Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa & Yogi Bhajan: Does SikhNet realize " The Emperor has no clothes"!! ?

by Gursant Singh ⌂ @, Yuba City California USA, Friday, January 13, 2012, 17:10 (4667 days ago)
edited by Gursant Singh, Sunday, January 22, 2012, 13:15

Yogi Bhajan and Hari Jiwan on the beach in Mexico living a luxurious life at the Acapulco Princess Hotel.
SikhNet should have used this pic of Hari Jiwan & Yogi Bhajan in their article & Titled it " The Emperor has no clothes"!!

Yogis or Sikhs?
January 12, 2012 by Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
"Have you ever wondered how Yoga and Sikh Dharma work together? Well, I did. So, I asked my Master (Yogi Bhajan)."

Shame on SikhNet for promoting this anti-Sikh propaganda of Yogi Bhajan's right hand man Harijiwan Singh Khalsa in a recent article on SikhNet. I worked closely with Harijiwan for 30 years while I was part of Yogi Bhajan's tantric yoga dera and I have first-hand experience with Harijiwan's extensive corrupt and even illegal activities for which the Federal Trade Commission filed charges against Hari Jiwan in June 1997.

Yogi Bhajan "right-hand man", Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa, (the same person SikhNet promotes in this recent article),hosted at his house the biggest enemy of Sikhism Jagjit Naamdhari whose followers worship him as a Satguru and consider Jagjit as the 15th Sikh Guru. Below you will see many 3HOers along with Yogi Bhajan himself consorting with Jagjit and his Naamdharis.
[image] [image]

Harijiwan~ "The Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan) instructed me to do a powerful pranayam.... And here’s the next best part...."

Well the next best part doesn't seem to be that Hari Jiwan has ever abided by the Sikh Code of conduct which in my mind is the "proof in the pudding" for completely discrediting Yogi Bhajan's half-baked Kundalini Yoga system which I think takes one away from authentic Sikhism and faith in God and Guru Sahib Ji.

Notice all the tantric stones and jewelry Hari Jiwan and Yogi Bhajan are wearing in the photo above that shows where their real loyalty lies which for them is in tantric yoga all for personal power and money, NOT with authentic Sikhism which only relies on the Siri Guru Granth Sahib & Gurbani for support. Read about Yogi Bhajan's Secret Tantric Necklace revealed by Hari Jiwan in this article : http://gurmukhyoga.com/forum/index.php?id=309

Why does Hari Jiwan & SikhNet call Yogi Bhajan the "Siri Singh Sahib " & leader of the Sikhs in the west when Bhajan's false title has been shown to be a lie?


a) There never was is or will be a title of that nature (other than in the perception of YB and the Bhajanistas).
b) This whole thing was a great hoax that was perpetrated by YB (Yogi Bhajan).
Of course, it’s hard to prove a negative. That is why I invite MrSingh or any other Bhajanista to prove that the SSS (Siri Singh Sahib) title was awarded by either the Akaal Takhat or the SGPC. If they are able to post a proclamation or similar document here on this web site stating that the SSS title was awarded to YB (Yogi Bhajan).
continued at: http://gurmukhyoga.com/forum/index.php?id=424

Yogi Bhajan's Chief of Protocol: MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

"The Master(Yogi bhajan)later explained to me that was the way it was supposed to be as it was the beginning of the switch in Sikh leadership from the Indian community to the American Sikh yogis – recognized or not." ~ MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa in a letter to the American Sikh community dated 06/24/2011
Is this a smoking gun or what? I have always suspected that Yogi Bhajan wanted to hijack the Sikh religion, here's the proof from the mouth of Yogi Bhajan's closest aid! See more photos and discussion on facebook:
Yogi Bhajan and Hari Jiwan on the beach in Mexico living a luxurious life at the Acapulco Princess Hotel. MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa brags to have been Yogi Bhajan’s closest aid, literally with Yogi Bhajan everyday between 1978 and 2004. Hari Jiwan shows the American Sikh community in a letter dated 11/4/2011 his complete disdain for Sikhs of Punjabi ancestry when he says,

"There was one problem. Every time I’d run into an Indian Sikh, I’d feel accosted and tested. I was tested in the Indian custom so they could rationalize their superiority. Because I didn’t know all they knew, they could justify their rejection of me, our organization and the Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan) all at the same time. I didn’t like being there foil. I finally said to the Master (Yogi Bhajan), “Sir, I’ve run into a lot of Indian Sikhs. They’re very condescending. They all have asked me about parts and teachings and interpretations of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. I follow you and you have taught me what the Guru says in my language. I don’t know theirs as intimately. What should I say so I don’t look like an idiot in their eyes and give them a chance to think they know better?” The Master spoke simple words of wisdom which would serve to shield my innocence and represent me and all I stood for in the highest honor. The Master replied, “Just tell them that they are much smarter than you, all you do is chant Wahe Guru.” The answer was so simple, so direct, and so accurate that no Sikh could deny its reality, humility, devotion and elevation." See Hari Jiwan's entire letter at http://gurmukhyoga.com/forum/index.php?id=376

The truth is that Yogi Bhajan was telling Hari Jiwan to lie and just "fake it and you'll make it"! Hari Jiwan and Yogi Bhajan for that matter did NOT "just chant Waheguru" but rather were actively doing beadbi (sacrilegious actions) against Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji with all Yogi Bhajan’s tantra mantra anti Sikh practices.

Yogi Bhajan and Hari Jiwan buying and selling gem stones and jewellry at Jerry's on Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills California, a favorite spot for their business activities. In June 1997,one year after this photo was taken, the Federal Trade Commission filed charges against Hari Jiwan. (Taken from an FTC press release) Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa, also known as Stephen Jon Oxenhandler, a/k/a Bob Thomas; as part of "Project Field of Schemes." This law enforcement effort comprised of approximately 61 law-enforcement actions. In its complaint detailing the charges, the FTC alleged that the defendants routinely misrepresented the risk, value, appreciation and liquidity of the gemstones they sold and falsely claimed that consumers would realize tremendous profits. In addition, the defendants falsely pledged that they could and would easily liquidate consumers' gemstone portfolios after an 18-month holding period. In fact, according to the FTC, the defendants typically ceased all contact with consumers and refused to liquidate their gemstones after the 18-month period. Shortly after the complaint was filed, the court issued a temporary restraining order, froze the defendants' assets and appointed a temporary receiver over the corporate defendants.
I went to Jerry's shop in Beverly Hills with YB and HJ almost every day as I was on YB's security. I also took Shakti Parwha Kaur to Wells Fargo bank on Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills about three times a week to get gems and a new set of YB's jewellery that he would adorn himself with for that particular day depending on what the astrological stars said he should wear. Shakti would say, "Let's go get the crown jewels." When Shakti and I entered the room at the bank to open the numerous safe deposit boxes full of the precious stones, I was shocked the first time I saw the outrageous amount of trays displaying these huge gemstones.
Around the year 2000, Yogi Bhajan tried to personally sell me a yogic ring for several thousand dollars. We were at Hari Jiwan's house in Espanola where HJ keeps a vast collection of gems worth millions of dollars. Yogi Bhajan told me. "You're naked." And he stated I needed a ring with a particular stone to protect me.

"I went on a few of those shopping trips to Jerry's place in Beverly Hills. To me it seemed that Jerry and YB were running some sort of scam on those who were coerced into making purchases." http://forums.delphiforums.com/Kamallarose/messages?msg=1203.349

"YB and Jerry double-teamed people (not just the women), urging them to purchase things because they were 'beautiful' or 'good for your aura.' "

You may read all the many letters from Hari Jiwan with comments from former followers of Yogi Bhajan at: http://forums.delphiforums.com/Kamallarose/messages?msg=1203.1

Yogi Bhajan and Hari Jiwan at Jerry's in Beverly Hills California

"Jerry’s shop was much bigger than it appeared. Behind the showroom was a private negotiation room with a couch, table and a chair or two. Behind this room was a large fully equipped kitchen where we enjoyed many delicious Armenian meals.
On a gorgeous spring afternoon in 1989 the Siri Singh Sahib was viewing a special Cartier broach and chain when he received a call from one of his secretaries......."

In a recent letter from Hari Jiwan, HJ says, "As he (Yogi Bhajan) often said, “I’m an easy target if all you want to see are my faults.”"

"He (Yogi Bhajan) was a living example of the greatness of our Guru in spite of any faults – which were few and insignificant. He was my hero and he was a true hero."

"There are very few Buddhas, Christs, Guru Nanaks that make it to this earth."~Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa.
Is Hari Jiwan implying that Yogi Bhajan is on an equal level to Guru Nanak?

Here I think is the crux of the problem with YBers. YBers refuse to admit any significant fault with Yogi Bhajan, eventhough YB himself admitted he had many faults. While I'll admit YB did some good, his faults were clearly many and YB should never be referred to or treated as a Satguru! YB was miles behind true Satgurus like Guru Nanak Dev Ji or Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

"My experience is that our Master(YB) and the Guru were one. So surrender to one is surrender to the other."~Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

Several people have said on this forum that Yogi Bhajan told them he was the Guru. This confirms again the view many YBers have of Yogi Bhajan and the view YB himself promoted as being a satguru.

Sikhnet Sikh & Yogi Bhajan's "right hand man," Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa declares in the newspaper article "IDOL TALK";

“If the idol stands for a virtue... I have no problem putting that anywhere.”

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" Please find the entire text for the Book under comments for this photograph's link or as a pdf file at:



Join the cause "Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism" with 6,000 other Sikhs

Join a discussion group on Hari Jiwan with ex YBers at: http://forums.delphiforums.com/KamallaRose/messages?msg=1203.8

"Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa and Gurujot Singh Khalsa were YB's closest and dearest, his right and left arms, both crooks."

It was always my understanding that while everyone always fought and jockeyed to be close to YB, it was usually the craziest, most corrupt, sycophantic and sketchiest that were always by his side. Hardly sounds like a distinction. I also remember people telling me, "The closer you get to Espanola, the crazier it is."

Not to be completely cynical, but I have to wonder what the reasoning is behind this gush of sentimentality from the Chief of Protocol. In the wake of YB's death it seemed like many of the high muckity-mucks were subtly trying to play up angles that would give them legitimacy or authority, or at least some type of it: everything from flaunting their weird titles or starting to call themselves a "master" or "expert", to false-modest claims of siddhis, to personal stories that would range from personal reminiscences like this to more ooga-booga ones of "The SSS once gave me a SPECIAL meditation to do..." From what I've heard the banter from the Secretaries/White Tantric moderators during that time sounded like auditions for American Idol.

I guess with the Chief of Protocol's story, like all things, time will shake it out, and it will at the very least, be interesting.

Parady from the Wacko World of Yogi Bhajan:(Message Truncated)...from the Memoirs of MSS Hari Jiwan (con't):

"Remember, Chief of Protocolji, that P-A-I-N is a four- letter word for opportunity. Never forget that," he said pushing a ruby-encrusted finger painfully into my breastbone. "Those souls down there are lost sheep. Sheep with wallets."
He clasped my wrist just below the Rolex. "Other leaders have found this City of Angels and assembled followers among your generation. None of them as great as I, my son."
"That goes without saying, Sir."
He nodded in the direction of Sunset Blvd. "Jim Morrison? He had passion and sex appeal, too. He became fat. He collected fans and LA women. He made a fortune."
After a moment of silence my teacher dropped my hand and waved his glittering bracelets toward The Matterhorn. "And down there? Walt Disney! A visionary with his own kingdom. A magician, Hari Jiwan. A magician and a businessman."
The waitress brought another round of virgin pina coladas. "Tip her well, my son."
More lights twinkled beneath us as night descended on the basin.. How long had we been here? I recall mentioning it was an August afternoon when we left the movie. We had watched the summer sun go down. We had been here a long time. But with my teacher time stood still. Hours became years...
Always unpredictable, my teacher drew me up short when he waved his drink toward Benedict Canyon. "Manson got it. He faked it til he made it, Hari Jiwan."
"Manson saw the reality of this place, the truth of your generation, you spoiled, stupid American poodles. Charisma and mystical ooga-booga only carries you so far. You need a plan... There's an Apocalypse coming and Manson saw it, too..."
I could see by the illuminated dial on my teacher's Patek Phillipe chronograph that it was time for the valet to bring the Bentley. I knew of my teacher's wrath when he missed the "Hill Street Blues" theme music.
How did I get to be so lucky?

Hilarious and also sickening. Beautiful parody artfully exposing truth.

So did Yogi Bhajan advise MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa on how to scam people? Yes, I believe he did.

An X-YBer busnessman once told me that while in YBism, Yogi Bhajan took him and a couple other YBer Bros into a jewelry store in Chinatown in San Francisco. There YB messed with a Chinese woman's head until she sold him the gem he wanted for far far less than she bought it for. Had she been more sensitive, she would have given Saint YB the pretty rock as a gift.

"There are very few Buddhas, Christs, Guru Nanaks that make it to this earth."~Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa. Is Hari Jiwan implying that Yogi Bhajan is on an equal level to Guru Nanak?

There's something both pathetic and creepy in the fact that Hari Jiwan's Facebook photo album titled "Me" is half-filled of photos of YB and him. You are me and I am you and we are we and...

Although we are we to deny YB's lasting impact on the one and only Chief of Protocol? He's still schleping them gems:

(As an aside, I find it incredibly crass to name a gem company after the Nau-Nidh/Nine Treasures spoken of in the SGGS. Anyone with half a mind would not take this literally when there are so many shabads that mention the Naam as containing all nine treasures and finding the nine treasures within one's Self. It's like a Christian expecting "the gifts of the Holy Spirit" to arrive via UPS and be wrapped in a bow and ribbon.)

Whenever HJS Jr's jail time is mentioned, 3HOers seem quick to say that he did time mostly because he wouldn't snitch on others.

This means that:
1) 3HOers on one level are able to digest the fact that there was a bigger crime being committed within the castle walls, and are not only OK with that, but...
2) Believe in some kind of nobility in covering up for other people who blatantly stole money, because they were "dharmic."

The mind wobbles.

P.S. Any FCC or other documentation out there on HJS Jr.?

Siri Ram Singh Khalsa:



These guys, along with the master of lies and deception had their own paths...the socio-paths. They were men of no conscience who believed that the neds always justified the means. I'm sure there is a special place in hell reserved for yogi bludgeon.

Yeah, its called Roach Motel.

See more photos and discussion on facebook at:

“Amid the legal infighting following Yogi Bhajan’s death, critics are offering another portrait of the Sikh leader.”
3HO Sikhs are now fighting amongst themselves in a lawsuit over the millions of dollars in profits made from using the sacred Sikh religious symbols and scriptures for their own personal gain.3HO Sikhs, who follow Yogi Bhajan, funnel the money to support Yogi Bhajan's tantric cult church which 3HO Sikhs have deceptively camouflaged using names like "Sikh Dharma International", "3HO foundation", "Sikh Dharma Stewardship","SikhNet.com","Sikh Dharma Worldwide", "Unto Infinity Board","Khalsa Council" and "KRI(Kundalini Research Institute)". See "Sikhnet's" and "Sikh Dharma International's" slick new websites which were produced with the millions in ill-gained profits using the name of the Golden Temple, names and images of the Sikh Gurus, and sacred Sikh shabads for profit in commercial enterprises.

Read the full front page article about Yogi Bhajan's lust for power and greed of his 3HO Sikhs in Today's Eugene Register-Guard:

""Yogi's Legacy in Question"".[/link]

"New lawsuit hits Golden Temple with fraud!"

Read about the infighting in 3HO and Sikh Dharma--
Today's Eugene Register-Guard:

""Rift in 3HO Sikh community threatens business empire""

Appeared in print: Friday, May 28, 2010

"Bhajan was a leader ‘by fluke’

Recently, a friend sent me articles from The Register-Guard on litigation involving Yogi Bhajan’s organizations in Oregon. The letters to the editor that followed, critical of the reporter, prompt me to throw some light on the subject. Bhajan was extremely good at what he did, but propagation of Sikhism he was not. Criticism of Bhajan’s cult cannot be construed as criticism of Sikhism.

Trilochan Singh, a distinguished Sikh scholar, in his 1977 book “Sikhism and Tantric Yoga,” describes Bhajan devastatingly: “Yogi Bhajan is a Sikh by birth, a Maha Tantric by choice but without training, and a ‘Sri Singh Sahib’ and self-styled leader of the Sikhs of the Western Hemisphere by fluke and mysterious strategy.” There was no mystery to his strategy. He ingratiated himself with the Sikh religious leadership in Punjab, which was more corrupt than the Vatican during the time of Martin Luther.

According to the Tantrics, the best form of worship is the fullest satisfaction of the sexual desires of man, therefore sexual intercourse is prescribed as a part of Tantric worship. In the annals of abuse of women, some had harems, others had concubines and Bhajan had secretaries. The Sikh gurus condemned the Tantrics and their practices. All the cases mentioned in The Register-Guard had merit.

Humility is the hallmark of a Sikh, and Bhajan had none of it. Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, describes people such as Bhajan succinctly: “Those ... who have no virtues but are filled with egotistical pride.”

Hardev Singh Shergill President, Khalsa Tricentennial Foundation of North America Editor-in-chief, The Sikh Bulletin El Dorado Hills, Calif.

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

"The book Sikhism And Tantric Yoga is available at: www.gurmukhyoga.com.This website which is operated by a genuine White Sikh is highly recommended. Gursant Singh was a member of the Yogi Bhajan Cult (3HO and the Sikhnet Gora Sikhs or White Sikhs) for over 30 years and has intimate knowledge about the inner workings of this cult which attempts to miscegnate Sikhism with Hindu idolatry. I downloaded the book from Gursant’s website and found it to be absolutely compelling. I read it in one compulsive and sustained draught. It is a study not only about cults in Sikhism but about the miscegenation of the Sikh Religion by Hinduism. It is a classic work rendered in beautiful English prose and it is patently the work of a profound intellectual scholar with a deep knowledge of Sikhism."
Quotation taken from: http://www.sikharchives.com/?p=5513&cpage=1#comment-2011

You may also view individual chapters to "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" at these links:

Sikhism & Tantric Yoga A Critical Evaluation of Yogi Bhajan

Sikh Doctrines and Yogi Bhajan's Secret Science

Yogi Bhajan's Adi Shakti Shaktimans and Shaktis

Yogi Bhajan's Clap Trap Theories of Kundalini Yoga

Yogi Bhajan's Ego Maniac Utterances

Yogi Bhajan's Seven Years in America and His Tinkling Titles

Yogi Bhajan's Arrest and Release on Bail

Yogi Bhajan Becomes the Only Maha Tantric in the World

Sikh Leaders without Conscience

Call to Truth and Authentic Sikhism

Please read an Excerpt below taken from "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"

The Name of Golden Temple and its Murals

"In England last year a firm advertised some blue jeans as Jesus Jeans. The whole religious world of England rose in one protest and stopped the manufacture of these jeans. The word Golden Temple has become an instrument of commercial affairs of Yogi Bhajan He has now even named shoe stores as Golden Temple. I was given a "Wha Guru Chew.""

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

Read about the "war between 3HO Sikh's Unto Infinity Board and Yogi Bhajan's Sikh Dharma". Yogi Bhajan set up all these organizations and installed their leaders. Decide for yourself if the Tantric Sex Yoga which Yogi Bhajan taught inevitably leads to mental and physical debauchery.

Many of these 3HO profiteers have cut their hair and renounced Sikhi! See these pictures below of Kartar Khalsa CEO of Golden Temple Foods and chairman of Yogi Bhajan's "Unto Infinity Board" who has cut his hair and is no longer a Sikh.
(Is it any wonder that Kartar and Peraim, Controlling members of Yogi Bhajan's "Unto Infinity Board",are wearing circus masks in the above photo?)http://cirrus.mail-list.com/khalsa-council/Kartar-Peraim.2-10.jpg

See these articles in today's Eugene Register Guard which shows the greed surrounding this dispute:

"Money trail at heart of Sikhs’ legal battle."

Wha Guru being used sacriligiously for huge profits by 3HO Sikhs
[image] [image]"Five flavors and they're all nuts!"


"What did the magician say to the Wha Guru Chew? Open sesame."


Yogi Bhajan used the sacred name of the Golden Temple, names and images of the Sikh Gurus, and sacred Sikh shabads for commercial enterprises to make millions of dollars. Wha Guru is even used as the name of a candy bar by Golden Temple Foods!Links appearing on the internet advertise Golden Temple along with wine and alcohol such as in this Google search link: "Golden Temple Granola - Food & Wine - Compare Prices" Other internet links associate Golden Temple massage oil with sex and sensual massages as in this Google search: "Sensual Soothing... Golden Temple Soothing Touch Massage Oil."

See for yourself the pictures below of the Darbar Sahib(Golden Temple) in Amritsar and Guru Tegh Bahadar featured on yogi tea boxes:
[image] [image]


3HO Sikhs are associating yogis, ashrams, tantric sex yoga rituals,drinking of wine and magicians of the occult with the Sikh Gurus and the Golden Temple See the Rare Photo (above) featuring the Harimandir sahib in 1908 when it was under the control of the Pundits or mahants. Sadhus and yogis felt free to sit wearing only a dhoti and no head coverings.The Gurdwara Reform Movement stopped such practices in India and gave the Gurdwaras back to Gursikhs.

Tantric Asanas taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy:Reprinted from Yogi Bhajan’s official magazine “Beads of Truth” 11, p. 39

Yogi Bhajan illustrated here controlling tantric shakti "energy". Notice the depiction of Shiva,above Yogi Bhajan's head, Shiva is the god of yoga for Hindus. The illustration also shows Kundalini Yoga Asanas taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy

[image] [image]

Yogi Bhajan's students are intstructed to meditate on Yogi Bhajan's picture everyday which you can see displayed in the 3HO Espanola Gurdwara in the photo above.

Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does an 8-foot high statue of the Hindu god Ganesh, adorn the entranceway to the Siri Singh Sahib (yogi bhajan) lane in espanola. This is the hindu god of "prosperity", as in the 3HO publication "prosperity pathways".Adi Shakti Chandi 3HO Tantric Deity worshipped by 3HO in songs and prayers(shown above). Read about Yogi Bhajan's Shaktiman and Shakti women.

Read these shocking fire pujas and occult numerology,(below), practiced and advertised in the latest newsletter published by 3HO Sikhs. These "kriyas" or pujas are complete rubbish,only adding to the destruction and dissolution of the Sikh faith and should not be practiced by Sikhs of the Guru. The object of these practices is to combine the Sikh faith with Hinduism; to defang, neuter and completely destroy Sikhi. The strategy is to introduce idolatry and a stratified priesthood into the Sikh Religion. Yogi Bhajan and his 3HO shakti cult followers are introducing idolatry and Hindu practices of pujas and tantra mantra into the Sikh religion. The Bhajan movement is attempting to shift Sikh worship from the commonwealth of Gurdwaras to private estates controlled by 3HO priests of Yogi Bhajan's Tantric sex cult church.
[image] [image]

Idolatry is forbidden in Sikhism....why does a golden statue of a yogi adorn the entranceway to the 3HO Gurdwara in Espanola. This is a Hindu practise.
3-HO Sikhs demonstrate(in the photo above)their complete subservience to false worldly material power by exhibiting the Flag of God (The Nishaan Sahib) at an even level with the flag of the United States in front of the 3HO Gurdwara in New Mexico. The Nishaan Sahib, (The Respected Mark of God under the shadow of the Sikh Broadsword) should always fly higher than the flag of all the false materialists. The Flag of the Khalsa should occupy a place of exaltation above any government's flag that temporarily inhabits the material world.


[image] [image] [image]
Tantric Yoga asanas (above) taught by Yogi Bhajan
and practised in 3HO Gurdwaras

"Tantric doctrines involving sex-poses or physical contact poses are extremely repulsive to Sikhism. The Sikh Gurus repeatedly ask the Sikhs to shun Tantric practices because they are based on a mentally perverted outlook of life. The Sikh Gurus ask the Sikhs to shun the very presence and association of Shakti-Cult Tantrics." Dr. Trilochan Singh "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"

[image] [image]
Tantric Asana taught by Yogi Bhajan for transmuting sexual energy:Reprinted from Yogi Bhajan’s official magazine “Beads of Truth” 11, p. 39

See how Hindu gods and yogis are displayed in 3HO Gurdwaras, (see link in blue).

See this post which exposes the most shocking relationship Yogi Bhajan had with Jagjit Naamdhari who is considered by his disciples as the 11th Sikh Guru. The Naamdhari Sikhs keep the Siri Guru Granth in a closet while they bow to Jagjit and refer to him as "SatGuru Ji" as you can see in the photos at this link.

Read these comments by traditional Sikhs. "What better way to make money: add a religious tone to the product. All of a sudden, it seems legit."

If you want to stop these degrading and sacriligious practices by Golden Temple Foods and Yogi Bhajan's cult followers; Post a letter of support on this website or write your local food stores and demand they stop selling Golden Temple Food's products. Some of the major stores which carry these products are Trader Joes, Whole Foods Market and Wild Oats but there are many many other stores who sell millions of dollars in Golden Temple Granola, Peace Cereal, Yogi Teas, massage oil and Wha Guru Chews.

Yogi Bhajan's sacrilegious teachings in the name of Sikhism are illustrated quite distinctly by pictures of Yogi Bhajan's portrait, hindu idols being displayed in and around 3-HO Gurdwaras and the practice of kundalini and sex energizing tantric yoga asanas inside 3-HO Gudwaras by Yogi Bhajan's students.
[image] [image]

Idolatry is forbidden in Sikhism. Why does an eight foot high image (above) of Yogi Bhajan controlling the tantric shakti "energy" adorn the 3HO Gurdwara in Espanola? You can see the menacing image of Yogi Bhajan overshadowing the Sangat on the right side of the entire Espanola Gurdwara in the photo above.

Idolatry is forbidden in sikhism....why does a golden statue of a yogi adorn the entranceway to the 3HO Gurdwara in espanola. This is a hindu practise.



Yogi Bhajan's students are intstructed to meditate on Yogi Bhajan's picture everyday which you can see displayed in the 3HO Espanola Gurdwara in these photos.
In a painting at the New Mexico 3HO Gurdwara(above)you can see the sacrilegious misrepresentation of our sacred Khalsa symbol "Khanda" with two swords around it. You may also observe in this painting how Yogi Bhajan is depicted on an equal level with Guru Ram Daas(the 4th Sikh Guru): Dr. Trilochan Singh recounts this observation in 1977 when he writes, "The other picture was the Khalsa symbol Khanda with two swords around it. The Khanda (double-edged sword) within this symbol was replaced by a picture of an American woman with Sari-like robes. The woman is called Adi Shakti. I saw this published in the Beads of Truth in London and have already commented on it in my book, The Turban and the Sword of the Sikhs. I told Shakti Parwha that this is the most sacrilegious misrepresentation of our sacred symbol. As usual she dismissed my opinion as unimportant."

The sikh code of conduct says food offerings to the GURU are forbidden, but there is a 'testimony' page over at sikhnet.com, a 3HO run site loaded with volumes of Yogi Bhajan nonsense talks. Yogi Bhajan instructs 3Hoer's to prepare meals as offerings at the gurdwara and calls this "a dish for a wish". This is nothing more than the Hindu practice of puja. The testimony states "a dish for a wish".
Please read an Excerpt below taken from

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

Yogi Bhajan studied and taught at the Sivananda Ashram in Delhi. This, in addition to his first Kundalini Yoga teacher Sant Hazara Singh. In the mid-1960s, Harbhajan Singh took up a position as instructor at the Vishwayatan Ashram in New Delhi, under Dhirendra Brahmachari. This yoga centre was frequented by the Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, his daughter, Indira Gandhi, and diplomats and employees from a host of foreign embassies.

Here's an article on Sivananda's approach to Kundalini Yoga:


These are all Hindu practices.

You can also read about the Gurdwara Reform Movement which stopped such practices in India and gave the Gurdwaras back to Gursikhs.


Gurdwara Reform Movement

A Rare Photo of Harimandir sahib in 1908 when it was under the control of the Pundits or mahants. Sadhus felt free to sit in meditation wearing only a dhoti.The Gurdwara Reform Movement (Gurdwara Sudhar Lehr) is the Legislation passed by the Punjab Legislative Council which marked the culmination of the struggle of the Sikh people from 1920-1925 to wrest control of their places of worship from the mahants or priests into whose hands they had passed during the eighteenth century when the Khalsa were driven from their homes to seek safety in remote hills and deserts.

When they later established their sway in Punjab, the Sikhs rebuilt their shrines endowing them with large jagirs and estates. The management, however, remained with the priests, belonging mainly to the Udasi sect, who, after the advent of the British in 1849, began to consider the shrines and lands attached to them as their personal properties and to appropriating the income accruing from them to their private use. Some of them alienated or sold Gurudwara properties at will. They had introduced ceremonies which were anathema to orthodox Sikhs. Besides, there were complaints of immorality and even criminal behavior lodged against the worst of them. All these factors gave rise to what is known as the Gurudwara Reform movement during which the Sikhs peaceful protests were met with violence and death and ended with them courting arrest on a large scale to gain the world's attention. Before it was all over many would fall as martyrs with some being literally blown apart while they were strapped to cannaon barrels.

‘During the Gurdwara Reform Movement, the Sikh leaders started a publication that was named Akali. From this paper and its policy the leaders began to be called Akalis, in view of which they formed the present Akali party. These Nihang Akalis should not be confused with the members of the Akali party.’ The Turban And The Sword’' , by Dr. Trilochan Singh. (Page 402)

I found this post at SikhSangat.com It exposes the most shocking relationship Yogi Bhajan had with Jagjit Naamdhari who is considered by his disciples as the 11th Sikh Guru. The Naamdhari Sikhs keep the Siri Guru Granth in a closet while they bow to Jagjit and refer to him as "SatGuru Ji" as you can see in the photos below.

The 'Namdhari' cult has been excommunicated from the Khalsa Panth. See for yourself the pictures of Yogi Bhajan depicting his close relationship with Jagjit Naamdhari.

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"However their are several instances which I find questionable about Yogi Bhajan. One includes the relationship they had with Jagjit Naamdhari (http://satguruji.blogspot.com/), and the other about an occurance that occured in the late 70's between Yogi and AKJ, where Yogi criticized Jatha for trying to "steal" members."

Yogi Bhajan wore huge gemstones for their so called “yogic energy and power". Yogi Bhajan adorned himself with these yogic rings and precious gems for different days of the week. Yogi Bhajan covered up the fact that these days are represented by different Hindu deities and the practice of wearing these yogic rings is really only the Hindu idea of pacifying the various gods and goddesses. Not only this, Yogi Bhajan used astrology and numerology in choosing these yogic rings. Yogi Bhajan believed the gemstones had "energy affects" and influenced our destiny, thinking and actions.
Yogi Bhajan shown here on Sikhnet wearing a yogic ring for power

Around the year 2000, Yogi Bhajan tried to personally sell me a yogic ring for several thousand dollars. We were at Hari Jiwan Singh's house in Espanola where HJ keeps a vast collection of gems worth millions of dollars. Yogi Bhajan told me. "You're naked." And he stated I needed a ring with a particular stone to protect me.

Yogi Bhajan’s wearing and promoting yogic rings is yet another Hindu practice camouflaged in the sheep’s clothing of "Aquarian or New Age spiritual thinking”. These things should not be practiced by Sikhs of the Guru. As Sikhs we should rely on the Guru alone for strength as Guru Arjan so beautifully states:

I have learnt the technique of true Yoga from the divine Guru. The True Guru has revealed this technique with the Light of the divine Word. Within my body He has revealed the Light that pervades all the regions of the earth. To this Light within me I bow and salute every moment. The initiation of the Guru are my Yogic rings and I fix my mind steadfastly on the One Absolute God.i,

A. G. Guru Arjan, Gaudi, p 208

The following is taken from "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga" by Dr. Trilochan Singh.

We quote Yogi Bhajan on Precious Stones and rings, which for him are his status symbol, and for possessing which he expends quite a lot of his energy and ingenuity. He says in Beads, Summer 1972, "Precious stones are not precious because the rich wear them and the poor do not. Rather, they are precious because when cut in the proper way they concentrate sun energy and can transmit to the individual through the skin. Hence most rings are worn on the ring finger. The quality of energy channeled by each stone differs and so does its effect on the individual. Stones also correspond to the planets and serve in mediating the scattered energy which comes from retrograding planets."
Yogi Bhajan has given the following comments on stones.
Ruby (Sun) concentrates the heart of the sun's rays.
Moonstone and Pearls (Moon) help balance out too much sun energy. They are commonly worn by Libra.
Diamond (Venus and practically everything) can concentrate miles of sun rays into one beam. Recently in Los Angeles someone was robbed of 100,000 worth of jewel within 72 hours.
Emerald (Mercury) has wonderful effect on the brain and is a cooling stone. Good luck for everyone.
Coral (Mars) is for balancing positive and negative forces.
Topaz (Jupiter) is a good luck stone.
Blue Sapphire (Saturn) can give so much energy to a person that he becomes negative. Those who are interested in details can read the Journal Beads, Summer 1972, p. 16. I do not know what is the opinion of the Jewelers on these statements but from the point of Sikhism these notions are worthless absurdities.
Yogi Bhajan does not wear the earrings of the Nath Panthi Yogis, but he wears precious gold rings (sometimes two and sometimes three) heavily studded with jewels, and cannot help displaying them ostentatiously, probably as a symbol of wealth acquired through the techniques of Tantric Yoga, which he sacrilegiously identifies with the techniques of Sikh mysticism. Bhai Gurdas, however, makes it clear to all Sikhs of all ages that Yoga asanas and yoga techniques are absolutely useless and unnecessary for Sikh meditations and the spiritual path of Sikhism:
jog jugat gursikh gurs am jhay a
The Guru has himself explained to the Sikhs the technique of true Yoga, and it is this: A Sikh must live in such a moral and spiritual poise that while hoping and waiting he ceases to aspire or crave for low ambitions and remains unconcerned and detached. He should eat little and drink little. He should speak little and never waste time in nonsensical discussion. He should sleep little at night and keep away from the snare of wealth. He should never crave avariciously after wealth and property.
Bhai Gurdas, Var 20 / 15

We still have very eminent scholars and saints who practice and live according to the Essentials of the Sikh Path with utter humility and devotion. They do not wear long robes. They do not wear gold and diamond rings. They do not contaminate Sikh doctrines and practices with practices of creeds and cults which are repulsive to Sikhism and strictly prohibited. There are piles and piles of correct interpretations of the Sacred Writings of the Sikhs written first by the great contemporaries of the Gurus like Bhai Gurdas, Bhai Mani Singh, Bhai Nand Lai, and our own contemporaries like Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh and Bhai Vir Singh. They not only interpreted it but lived it and suffered for it like living martyrs, never seeking anything but the Grace of God and the Gurus as a reward.
See an excerpt from a meditation taught by Yogi Bhajan listed on one of his student's websites promoting yogic gems at "YogaGems.com".

"Each finger represents a planet, whose energies we imbue with grace within ourselves and through our projection:

The little finger is Mercury, enhancing communication.

The ring finger represents the sun, empowering our physical bodies with healing and grace of motion.

The middle finger stands for Saturn. We strengthen virtues of patience and self-discipline.

The index finger is for Jupiter. We enshrine the light of wisdom within us.

The thumb represents the earth, ego, “dragons head and dragons tail.” We bring grace to the ego, so it supports our spirit.

I brought this realization of grace through the beautiful Light that had descended with me, wherein I experienced each finger’s cosmic connection—to the planet Mercury, the shining Sun, ringed Saturn, luminous Jupiter, and lastly, Earth—wherein dragons symbolize the spiraling DNA of creation, all these energies equally a part of my soul."

See these links by Yogi Bhajan's students promoting "Power necklaces".

Please read an Excerpt below taken from

"Sikhism and Tantric Yoga"
by Dr. Trilochan Singh (Link to entire book)

"Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which will inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously."

The Register-Guard
Yogi’s legacy in question |
Former followers say he abused his position for power, money and sex
By Sherri Buri McDonald

The Register-Guard

Posted to Web: Sunday, May 9, 2010 12:14AM
Appeared in print: Sunday, May 9, 2010, page A8

A slow, painful awakening led Premka Kaur Khalsa, a top secretary in Yogi Bhajan’s Sikh organization for almost 20 years, to leave the religious group in 1984, she said.

Premka Khalsa, 66, said she could no longer participate because of the inconsistencies she said she had witnessed between the yogi’s behavior and his teachings — the deception and abuse of power.

In 1986, she sued Yogi Bhajan and his Sikh organizations, settling out of court. In court papers, she alleged that the married yogi had sexually and physically assaulted her, that he was sexually involved with other secretaries and that, as the head of his administration, she worked long hours for little or no pay.

The organization’s religious leaders vehemently deny those allegations. Its business leaders did not respond to requests for comment for this story.

Kamalla Rose Kaur, 55, another former member of Yogi Bhajan’s 3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization) who wrote for a grass-roots newsletter in the community, said a light switched on for her when she was researching and writing about religious groups and thought, “Hey, we’re acting a lot like a cult.”

Former member Guru Bir Singh Khalsa, 60, who had been appointed a “lifetime minister” by Yogi Bhajan, said he received a wake-up call in the early 1990s, when Sue Stryker, then an investigator with the Monterey County District Attorney’s office, laid out evidence linking members of his spiritual community to criminal activity. Stryker, now retired, said a member of Yogi Bhajan’s Sikh community pleaded guilty and served time in prison for a telemarketing scam that bilked seniors out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

These and other ex-members of Yogi Bhajan’s organization say they aren’t surprised by events unfolding now, six years after his death. Legal disputes threaten to splinter the community. Allegations of the yogi’s past wrongdoing are resurfacing. And the future of the Sikh organization’s businesses are in question.

The outcome will ripple far beyond the religious group, whose companies have become intertwined with the local economy and business community.

In Multnomah County Circuit Court, the group’s religious leaders are suing the group’s business leaders over control of the community’s multimillion dollar businesses, including Golden Temple natural foods in Eugene and Akal Security in New Mexico.

“Organizations/cults that have charismatic leaders and their followings, once their charismatic leader dies, this is generally the kind of thing that occurs,” Premka Khalsa said.

“It’s the meltdown of a cult,” said Kamalla Kaur, who spent nearly 20 years in 3HO, and now runs an Internet forum for ex-members. “They actually kept it together longer than we expected.”

Steven Hassan, a Massachusetts-based author, counselor and former leader of the Moon cult in the 1970s, said he has counseled about two dozen former 3HO members, including leaders, over the years.

“The group, from my point of view, was always about power and money,” he said. “(Yogi) Bhajan is the consummate … cult leader. By not specifying someone to take over, there often are these kinds of political battles and meltdowns — people basically being greedy like Yogi Bhajan was and wanting more of a slice for themselves.”

Attorney John McGrory, who represents the religious leaders in the Multnomah case, said his clients strongly disagree with the description of their organization as a cult. They “believe very strongly that it’s a religion,” he said. “They practice and follow it, and they are ministers.” The proof, he said, is in the thousands of adherents who still practice it.

McGrory said the real source of the discord in the community appears to be that the assets Yogi Bhajan built up over the years are being taken for private use, with the blessing of the managers the yogi appointed to safeguard them.

Gary Roberts, attorney for the business leaders, has said they’ve done nothing wrong and have acted in the interests of the Sikh community.

When a founder of an organization, or the head of a family, passes away, disputes among successors are common, said Krishna Singh Khalsa, a Eugene Sikh for 40 years.

“There’s nothing spiritual or charismatic or cultlike about that,” he said. “It’s simply where interests clash.”

Religious leaders voice concerns

A year before he died, Yogi Bhajan established the “Unto Infinity” board to oversee the network of businesses, property and educational and spiritual nonprofits. Members include Golden Temple CEO Kartar Singh Khalsa and three of the yogi’s former secretaries: Sopurkh Kaur Khalsa, Siri Karm Kaur Khalsa, and Peraim Kaur Khalsa. Kartar Khalsa and Peraim Khalsa are domestic partners.

In the years leading up to the Multnomah lawsuit, the group’s religious leaders expressed concern that the business leaders, the Unto Infinity members, had abandoned the group’s orthodox beliefs, which include not cutting one’s hair, eating a vegetarian diet and abstaining from alcohol.

In court documents, the religious leaders allege that the Unto Infinity members acknowledged in 2008 that they no longer practiced those core beliefs.

Unto Infinity members did not respond to Register-Guard interview requests. But in March 2009, when the Khalsa Council, an international group of Sikh ministers, asked them whether they had cut their hair, were no longer vegetarians, and drank alcohol, the business leaders responded by letter, according to the Khalsa Council.

The letter said, among other things: “The questions raised are irrelevant to our roles and responsibilities in the organization. We are not the religious leaders of the organization; we were given administrative and financial authority and responsibility.”

The Unto Infinity members wrote that they had made many sacrifices while the yogi was alive and that now they’re applying “more kindness into our personal lives.”

“We have learned the importance of factoring back into our lives more joy and balance as we continue to serve this mission for the rest of our way home,” they wrote.

The Unto Infinity members wrote that if the religious authorities decided to narrowly define what a Sikh Dharma minister is, “we may not continue to qualify.”

However, they noted, “many current ministers in Sikh Dharma have broken their Sikh or minister vows, marital vows, and the laws of our country and have remained ministers,” adding that that had been true even while Yogi Bhajan was alive.

Watching the business leaders back away from the group’s religious practices, some former members said, reminds them of what they experienced when they decided to leave the group.

“You go through stages of discovery of how you gave away your power and were deceived,” Premka Khalsa said.

“Once the person who is defining your reality — the charismatic leader — once he’s not there continuing to enforce the beliefs, then your eyes start to open,” she said. “You see things in a different way, and it can be disillusioning.”

Premka Khalsa said that’s especially true for the yogi’s secretaries, such as herself, who sacrificed much of their lives to serve him.

“I met him at 25,” she said. “I was 41 by the time I left, so my life of family, child bearing and (being) productive in the world, that whole piece was gone. Nothing was put into Social Security, and I walked out with the clothes on my back.”

The women in his inner circle “were denied having a personal relationship with any other men,” she added. “Some of us wanted to get married and have children, but we got sidetracked into agreeing to forego that with the intention of serving something bigger than us. Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice.”

Flaws noted by former members

The group’s publications and Web sites praise Yogi Bhajan as an advocate for world peace and as a spiritual teacher who has helped improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

A resolution passed by Congress in 2005 after his death recognized the yogi as “a wise teacher and mentor, an outstanding pioneer, a champion of peace and a compassionate human being.”

But Yogi Bhajan also had flaws, former members said.

“He was a phenomenal yoga teacher, a phenomenal spiritual man,” said Guru Bir Khalsa, the former “lifetime minister” who left the group after 18 years. But the yogi “sabotaged his own dream,” he said.

Imposing at 6 foot 3 inches and 250 pounds, Yogi Bhajan claimed humility, but had a weakness for expensive jewelry, luxury cars and custom-designed robes, former members said.

“He was a big dichotomy,” Premka Khalsa said. “He was tremendously charismatic. It just drew you in. You felt held and you felt loved and you felt embraced and felt part of something that was magnificent and bigger than you, and always yummy.”

“On the other side, he could be devastatingly harsh and make decisions that seemed so contrary to what he would preach and teach,” she said.

“He was all about power and he became a victim of that experience,” she said.

Lawsuits on assaults, inheritance

With his long white beard, white turban and white robes, Yogi Bhajan advocated for world peace, founding an annual Peace Prayer Day in 1985. But his saintly public image contrasted starkly with his private behavior, Premka Khalsa and other former secretaries said.

In her 1986 lawsuit, Premka Khalsa alleged that Yogi Bhajan repeatedly physically and sexually assaulted her from November 1968 to November 1984.

McGrory, the religious leaders’ attorney, said his clients deny all the allegations in Premka Khalsa’s lawsuit, which “were never verified or substantiated.”

In court papers, she alleged that the yogi was sexually involved with various female followers, and that he ordered her to coordinate his sexual liaisons, including orgies, with other secretaries, which she refused to do.

The head of Yogi Bhajan’s administration, and an editor and writer for his publications, Premka Khalsa said she worked on average 10 hours a day, five days a week. She alleged that she was paid $375 a month — only in her last three years with the group.

“It was another part of how he kept us bound,” she said. “We didn’t have independent resources. He had a fleet of cars — one of which was mine to drive. And he had properties to live on, but they weren’t mine. You had few independent resources, so it made it hard to live out on (your) own. He did that with lots of people.”

Premka Khalsa alleged in her lawsuit that Yogi Bhajan called her “his spiritual wife, destined to serve mankind by serving him in a conjugal capacity.” He said if she did so, he “would care for her for all of her natural life,” she alleged.

When Yogi Bhajan died in 2004, his wife Bibiji Inderjit was to inherit half of their community property, and he designated that his half go to Staff Endowment, a trust to support 15 female administrative assistants. To receive her share, each assistant had to live in accordance with the yogi’s teachings and the Sikh Dharma Order, according to court documents. If she didn’t, her interest would be cut to 2 percent, the court papers said.

Among the trust beneficiaries are Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa, a plaintiff, and Sopurkh Khalsa, a defendant, in the Multnomah clash between the religious and business leaders, according to court papers.

McGrory said his clients deny that the Staff Endowment was in return for anything relating to Premka Khalsa’s allegations.

Yogi Bhajan’s estate still isn’t settled. In legal proceedings in New Mexico, the yogi’s widow argues that she was not aware of large gifts and expenditures her husband made while he was alive, and she wants an

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