdwara in the photo above.

Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does a golden statue of a yogi adorn the entranceway to the 3HO Gurdwara in espanola. This is a hindu practise.



Yogi Bhajan's students are intstructed to meditate on Yogi Bhajan's picture everyday which you can see displayed in the 3HO Espanola Gurdwara in these photos.
In a painting at the New Mexico 3HO Gurdwara(above)you can see the sacrilegious misrepresentation of our sacred Khalsa symbol "Khanda" with two swords around it. You may also observe in this painting how Yogi Bhajan is depicted on an equal level with Guru Ram Daas(the 4th Sikh Guru): Dr. Trilochan Singh recounts this observation in 1977 when he writes, "The other picture was the Khalsa symbol Khanda with two swords around it. The Khanda (double-edged sword) within this symbol was replaced by a picture of an American woman with Sari-like robes. The woman is called Adi Shakti. I saw this published in the Beads of Truth in London and have already commented on it in my book, The Turban and the Sword of the Sikhs. I told Shakti Parwha that this is the most sacrilegious misrepresentation of our sacred symbol. As usual she dismissed my opinion as unimportant."

The sikh code of conduct says food offerings to the GURU are forbidden, but there is a 'testimony' page over at, a 3HO run site loaded with volumes of Yogi Bhajan nonsense talks. Yogi Bhajan instructs 3Hoer's to prepare meals as offerings at the gurdwara and calls this "a dish for a wish". This is nothing more than the Hindu practice of puja. The testimony states "a dish for a wish".
Please read an Excerpt below taken from

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

Yogi Bhajan studied and taught at the Sivananda Ashram in Delhi. This, in addition to his first Kundalini Yoga teacher Sant Hazara Singh. In the mid-1960s, Harbhajan Singh took up a position as instructor at the Vishwayatan Ashram in New Delhi, under Dhirendra Brahmachari. This yoga centre was frequented by the Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, his daughter, Indira Gandhi, and diplomats and employees from a host of foreign embassies.

Here's an article on Sivananda's approach to Kundalini Yoga:

These are all Hindu practices.

You can also read about the Gurdwara Reform Movement which stopped such practices in India and gave the Gurdwaras back to Gursikhs.


Gurdwara Reform Movement

A Rare Photo of Harimandir sahib in 1908 when it was under the control of the Pundits or mahants. Sadhus felt free to sit in meditation wearing only a dhoti.The Gurdwara Reform Movement (Gurdwara Sudhar Lehr) is the Legislation passed by the Punjab Legislative Council which marked the culmination of the struggle of the Sikh people from 1920-1925 to wrest control of their places of worship from the mahants or priests into whose hands they had passed during the eighteenth century when the Khalsa were driven from their homes to seek safety in remote hills and deserts.

When they later established their sway in Punjab, the Sikhs rebuilt their shrines endowing them with large jagirs and estates. The management, however, remained with the priests, belonging mainly to the Udasi sect, who, after the advent of the British in 1849, began to consider the shrines and lands attached to them as their personal properties and to appropriating the income accruing from them to their private use. Some of them alienated or sold Gurudwara properties at will. They had introduced ceremonies which were anathema to orthodox Sikhs. Besides, there were complaints of immorality and even criminal behavior lodged against the worst of them. All these factors gave rise to what is known as the Gurudwara Reform movement during which the Sikhs peaceful protests were met with violence and death and ended with them courting arrest on a large scale to gain the world's attention. Before it was all over many would fall as martyrs with some being literally blown apart while they were strapped to cannaon barrels.

‘During the Gurdwara Reform Movement, the Sikh leaders started a publication that was named Akali. From this paper and its policy the leaders began to be called Akalis, in view of which they formed the present Akali party. These Nihang Akalis should not be confused with the members of the Akali party.’ The Turban And The Sword’' , by Dr. Trilochan Singh. (Page 402)

I found this post at It exposes the most shocking relationship Yogi Bhajan had with Jagjit Naamdhari who is considered by his disciples as the 11th Sikh Guru. The Naamdhari Sikhs keep the Siri Guru Granth in a closet while they bow to Jagjit and refer to him as "SatGuru Ji" as you can see in the photos below.

The 'Namdhari' cult has been excommunicated from the Khalsa Panth. See for yourself the pictures of Yogi Bhajan depicting his close relationship with Jagjit Naamdhari.

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