Idol worship at SikhNet Yogi Bhajan tantric dera is a wake-up call for Sikhs who complete SikhNet "Donation Survey"

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 12:30 (3974 days ago) @ Gursant Singh
edited by Gursant Singh, Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 15:04

Idol worship at SikhNet Yogi Bhajan tantric dera is a wake-up call for Sikhs who complete SikhNet "Donation Survey"


Sikhs will want to see these pics of idol worship at Yogi Bhajan's tantric yoga dera before completing the Sikh Net "Donation Survey".

Link to shocking pics of idol worship at SikhNet & Yogi Bhajan's tantric yoga dera:

Link to the SikhNet "Donation Survey"

I answered the questions as follows:

I am not happy with the service SikhNet is providing

I have heard negative publicity about SikhNet which made me decide not to donate

SikhNet asks: "Please be so kind as to describe any changes or improvements that you would like to see SikhNet make."
My answer: SikhNet should allow constructive & legitimate criticism of SikhNet & Yogi Bhajan on all SikhNet forums and news articles. SikhNet should take a proactive role with 3HO in removing all images & statues of Yogi bhajan & Baba siri chand from their Gurdwaras and stop promoting Yogi Bhajan's anti-Sikh tantric yoga agenda.

Sikh News Network~" Yogi Bhajan given Hindu last rites" Before donating to SikhNet, Sikhs should read today's article by SikhNN
Part I: Emblem of his beliefs

By Anju Kaur, SikhNN staff writer, Washington Bureau
Posted: Sunday, November 24, 2013 | 04:13 am

The first image shows Yogi Bhajan's wife, Inderjit Kaur Puri, two sons, Ranbir Singh Bhai and Kulbir Singh Puri, and daughter, Kamaljit Kaur Kohli, and some of his followers sitting in front of Yogi Bhajan's garlanded photograph with the swami leading the puja.

"Yes, this is definitely the ash immersion," said Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, a spokeswoman for the ashram. "The puja, ceremony of rites, happens first and then the ashes are actually immersed."

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