Why does SikhNet need 500 times more money than other comparable Sikh websites?

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Thursday, February 27, 2014, 13:27 (3973 days ago) @ Gursant Singh

I see a lot of fat salaries & corruption at SikhNet. Why does SikhNet need 500 times more money than other comparable Sikh websites? SikhNet says they need $250,000 USD to run their operation & website every year. The budget at Gurbani World Radio for example is only $500 USD over the entire year! http://www.gurbaniworldradio.com/

Gurbani World Radio offers twice as many Gurbani radio stations than SikhNet too! One has to wonder where all the extra money goes to at SikhNet?

Ask SikhNet in their "SikhNet Donation Survey" why they need so much money. "Sikhs who complete SikhNet "Donation Survey" should ask if their donations are going towards supporting Idol worship & Yogi Bhajan tantric yoga at SikhNet!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R29AjG6GdcM&list=UUQDV5etGNZ9AnZ-3PnLklzw&feature=c4-overview.


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